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:. What's going on? .:

February 28, 2009

Jazz-Blues Box Night

Haven-t had the time to stop by more often and tell you what is going on with me, but it hasn't really been that much...well, sorta. I am still living an inspirational phase and I am still eager to create and produce photography every chance I get, plus, I've had the chance to meet several fellow Photographers, which I really enjoy--nothing like a colleague to understand you better and provide you with good feedback, not to mention long-interesting-estimulating conversations!
Anyways, a few weeks ago, a friend of mine (Paola V.) invited me to participate with some photographs to show them at this event she was organizing called "Jazz-Blues Box Night and though we had never set a date or any serious deal, she added me on the flyer anyway and sent it over...so that's how I found out I was part of the show...and realized I had only one day to get everything done (photographs selection, framing, putting them up, etc.)! So, in the end, I did manage to pull it off and yesterday the event took place @ the Light Club and I hve to say I had a really good time. Many of the people that I love and is important to me were there and I think, for the most part, people liked my work and I even managed to sell most of the photographs--which was like the main goal of this. So, I wanna thank to all the people who attended and especially the buyers--absolutely appreciated!!

And well, on to other not-so-important notes...I added 3 new iPods and a few new Quotes, I guess you already know where to check each, right? Well, go ahead and do so.

January 26, 2009

First Stop of the Year - Photography Blog

Alright, today I am doing the first stop of the year and I am glad to tell you I have a good feeling about this year, for some reason I beliebe 2009 has some good stuff for all of us, all we have to do is be ready to grab any opportunity we have that might take us where we want--so, beware people!

Anyways, I wanna start by letting you know that I have created a new Blog, though it is not personal of course, it is a Photography Blog, which will allow me to show people (all people, not only friends and family) some of my work, therefore, it will give me some exposure and, hopefully, some feedback, which is something very important for me as I guess it is for any artist. Since this year started I've been feeling pretty inspired and with a lot of desire to produce and I have been doing so very often and I really like some of the stuff I've done I might add, I think the creative process that takes to produce a photo becomes more and more creative not only as time passes by but as you do it more often, so that the more you produce, the more chances of getting creative stuff you have. Sometimes, you look back and realize you don't really like something you did a while ago, however, that makes you glad coz then you look at the last thing you did and you are able to compare and then realize (hopefully) there has been some improvement and without those first whings you did, you wouldn't have been able to get to this point, do you know what I mean? Hope you do. Anywho, I sure hope you enjoy visiting said Blog and also, feel free to make any comments on the photographs that are posted there; your feedback, opinions, advices and so on are always welcomed!

Visit my Blog now here: http://dianaverdin.blogspot.com

BTW, there are some new Quotes that I'm sure will make you laugh just as they made me.

December 31st, 2008

Last Stop of the Year

Alright, since this is the last day of the year I wanted to come by and let you know people that I haven't forgotten about this site or anything, I just haven't been able to come as often and update it; now, I don't promise I will do it more often this upcoming new year, because the truth is I don't really know and, as you may know, I don't like makig promises I won't be able to keep, however, I'll tell you this, I will definitely try to do so and if it's not quantity, I will at least give you quality.

So, this was a weird year, and for me, it wasn't only not a very good one but it was, I think, one of the worst I've ever had in my life; there was this lack (or loss) of stability I had gained the previous couple of years and things weren't always so easy, in fact, I went trough hard times but was lucky enough to count on the support of the people I love. In spite of the bad things that happened to me, I am SO very thankful to be surrounded by people who love me and are there for me when I need them--I do consider myself lucky in that way.

As for family, it was a year with a bit of a rocky start and quite a few stumbles along the way, but I worked very hard and tried my best to work things out whenever it was on my hands and now, I think it is all going very well and it's going to be even better. As for friends go...well, I did meet a lot of people this year, several of them with potential to be my friends or so it seemed, but the truth is, I only ended up gaining 2 real friends (Ana & Mau) but it's okay because they're both really good ones, you know, the kind you wanna keep for the rest of your life. And as far as the old ones go, well, I think I came to appreciate them more and actually learned the value of each and one of their friendships; some of them I get to see very often (which makes me really glad) but some of them, not as often as I wish but still, I know they're there and that they will be there whenever I need them and the other way around. Some of my friendships with certain people became stronger and the ties got tigher, we really bounded and I'm thankful for that.

In general, I am very thankful for this year of life in which I learned a lot from the many mistakes I made and the many times I tripped and managed to get back on my feet, sometimes on my own and sometimes with the help from my loved ones. Now, I do not know what will happen in 2009 but I do know that I have a good feeling about it and I think if we all work hard and try to be better persons on a daily basis, a lot of good things can come out of it in all areas of our lives, and it is really imperative that we observe ourselves very carefully in order to be able to detect what we may be doing wrong so that we can work on changing it and improve, and therefore become better human beings, the ones this world needs and deserves. So, instead of pointing out everyone elses's failures, try to point out their qualities, because it is all a reflection, the more you pick at someone for something, it means there is something wrong with you, something that you're not willing to see in yourself, hence you reflect it on others. Oh, and don't forget you first have to be a better person for yourself and then, for everyone else. Hope you have one of the most wonderful years of your life and achieve as most happiness as possible. Have an INCREDIBLE 2009! And please remember I love you all very much! Thanks for being you.

Now, on a completely different topic, finally, what you all have been waiting for...the Top 10 Most Quotable People, at least on this site. After more than 5 years of collecting hundreds of funny/stupid/interesting/smart/witty/moronic/hilarius/sweet/lovely/thoughtful Quotes from all over, I, thanks to requests and inquiries, decided to make this Top 10 and find out who are the most quoted people here. Those who are on the list are definitely people, if not to look up to, at least people to listen to, and you would have to as they're people who's got something to say, either if its smart, funny or insteresting, whatever it is, it's absolutely worth to listen, otherwise, it wouldn't be quoted for the posterity, right? So, if YOU are on the list, thank you for either making me laugh or roll my eyes and please, take this as a little tribute for speaking those unforgettable words to me.

Diana's Personal Site presents:

Top 10 Most Quotable People

1) Diana - 29 -- I never knew I was so quotable!
2) Gaby - 24 -- I'm sure if we still lived nearby, that number would be double by now!
3) Gichef - 16 -- Always as witty as her older sis.
4) Tere - 13 -- Almost as brutally honest as Dr. House.
5) Marce - 13 -- She's always got something ridiculous to say.
6) Marius - 12 -- Another pretty witty dude.
7) Gerardo - 10 -- This one could kill you from a laughter attack!
8) Marion - 10 -- Her silliness is funny coz it's true.
9) Ana - 9 -- This one gained her place real fast thanks to her wittiness.
10) Granny - 6 -- Always up with a good-granny-ish thing to say.

October 1, 2008

Parties and stuff

As you may remember, a couple of weeks ago the celebration of the Mexican Independence took place, and as I am a good Mexican, I celebrated with a party, of course. It was a roof party, which was like the coolest part…except it was kinda ruined by the effin rain! (Alright Jerry, I know, I know it´s thanks to rain that there´s life but come on, it did ruin a bit the whole mood!) So, we could only be on the roof during the fireworks but it was truly worth it being under the rain for a little while, they were great though I think last year´s were even better. Now, the food part was just okay, because “some” people failed to show up and bring what they were supposed to (and by some people, I mean Ana, Anititita, Angie & Arlette and so on), and well, basically we were there just drooling over a non-existing so-called-amazingly-good guacamole! But well, all in all, everything turned out okay.

Just a week after, a Jr. High Reunion happened, also in my house, there had been a previous one but me and my friends were not able to attend because it was too short notice and we´re busy people who have appointments and people to meet, so we decided we´d give it another chance to the event and have a re-do, and so we did. It was Saturday morning and I, for some odd reason, had forgotten there was a reunion happening at home, so I called Tere to confirm it was indeed happening. Around 8pm the first guest showed up, it was Pablo, a guy who NEVER used to talk when we were in school, he was always so quiet and weird, hiding behind his glasses…well, I guess you had one of those too, right? Everyone does. Little by little people were showing up, up until it was like 20 of us there. Some of them were, of course, my friends who I still see and talk to on a regular basis, but some others were people I hadn’t seen ever since the day I left Jr. High, so it was kinda weird. Weird because they were the same old people but at the same time they were…so different, you know what I mean? Like they´re all grown ups living the life they chose to live but deep down, they were the same silly 13-year-olds making stupid jokes and non-sense comments. I guess it was an interesting choice of people that showed up and altogether, it was fun, however, I am not sure I wanna do it again…at least, not anytime soon. Here are some pics from the encounter. <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>

And, back to the “new” friends…well, more like current haha It was Jerry´s bday on the 25th and we celebrated it by having dinner @ Chili´s, which was mainly coz it was a Thursday and on Thursdays, drinks are cheaper there. It was a Petite Comite dinner, it was just Jerry, Mau, Ana, Lila, Martha, Mario, Chayo and me that night. We had a delicious dinner after wandering like idiots in the mall because exactly that day the whole power went off in the WHOLE mall! Poor Jerry, talk about bad luck! lol After dinner, we had several good (and cheap) drinks, many were needed as the service was pretty lousy! Though it was a small gathering, it was real nice and we all had a lot of fun, and Jerry was pretty happy that day which is what matters the most. Golfaneja, hope many more of those are to come and I also hope I get to be there with you to make it all more fun, of course!. These are the pics showing how many drinks we had! Haha <<<<<<>>>>>>>>

Next day, it was FINALLY Friday (haha I complain like the week is too long and it really never is as time goes by real fast these days!) and, finally, the day we´d get to see Ximena Sariñana live @ the Metropolitan Theater. A couple of person who were supposed to go with us failed to show at the last minute, so instead of Mau´s sister Jerry went and instead of Ana´s bf, Marcela filled in. which was much better in the end, well for me, of course haha. Jerry didn’t wanna go in the beginning coz he hates Ximena and thinks she has no talent…just because she´s not such a diva like Sarah McLachlan or Toñita ( La Academia-he LOVES her!) for that matter, but I´m glad he went so he could see for himself how talented she is even though she´s not a diva! Marcela liked it, too though there was a point were she got bored--on her defense, the concert did last way longer than we all expected and she sang some brand new and unknown songs, but it was all good really, I liked it a lot even though I didn’t know most of the songs lol which I kinda hated, because you have more fun in a concert when you know all the lyrics to the songs, but still, I enjoyed it. Also Ana (aka Anititita), Soldado (aka Maru) and Ana (aka Loser) were there; Soldado was pretty reluctant to believe in Ximena´s music, which is why I never quite understood why she wanted to go in the first place, she says she only likes the song ”Cuento”, which at least is a great choice. The places in the venue were like the worst ever, as they were all the way up and to the left, but we could hear pretty well which is what matters. She sang TONS of songs, such as: Mediocre, Vidas Paralelas, No vuelvo mas, Gris, Reforma, Pajaritos, La Tina , Las huellas, Cambio de piel, Sintiendo Rara, Un error, Monitor, Mañana no es hoy, Normal, Como soy, Cuento and a few more which name I either can´t remember or don´t know.

Afterwards, we headed off to my house, well, just Jerry, Mau and me, to hang out and they slept over. We had pancakes and coffee for dinner…like old ladies! lol

during the rest of the weekend, I realized I had partied so much I had no much energy left to keep it on, so I just went to the movies…like 3 times. I saw 3 completely different kind of movies and I really liked them all, I saw ”Caramelo” (France-Lebanon), “ Paris ” ( France ) and ”Arrancame la Vida ” ( Mexico ). My fave out of those 3 was the first one, I liked the story, the acting, the direction, the photography, it was a really good movie in general, I highly recommend it. To see a full review of all of them, go to the Movies Movies section. And right after you go there, you can also drop by the Quotes Quotes section, where you will find a few new ones that will make you laugh your heart out! And talking about Quotes, I am doing a Top 10 Most Quotable People on this site, of course, so beware coz you never know, YOU may be within that ranking!

Oh, and last and never ever, ever least…the Music. I have some new awesome recommendations for you that I am sure (if you have good musical taste) you will love almost as much as I do, stop by the Music Music section if you wanna check them out.

September 14, 2008

Soy Fansititita Part II

A couple of weeks ago, thanks to my friend Tere, I had the chance to see Amandititita for free in a Showcase she did for the local newspaper El Universal. Funny thing is, it was only 4 of us (real people who actually likes her) there, the other people were "jounalists", and I am quoting because those were just a few, the other ones were...they were just there, really. So, obviously we were in the front row. She was supposed to do a 5-song-show only, but since 2 of my faves weren't on the setlist and I decided to make a request, she ended up doing 7. The show and songs were more or less like this: La Cumbia de Telmex, La Microbusera, La Mataviejitas, La Muy Muy, El Balneario (my request), Viernes de Quincena (another request) and, of course, Metrosexual. When the show was over, Amandititita was available for photos, autographs and all that, though she was kind of in a rush since she said she had to "go promote the Anarcumbia all over Mexico even though people don't like it" lol She was actually nice and even funny at times. To check the photos from the Showcase, just go to The Hall of Shame.

And well, on a completely different note...tomorrow night the celebration of the Mexican Independance will take place as well as will a Roof Party in my place. Every year, a huge celebration takes place in the main square of the City, the Zocalo and there's a music shows, food court, fireworks and the President goes up to the main balcony of the National Palace and does sort of a recreation of the proclamation of Independence by ringing the same bell that was used back then and moving the Mexican Flag...now, with the lights and festive mood and all this is all really pretty, EXCEPT...it's not, because the square is way too freaking packed to be truth and, as you may imagine, it's not exactly fancy people who go there. So, to make it all better, safer and more fun, me and my friends decided that we would see the foreworks and all that show...from a bit far away place: my roof. That's how we came up with the whole idea of having a party up there. There will also be food, drinks, paraphernalia, music and well, a bunch of friends coming together. You prolly already got the invitation on your email, but just in case you haven't, here it is:

And while you wait for tomorrow night to party, you can always drop by The Quotes section and check the new ones, there are some pretty funny ones I loved!

August 31, 2008

"Cocktail" News

It's been more than a month I have been doing my Internet Radio Show ("Cocktail") now and I have to say doing it has been very rewarding for me, and I'm not talking about money or anything like that, but the other kind of reward, you know? Even thou the station is kind of far from home and I don't get any economical reward for it, I just LOVE having my show and being able to produce it all (I get to present what I want, talk about what I want, play whatever I want), it's a really satisfying experience. Through this month I've been getting feedback from the few people I've told about it (I don't tell everyone coz--for some odd reason--I am embarrased they will listen to me) and I am glad it has mostly been positive, and sometimes, it's helped me improved myself--thank you all for your comments!

Now that the show is more or less settled, there have been a few changes, for various reasons. First of all, the transmision schedule has changed and "Cocktail" now airs every Tuesday and Thursday from 5PM to 6PM. And now, I decided to share the microphone with a friend of mine: Mauricio Acevedo, he's a really nice guy who has a great musical taste and well, he has a good taste in general, you know, music, movies, places...ergo, we get along very well and have a lot of chemistry, which shows when we're on the air and gives the show a certain sense of fresh air and makes it a bit more dynamic and fun. The sections remain all the same, except for the Travel one, which we had to get rid off due to the time reduction, but the Movies, Arts & Culture, Gastronomy and Shows & Concerts sections are still there, so don't be sad about it coz even thou we had to drop that one section, we will have a couple of new sections, which I'm sure you will enjoy. Plus, we will be having special guests to talk about and present their opinion on different topics, regarding all the sections we present, so stay tuned coz things are getting a whole lot better and we're just getting started! BTW, I almost forget...we also have a Blog for the show, which you can check out here: http://cocktailradiofonico.blogspot.com

Now, on to other topics...I just uploaded the new iPods of the Month, there are 3o of them: Gael Garcia (Mexican Actor), Cuauhtemoc Blanco (Mexican Soccer Player) and Fabiruchis (Mexican...umm...Mexican controversial figure lol). So, you can go check them now!

And, I've also put up a few new Quotes, go see if any of your clever phrases/comments are listed in there...coz they just might! haha

August 13, 2008

Urban Photoshoot

A while ago I promised the pics from the Urban Photoshoot Marius and I did about a month ago in Downtown Mexico City. The original plan was to shoot in Coyoacan, but we went all the way there and the Park was closed as they're fixing the streets and all, so we had to come back all the way down here, but in the end I think it was better, we found several great locations! I am not saying this just because I live here but Downtown is BEAUTIFUL (in some shots it even looks like Paris...kinda)!! A whole afternoon and an awful arm-pain later, we got close to 500 photos! But it was all worth it, we got a few good shots. You can check some of them at The Hall of Shame.

Urban Shooting Ft. Marius

And once you're done with the pics, you might wanna go check out the new Quotes

August 5, 2008

Soy FANSititita

As some of you may know, last Friday me and a couple of friends attended Amandititita's show at El Imperial bar. In spite of the fact that I'd seen her live before (at the Pride Parade Show, remember?), this time, it was just not the same...it was better, MUCH better I must admit to you, my faithful readers and myself. There is just something about her and her show, and the Music concept and all of it as a whole that simply makes you love it. I am actually a bit suprised since I've always considered myself a Rocker and we Rockers don't like Cumbia music or any of that kind of music that's too...jocosa, if you know what I mean; but like I say, there's something about Amandititita's music style that you get caught up and end up not only liking it but enjoying it and enjoying yourself as you would of never imagined before! And just like I told a friend: I even felt like dancing...and we rockers don't dance...we just headbang! If you have the chance, it is definitely a show you have to see in life. She didn't play much as she only has one album and said album contains only like 10 tracks. She started playing a few mins after midnight and opened up with "La Cumbia de Telmex", then she did "Mecanico", "La Microbusera", "Libidinoso", "Metrosexual", "La Muy Muy", "Viernes de Quincena", (which was like the BIG hit of the night, everyone was dancing and singing along!), "El Balneario" which right there became one of my new faves, then she started saying goodnight and all but people requested for the now traditional encore and she wrapped the show up with "La Mataviajitas" for which she wore a black little nurse hat and grabbed a huge knife--she was acting and all, pretty funny stuff, and "Sangoloteo", which she renamed as "Sangolorock" as she made some new rocker arrangements for it.

The Crowd. I have to say she is very popular among "Contemporary Adults", there was no young people among the crowd, there were all older than me! haha And they were all like "regular" people, if you know what I mean...well, in case you don't, I mean there were not Funky people, or exotic people or anything extraordinary really, just your average people crowd. There were also a few local celebs such as Claudia Lizaldi (who everybody hates), Kalimba & Oscar (ex-OV7), a guy from Titan, and Kalinda Cano (Telehit), who everybody loves...especially Amandititita herself! She thanked her for showing up at least 3 times and inserted her name on a song, and gave her a toy she used for another song...well, you could tell she was Kalinda's fan lol And Kalinda, well, she was just cool about it and was one of the persons who danced the most during all the show; after the show we got to meet her and she was pretty cool and complemented my camera--I'll put up her direct Quote later on. To sum it all up, the show was much better than I expected and that I care to admit I would of liked it to be, because now I, unflinchingly declare myself a fan of Amandititita. The pics are now up and available for everyone to see at The Hall of Shame.

Amandititita @ El Imperial

Talking about Quotes, there are a few new ones up.

August 1, 2008

iPod's Reloaded

Just as seen on TV!!...no, wait, I mean, just as (previously) seen on this very same website, the section everyone missed without even knowing so, the section that might contain more reality than you'll know...ok, ok, enough with introductions, you know I'm talking about the one and only: the iPods section! It's been like FOREVER I hadn't worked on any but I had had problems with my comp and then I lost the program I used to make them with and well, lots of issues, plus I don't think I was inspired to make them, not as much as I am now anyways. In fact, I am SO inspired now I even made 4 in one sitting!! How's that eh? One is a national star and the other 3 are international celebrities, whose both, iPods and its playlists, you'll hopefully enjoy (and maybe even laugh a little bit). [Thanks to my Socia for some of the suggestions]. If you have any other suggestions as for Celebrities or playlists' songs, let me know. So, were wondering what plays on the iPods of Becks & Posh? Lindsay Lohan? Madonna? or even Lupita D'alessio? Yeah, bet you were, well, wonder no more and go compare it with your own playlist here and now!

So, yesterday was my mom's bday [Happy Bday, mom! Hope you had a nice bday after all--at least I know you'll have something to remember! hehe Wuv ya TONS!!]. There some pics from last night's dinner at The Hall of Shame

And talking about inspiration...it has also made its comeback for the people surrounding me and they're more clever than ever; to see how clever they are and/or if YOU are one of those clever beings, check The Quotes sections now!

So, finally tomorrow is Friday...and not just any other Friday, it's Cocktail Friday...and, a friend and I are going to see Amandititita live @ the Imperial (Alvaro Obregon at Oaxaca, Condesa, DF) so, it sure seems like it's going to be a good start for the weekend. Plus, I will have a Surprise Guest on Cocktail tomorrow, so tune in to find out who s/he is and what s/he has to say!

Cocktail, con Diana Verdin

July 28, 2008

Almost like the real deal!

Last week Madame Tussaud's-the most famous and important Wax Museum in the World located in London, England-unveiled the new figure of a Celebrity: Amy Winehouse and everyone, myself included, was VERY impressed as the wax figure is amazingly close to the real Amy--and I just saw the pic, can only imagine the real thingo!! Word says Amy was too busy sleeping to go unveil the figure herself so she sent over her parents in her name to do so. If you live in London or just happen to go there sometime, you HAVE to go to Madame Tussaud's and see Amy Winhouse's and all the other figures, celebrities and non-celebrities. All the jobs are pretty good but only a few as awesome as this particular one, trust me! Here's a pic so you get an idea what I'm talking about.

Wax Amy Winehouse

Moving on, I have something for you, just updated the Music Section with a few new recommendations regarding what's now playing on mi iPod--hope you do try some and like it, and if not...well, tell me yours and we'll talk. And now that we're in the music topic, my friend Tommie found/sent something to me and I really liked it, not only the fact of how they do it but what they actually do--ah, technology is just awesome, isn't it? Check this out:

Last but never ever, ever least, I uploaded a few photos to the Friends section @ The Hall of Shame and also updated the To Love and To Hate sections.

P.S. Stay tuned because The iPods section is making its come back anytime soon!!

July 26, 2008

Pobre Estupida!

For a little more than 7 months I had been waiting for Maria Daniela y Su Sonido Lasser to play again in town as, for some odd reason, they play shows mostly in the US (they're a Mexican band). About a month ago, I heard they're playing not only in town but in one of my top favorites venues: El Pasaguero. I cannot tell you how happy I was, well, if you know me, you can imagine so. Maria Daniela's music has a VERY particular style, not to mention her own, she is just something you DEFINITELY HAVE to see live before you die, even if you're not a fan of her music, her show is really a MUST.

So, last night I was all excited about the show as well as was Gichef--we went together since she's a fan herself. The night started out really good because Pasaguero has this promotion where if you have it on your Top Friends on Myspace and you print your profile showing it, and then you're one of the first 10 people to show it on the door, you get in for free! So, I obviosuly printed the thingo out and showed it and got in for free--how cool was that? Very, since I saved $150.00! lol Anyways, we got in around 10PM and just as we were passing through the door Maria Daniela and her crew arrived--nice timing! Once inside, we were just chilling and I had my cam out (the Nikon) so a girl came up to us and asked "what media are you guys from?", to which I (stupidly) replied "um, none... and she was like "oh, I just thought...coz I saw the camera and all", ha my cam looks SO awesome it always makes me look pro (which I am, of course!). Anywho, I said stupidly coz I could of told her that I work for the radio (which is true) and then gotten an interview with Maria Daniela--pfft! Gichef asked me what would I have asked her I had gotten such interview with her...my mind was blank at first, but then a lot of questions came to me, such as: Where do you get inspired to write your songs? Where did you learn to dance the way you do? (lol) Do you borrow your outfits from your mom or you make them yourself? and maybe, just maybe if the conversation allowed it...what is your real age and how come you sound like a 16-year-old when you sing? hahaha That would have been a fun interview. Few mins later I went to the ladies and when I got out I realized Maria Daniela was coming out as well--again, timing! When I went back to where we were sitting, she was right there with her bf so I took the chance and took a picture of her, and she was really nice and even posed for me.

Cocktail, con Diana Verdin

Right afterwards, the show started and she opened with "Pobre Estupida, which is gonna be like her new single and right after she played my fave song on the new album (Juventud en Extasis): Pecadora Normal, and then they played like most of the new record and some old hits such as Miedo and, of course, Carita de Angel, which EVERYONE loves and went crazy with--that song ROCKS!! They played for a bit more than an hour and, again, didn't play El Tuviera No Existe, which is one of my personal favorites and they didn't do an encore either, they never do--that's a part of the show I don't appreciate. But her outfit and (funny) dancing from the 80's make up for everything, if you wanna see what I'm talking about, you can go check the rest of the photos to the Hall of Shame.

On to different matters, I have the promo spot for Cocktail (my radio show), you can listen to it right here:
Promo Cocktail

Oh, and I almost forget but I created a Cocktail Blog just for the fun of it, and so you can post comments and/or talk about the show or whatever over there--thought it was a nice way to make it all a bit more interactive. BTW, THANK YOU so much to those who have been listening to it and providing me with feedback--it has helped me a lot and I'm glad you're digging it!

July 20, 2008

Moshi Moshi!

Just last week I was like 3 seconds away from depression. The cause? Several, none worth to mention at the moment. Then, all of a sudden I received a phone call that, oddly enough, started to change everything. Right after that call, I started getting a few more calls bringing on good news, it was great and also, a lot of good things started happening afterwards. Among those calls, was a proposal to be Assistant Photographer for my fellow Photographer (and former school mate) Flavio Pastor , it was to do a Photoshoot for a Japanese model, Rima Numasaki...needless to say, I accepted the offer. Said shooting took place yesterday at Flavio's studio and even though it wasn't as glamourous as you may think it would be, it was just everything I expected: exciting, interesting, fun, exhausting but most of all, very satisfying!

Rima (the model) was a bit shy because she isn't quite able to speak Spanish very well just yet but she was real nice, she just got her working Visa and now she will start doing some stuff here; she actually already worked on a shortfilm, which I had the chance to watch a little part of and it was good...it was a horror shortfilm and you know Japs are good at that sorta thing! The shortfilm was made by Alfredo Garcia (for Zombie Studios), he's a Make Up and Special Fx Artist and he's really good, he showed us his work and he's done VERY impressive stuff! Anyways, the shooting took a few hours (a couple more than expected) but it was pretty good and I got to do some Making of... shoots, which you can check at The Hall of Shame, like this one right here:

Rima Numasaki Shooting (Making of)

BTW, as some of you may remember, last Friday was the very first day "Cocktail" went on the air and it was great, not the show, that one...I don't know, good I hope, I mean, the whole experience, I just loved it, it felt good and it was fun and I was still somewhat nervous but I'm confident that will go away as time goes by. Now, I did get some feedback from some friends and all and well, it was mostly good feedback! Hehe And people LOVED the music, which is like REALLY important for me coz that's one of the main goals of my show: to educate people musically speaking! Hahaha Anyways, I hope you enjoyed listening and if you did, well, tune in next week coz I'll be back for more! lol
That's all for today, but I will be back soon and be able to, hopefully, give you all the good news. Arigato Masai!

July 13, 2008

The Radio Days

It was like 10 years ago or so when I was a teenager and LOVED the radio; me and friends used to be hooked up to the radio all the time, one radio station in particular: WFM 96.9, which was like THE radio station back then...at least, it was for us. There were only 4 broadcasters, but they were more than enough, plus, they used to play the BEST music ever! The music I basically grew up with and the kinda music that made me like the music I like now and that I believe even defined my (music) style. I remember liking the radio so much I even wanted to be a broadcaster myself, that's something I always liked and whenever I've had the chance to be in front of a mic I just enjoy it way too much!

Well, why is Diana talking about this now anyways?, you must be wondering...yeah, yeah, I can hear your thoughts! Haha Thing is, I recently presented a project for a radio show on an Internet Radio Station called Era Radiofonica and it got accepted! That's like good news for me and I wanted to share it with you but you SO don't have to feel obligated o listen to it or anything, but if you ever do, just outta curiosity...any (constructive) critic and/or suggestion is absolutely welcome. The show will be broadcasted every Friday from 10AM to 12PM and to tune it, you should go to Era Radiofonica, choose your preferred audio player and voila! The show is called "Cocktail" and I cannot assure you it will be [insert spectacular word here], but it will be entertaining and it will definitely have some good music!! BTW, here's the poster for the show, the original idea is mine but I wanna thank for the design to my friend Ruben who's a great designer (thanks for the design, Moko Face, I loved it!).

Cocktail, con Diana Verdin

And passing on to completely different issues, there are some new Quotes and some new Photos from last Friday's night out @ the Blackout, you know where to find them...well, just in case it's on the Hall of Shame under The Friends.

July 6, 2008

80's & 90's Revival

Last weekend, on the previously mentioned afterparty for the Pride Parade at my place, a funny conversation came up with my dearest friend Gerardo. For some odd reason, we started talking about the cartoons and TV shows we used to watch as kids (both being the same age) and the most unbelievable things came up, like "The Torkelsons, The Snorkels (which he mixed up with each other! lol), Out Of This World, Bosque Magico, David the Gnome, Alvin & The Chipmunks, The Berenstein Bears, TVO, Colitas, Life Goes On, Step By Step, The Wuzzles and many more! There were some nobody else at the party remembered, except for me and him, which made him really glad coz he says people used to think he made those things up haha. Not only we talked about those shows but we even searched for the videos on Youtube!! Ah, that made the experience a whole lot better, it was like being a kid all over again! We even reached to a point where we had this incredible connection like I'd say something and Gerardo would think of the opposite but just by the look on his face I knew what he was thinking and corrected him immediately, dragging him to what I was thinking, it was too freaking funny, we were laughing SO hard we couldn't stop! Needless to say, we went to bed until almost 7 am of the next day. Hun, I had such a blast I'm still laughing about it...just as I know you are! lol Anyways, I chose a little video for those of you who are our contemporary mates, so you can remember and laugh like we did. It's the intro for Ready or Not--one of my personal faves. Enjoy!

And just before I go, I will let you know that I've put up some more new Quotes and also, I've updated the Friends section.

July 2, 2008

The Ultimate Rejection Letter

Herbert A. Millington
Chair - Search Committee
412A Clarkson Hall, Whitson University
College Hill, MA 34109

Dear Professor Millington,

Thank you for your letter of March 16. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me an assistant professor position in your department.

This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of candidates, it is impossible for me to accept all refusals.

Despite Whitson's outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does not meet my needs at this time. Therefore, I will assume the position of assistant professor in your department this August. I look forward to seeing you then.

Best of luck in rejecting future applicants.

Chris L. Jensen

I found this while surfing (stumbling) the net and found it very funny and (almost) usable hehe. Seems to me like I may have to write one of these anytime soon...ok, hopefully not! lol

June 30, 2008

Birthdays & Parades

Well, first of all, I would like to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ALL of the people I know who has a birthday this month...which are a lot! Didn't know September was such a horny month! Hahaha Anyways, Happy Birthday to my not-so-little-anymore sister, Gisela, Ingrid, Ruben, Gabriela, Karina, Juan Carlos, Mau (de Lopez) and some other people I think I'm forgetting, hope you all had a wonderful day and tons of fun...oh, lotsa pressies, too, of course! lol Love ya all!!

Ok, now, on to other issues...last Saturday the Pride Parade (aka Marcha LGBT) took place in Mexico City and I was looking forward to it as I had heard there were pretty good chances to get awesome shots and it was a lot of fun and all that, well, turns out it was fun, yes, but only because I was with my friends and they're so much fun but the Parade itself wasnt't really all that much fun or even interesting, I mean, no offense but it was full of low-class trannies and ho's! I think I was expecting too much but well, in the end I did have fun and I did get a couple of nice shots, and the afterparty was even more fun so I guess it was worth it.

Oh, and I almost forget...one of the "highlights" of the evening was the show that took place in the Zocalo after the Parade, where they crowned the Gay Queen (Susana Zabaleta) for the year and all and a few people sang; the self-called Reina de la Anarcumbia, Amandititita among them, which was like the best of all, not because she is talented or anything but because she is way too funny to be true, and I mean her whole persona! Not mention her songs are something to laugh about, she sings about silly things in a very crappy and hilarious way and well, at least she sang live so that gets her points, right? hehe Anyways, she sang her now "classics": Metrosexual and La Mataviejitas in a purple toutou and that made it all even funnier! We left afterwards. Here's a pic of the day and you can check the rest of them at The Hall of Shame.

Gay Parade 2008

June 18, 2008

The Death (and replacement) of Blacky D.

It was the morning of a Monday, early May when I was cleaning up my house and playing Cinderella and all and I was listening to music on my iPod aka Blacky D. when it suddenly stopped playing so I went and checked it out and it was frozen so I decide to restart it (as it usually had been working out), which didn’t work, instead, it got on a weird restarting loop and it wouldn’t get out of there and you could hear the hard disk cracking on the inside--those of you who own an iPod can only imagine how I felt. I immediately took it to the Mac Center, where the guy checked it out and tried to fix it, but it wouldn’t work either, so he told me he’d send it directly to Apple and, most likely, they’d replace it in a couple of weeks. Which wasn’t entirely true, it actually took more than 3 weeks! And then, there it was, a brand new iPod, no more Blacky D, it was long gone. So, I decided to rename the new one, as it is a different iPod, I thought it deserves a different name, right? Mom had came up with Black Mamba and I had given that name to Granny (for her own iPod, of course) but only on the condition she engraved it right away, which I am pretty sure she hasn’t done, therefore, I am entitled to take the name back and use it for my new thingo (sorry Granny, I warned you! lol). So yeah, my new iPod’s called Black Mamba, for reasons that I think are obvious and I don’t need to explain (or do I?).

On, to another note, I got pretty good news from my friend Emma (aka Farola) today, she is pregnant with her second child (Emito is the first one)!! She’d been wanting it for a while now and I’m pretty sure she tried REALLY HARD and now she’ll be a mom again. Congrats, my dear friend—I am really happy for you & Remi!

Black Mamba

June 16, 2008

Two Years…

I cannot believe how fast these past couple of years have passed, it seems like it was just yesterday when I was struggling to take one of the most important and difficult decisions I have ever made in my life! Yes, it has already been 2 years since I came back to the City and left Jalapa with just 2 suitcases carrying my clothes and CD/DVD Collection and my good friend Jose went to pick me up to the station, I remember how scared and excited I was, both at the same time. It was like coming into the old but with a brand new breeze, you know? It was the beginning for me and my life, the new life I was to make on my own. Now, after 2 years, things have (as I had hoped) been falling into place and most of it is as I wanted it to be and, in general, I am pretty happy and satisfied with what I have achieved so far and I do not regret for one single second coming back and leaving all the comfort life I had at my mom’s, so far, so good! I love my apartment and just being there, alone or with friends, I think it’s a cozy place (or that’s what people say haha) and I’ve been told I am not a bad host--phew! lol I still have a few goals to achieve, of course, but I am working towards to do so and, hopefully as usual, things will fall into place just in time and just the way it has to be.

P.S. Happy Birthday to my friend Karina! Hope you have a great day and lots of fun, see ya soon and don’t forget that I love you!

May 14, 2008

Immorality at the Park?

In a normal world, country or city, you’d see a policeman and feel safe that he is around, any fear that the surroundings may provoke would be gone; like I said, in a normal city, in a normal country, in Mexico, the city of Monterrey (northern city) to be more specific is quite the opposite. You don’t have to be a burglar, robber, kidnapper, drug dealer or anything like that to fear the police, sitting around the park with your ex-boyfriend will do the trick. As it happened to my friend Patty a.k.a. Piporra. So, she was sitting in the park, at night, with her then-ex-boyfriend-now-boyfriend-again when they heard a patrol coming over and saying things on the speaker, things they didn’t understand nor didn’t bother to, as they never saw themselves as delinquents who had to pay attention to a patrol speaker…up until the patrol stopped in the middle of the street and the policeman got off and walked right up to them. He asked them for their personal info just before calling them “immoral” for hanging around at a park that late at night. Ok, so a park is not THE place to hang out late night, but hey, sometimes it just happens. So he calls them immoral when they weren’t even kissing, let alone anything else.

Next thing you know, they’re both dragged to the police station for no reasonable charges but hanging around at the park in the middle of the night. They got to the place, which was full of not very nice people as you can imagine and they were separated. Afterwards, in different rooms, they were asked to empty their pockets and they were taken with a doctor for a general check-up. The so-called-doctor asked Patty if she was drunk, drugged, pregnant or anything like that--oh yeah, first class treatment! A couple of hours later, after hanging out with punks and God-knows-what-else kind of people, they were told they could leave…as soon as they paid certain fee, otherwise, they would have to spend 24 hours in there, they obviously paid and got out after calling a friend to get them out. Patty didn’t wanna call her parents, which was very reasonable, I mean, what was she gonna say “um, hey mom, it’s me, sorry for calling so late but I was at the park with my ex in the middle of the night and then the police picked us up, can you come and get us?”, pffft! Anyways, they got home and she told her parent what had happened; now her dad wants to sue the police for being such jerks and picking up people just for hanging around in parks, and the man is right, I mean, I would totally do the exact same thing. The police should be out there trying to catch “bad guys” not midnight-lovebirds. Needless to say, it was a horrible experience for both, Patty and the guy. So, I guess that tells you the kind of police we have in Mexico--shame on us!!

P.S. Now you know, you can go around drug dealing, mugging people, kidnapping, raping, anything, EXCEPT, hanging out with your significant other at parks!!

April 14, 2008, 2008
Art and The City

I have been kind of absent due to my new job. I now work for an audioguide company that works in Museums, currently working at the Museum of Anthropology and History of Mexico City. So far, there have been up and downs but, overall, it hasn’t been that bad really and I’ve met nice/interesting/weird people. The best thing is that I don’t have to work locked down in an office from 9-5, you know? I get to talk to tourists (national and international) and I do have fun every now and then, plus, I get to see the temporary exhibition (Isis and the Feathered Serpent) for free! Haha

It was thanks to a workmate actually, Yhali, that I got the chance to participate and be part of the staff for MACO 2008 (Feria Mexico Arte Contemporáneo), which is the most important Fair for Contemporary Art in Latinamerica. It is going to take place next week, from April 23 (Grand Opening) to April 27. As some of you know, I have in my hands some courtesy tickets, so if you’re interested in attending this huge art event, feel free to contact me and let me know what day(s) you would like to attend; it will take place at the Centro Banamex (Hipodromo). At MACO, you will find artwork for both, sale and exhibition, from hundreds of artists coming from 17 different countries; if you’re into art, this is an event you cannot miss! For further info on this Fair, please visit: MACO’s Official website.

And, continuing with the art subject and as it is only natural due the fact that I live in downtown, I am going to talk about the 24th Festival de Mexico en el Centro Histórico, which is a Festival that takes place every year in downtown and many of its sites and venues such as Museums, Cultural Centers and some other Historic buildings. Within this important Festival we are able to presence lots of things, going from plastic arts exhibitions (both, artwork and installation) to music concerts, including plays, outdoor shows, anime screenings, workshops, restoration, conferences, and so on, there is always something for everyone.

What’s interesting about this Festival is that every Museum and important building in downtown tries to participate and be a part of it by presenting new stuff, which is of course, a great opportunity to many artists to showcase their work in the frame of an event of such magnitude and that, they know, will reach thousands of people, in total, there will be more than 900 hundred artists and 65 venues will be used for this purpose.

Said Festival kicked off last Thursday 10th and the first thing that I had the chance to attend was yesterday’s Conference with Vik Muniz at the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso (one of my favorite Museums in the City). He is a Brazilian visual artist living in New York who works with things as plain and simple as chocolate, sugar, plastic toy soldiers and even diamonds. I first had the chance to see his work at the Contemporary Art Museum of Montreal last year and what makes his work interesting is that, most of it, has a double reading; this is because not only he will use the previously mentioned materials but he will make a copy of very-well-known artwork such as the Monalisa, or Che Guevara or a picture of Elizabeth Taylor. So, whenever you’re looking at his work, you will not only need the ability to read an artwork made out of such materials but the previous knowledge of what it is portraying, which altogether gives it a whole new reading and interpretation.
The conference went on for a bit more than 2 hours, including a question-and-answer segment and some poster-signing/picture-taking at the end; he is really a funny person and with all his anecdotes, he is able to get you hooked into his work and the story behind it. The opening gala will take place tomorrow night at the same place and I will have the chance to see the work he brought for this exhibition for the first time, as he told me himself it is so much better than the one he presented in Montreal, not to mention, there will be the traditional free drinks and artsy people mingling--it shall be fun.

The Vik Muniz exhibition opens officially on Wednesday 16th and will go on until September. For further info on this particular exhibition and the 24th Festival de Mexico en el Centro Historico, visit www.sanildefonso.org.mx and www.festival.org.mx, respectively.

Death by Oreo – Daniela Edburg

February 22, 2008
The Winehouse Matters

Controversy is (mainly) what surrounds Amy Winehouse, this 24-year-old North Londer with BIG hair and lots of back eyeliner, EVERYONE’s got an opinion on her; that she is a junkie, an alcoholic, that she goes in and out of rehab, that she misbehaves on the streets of London with her spoiled little friends (Kelly Osbourne, Lilly Allen, Arctic Monkeys and, of course, Pete Doherty), that Doherty is her dealer, that her husband committed felony and that she gives him money to bribe witnesses, that she gets arrested and well, lots and lots of more things, however, the only thing known to actually be truth is that she is a VERY talented musician. She’s got this amazing voice and she’s a great songwriter--not so a dancer though (coordination may not be her thing lol)…okay, okay, she may not be very articulated either but hey, I think YOU would be speechless if you won 5 Grammy awards in one night, too, now wouldn’t you?

I think Amy Winehouse has such a strong personality that she is one of those personas you either hate or love, there are no midterms regarding her, which, in a way, is cool because that means she is someone you have to look at, whether you will like it or not, you just see her and immediately come up with your opinion about her.
Me? Well, I admit I heard all the buzz around her and her addiction problems first than her music itself, but it was thanks to that I decided to download some of her stuff and I have to say I did like it right off, it sounded different from what I’d heard, from what musicians do these days, from what I usually listen to, but it was different good, then it started to grow on me more and more, I even wanted to go see her when I was in London but all the shows were sold out so it wasn’t possible for me to enjoy her music live--bummer! Plus, I think she is really funny, sometimes, even sober; she’s got this sort of dark sense of humor, she just cracks me up.
I think it’s kind of stupid that someone like Natalie Cole, who was an addict herself, criticizes Amy and is against her getting those Grammys just because she does drugs, I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying drugs are good or anything, but I truly don’t think she got all those FIVE awards for being a junkie but because she is talented and, as far as I know, whoever grants the Grammys does it for an artist’s talent on the stage and not for what they do or how they handle their personal lives, for them, it’s talent what matters and not any other matters. If even to this day your ears happen to be Amy Winehouse virgins, first of all, shame on you! And second, these are some of her songs that are a must: “Back To Black, You know I’m No Good, Valerie, Addicted, Rehab. Tears Dry On Their Own, Hey Little Rich Girl, Fuck Me Pumps and Monkey Man, just to mention a few. Ok, so now go ahead and download away, and if you don’t like what you hear, you can come and kick me…okay, you cannot come and kick me BUT, you can always delete away--ah, the magic of technology! Hahaha
So yeah, I guess you can say I am a fan of hers and her music, obviously and well, I just hope she doesn’t die from an OD before I get to see her live lol

P.S. If you DO like what you hear, I recommend you get her ”Told You I Was Trouble: Live in London” DVD, it’s pretty cool.

Amy Winehouse on her classic stage

P.S. Now that we are on the music topic, I also want to recommend to you this AWESOME French rock band that a friend recommended to me and that I really, REALLY like! They’re called Dionysos and, like I said, they play rock, well, mainly, as they include several other rhythms and styles here and there. They’re very original and combine French and English. So, if you’re a fan of good music regardless the language its performed in, then this is a band you should definitely give a chance and listen to! Among their best songs, or well, the ones I think are the best are: “La Metamorphose de Mister Jack, Giant Jack, L'homme sans trucages, When I Was A Child I Was A Jedi, Old Child, A Lips Story In A Chocolate River and a few more. They have a Myspace in case you want to check’em out there.

January 23, 2008
Stand By To The Holiday

Today, I decided I am going to put on stand by the third chapter of The Holiday and talk about other stuff. I know it’s been 2 months already and I hadn’t mentioned it before but just two days before leaving on my holiday my friend Teresa S. invited me to see a concert as a (belated) birthday present, which was more like a win-win situation since she was too excited to see that show herself; anyways, she took me to see Ely Guerra live at the Hard Rock Live. In spite the fact that I really like her and her music, I had never had the opportunity to see her live before that night so I thought it’d be cool. The show was supposed to start at 10 pm but it actually started more than one hour late, which kinda pissed me off but then, I saw Ely doing her thing and it was definitely worth the wait. She is pretty amazing live, she is a great singer with a very rocker attitude and she surfs on the crowd and all (even when wearing a dress!)--I heard it’s one of her fave things to do on the shows.

The show lasted a bit more than an hour and she sang quite a few songs, including classics such as “Mi Playa, Peligro, Júrame as well as a bit more recent stuff like “Quiéreme Mucho, Ojos Claros-Labios Rosas, Pa Ra Ti and some others. We were very close to the stage and, lucky for me, when she threw herself to the crowd, everyone wanted to get a piece of her so they all ran up to her and moved away allowing me to move forward to get even closer than I was before, so I could get better pics. And talking about pics, well, they’re up on the gallery already, so just go to The Hall Of Shame and check under Bands, you’ll find them there--hope you will enjoy!

And to continue with the shows, now I will tell you about the first one I saw this 2008. I’m sure most of you have heard of it and perhaps you like it, or maybe even love it (as much as I do); I’m talking about “The Beauty and The Beast: The Broadway Musical”. Well, if you’re around my age I’m pretty sure you grew up watching all the Disney classics, including this one, which is one of my personal favorites; and, if you’re not my age, it doesn’t really matter because I’m almost positive you saw it anyways, did you not? Thought so. Anyways, the production was brought to the city a few months ago and ever since I heard about it I was dying to go see it, especially because there was such a big fuzz about it, but then I kinda forgot about it and moved on. Then, along came The Lion King (the musical as well) and it made me remember about The Beauty and The Beast. I knew my mom and my sister wanted to see it, too, so we figured this would be a good time before the season ends and my mom was kind enough to get the tickets for all of us and we went last weekend. It was a bit longer than the movie itself as it lasted 2 and a half hours with only a 15-minute break--I don’t know how the little kids could take it! It had some extra scenes that didn’t exactly feature on the movie but there were also some scenes on the movie that the theatrical show skipped, such as the snow fight Belle and the Beast have, but I guess its understandable. All of the actors are pretty good and I loved the fact that the group singings sound just like they do in the movie--I was so thrilled about it! Haha I think the one who doesn’t sing that well is Belle, when she talks it’s okay, it’s pretty close to the movie but not when she sings, she was a bit too loud. The characters of the Beast and Gaston are both pretty good, as for singing, acting and dancing. One of the my (and I think most people there, too) favorite characters was Chip, you know, the little talking-cup, it was an 8-year-old kid and he was too cute to be true, everyone loved him! So, if you like theater and musicals and you liked the movie, you should totally go see it, I’m sure you’ll love it; it’s a bit more expensive than going to the movies, but it’s worth it.

Now, enough about shows, let’s talk people now. This 2008 brought not only new people to my life, but it also brought back old people. I’m talking about my cousin Ivan, last time I saw him was on September last year, it was just for a little while at a family party and it wasn’t all that cool. Then I saw him at my aunt’s mother in law’s on New Year’s, he totally looks like he is doing a lot better now, I think he even behaves differently, towards people, I mean; he’s cooler, he’s settled down now, at least, for a while. So, after hanging out there for a little while he came to my house and we stayed up talking the rest of the night and even some hours of the morning. After that, he stayed here for a couple of days and then just came to visit everyday--I just couldn’t get him outta here anymore! Hahaha Nah, I’m kidding, I’ve had a good time hanging out with him again, it’s like nothing ever changed, like nothing ever happened, not even time, we’re the same as we were when we were little, we fool around and laugh about anything and everything, we trust in each other and it’s just really easy to talk to each other--I like that. Believe it or not, he is a Mime…his job, I mean. That’s what he does to earn his living. He calls himself “The Poet” and he goes around on buses reciting poems with his face all painted in white and blue and he actually does very well; he says he does that because of the money, of course, but mainly, because he really enjoys it. Gisela and I went with him one day, to see him work I mean (that New Year’s day actually), and at first it was kinda weird and we were like a bit embarrassed but then, we saw him do so well we just started enjoying the show and well, if that what makes him happy, so be it!

January 21, 2008
Chapter II: Paris, France

After an about-6-hour flight from Montréal, I got to Paris; it was about 9 am when we landed. This time, I actually got my luggage real quick, then I went to get a map and prayed not to do that bad out there since my French was (pretty much anyways) non-existent and that was the farthest (until then) I’d been from home. So, Le Metro was on a strike and it was really hard to move around town, because that included the buses and some trains. I finally managed to catch a bus to the center of the city, or somewhere close, which was Montparnasse station. From there, there was no bus, metro or anything that’d take me to Jeremy’s, my CS host there. So all I could do was ask around and try to get there by myself, which I did and I did it walking. I found myself carrying around 2 heavy suitcases [Note to self: next time…GET A BACKPACK!] and walking among cafes and boulangeries (bakeries), asking for directions in half-French, half-English, it was kinda funny, something like “bonjour, excuse moi…parle vu angle?” and when they didn’t all I could say was “bonjour, excuse moi, c’est ou Rue de la Convention?”, but that wasn’t such a good idea because then they thought I spoke French and started talking too much until they lost me half the way haha anyways, it was around 2 pm already when I found Jeremy’s and I just can’t tell you how pleased I was…up until I realized it was 7 stories to go up and there was NO elevator!! In a normal situation would have been okay, but after a 6-hour-flight, non-sleep for 24 hrs, crossing the Atlantic, changing time zones, and too much walking around carrying my luggage under the sun it was a bit too much for me, so I took a deep breath and started going up.
Jeremy’s building

Once there, Jeremy opened the door. I have to say the very first impression wasn’t quite what I expected. He was with this girl from the US, Couch Surfer, too, her name’s Anne, they’re smoking and I don’t mean cigarettes; that was fine by me but not too much fun since I don’t really smoke myself. So, after I caught my breath Jeremy told me they were going to La Tour Eiffel to meet another CS and asked me if I wanted to come or I’d rather do my own stuff; I was too tired to think about a plan or whatever so I said I’d come along.
We left the flat and stopped by a boulangerie to get something to eat, we ate it at a park and then went to pick up Nicholas, a friend of Jeremy’s. Then, we went straight to La Tour--note that all of this was walking! We got there and met Annélie (Sweden).
Me @ The Eiffel Tower

We hung out a bit in the park while I was taking some photos and Jeremy was doing some juggling, and then decided to go up the Tower and the “adventurous” Jeremy decided we’d take the stairs! Oh yeah, after all I’d been through I had to go up La Tour Eiffel by the stairs!! It was getting very cold so I thought it’d be good after all haha. More than 500 stairs later we were up there and it was beautiful, what a view!! For a second, I couldn’t believe I was there but then I got it over and started taking tons of pics. We stayed up there for a little while and then went down since we had to go home and get ready for the CS party that was taking place that night. We got to Jeremy’s and I was, FINALLY, able to take a shower, in Jeremy’s so very unconventional shower (you will see it on the pics), it felt just great, I charged batteries and was like new again. Then some friends of Jeremy came over as well as Elizabeth, another US CS and we all had dinner--it was actually real nice, it felt like having dinner with old friends, such good vibe! Afterwards, Jeremy’s friends left and we were picked up by another Parisian CS who gave us all a ride to the Mayflower, which was the bar where the party would take place. We all started mingling and drinking around, we met lots of people, most of them CS’s, of course. We were having such a great time and then Anne and I went on a quest for a free drink, which we got, of course! Actually, we got a few haha I looked at the time and it was like 1am so I thought maybe we’d leave around 2 but then I looked at the clock again and it was 5 am already!

Us @ The Mayflower

So yeah, I guess you can tell how much fun we had. We got home around 6 and then I found a burned chocolate cake and since Annélie wouldn’t stop mentioning it was going to be her birthday on Monday I thought we should sing Happy Birthday to her, so we did and then she actually ate it lol we also had pizza for dinner (or should I say breakfast?) and then, finally, after more than 40 hours without any sleep, I went to bed. Slept for about 4 hours and then got up.

I got ready and then left the flat and, alone with Annélie, headed off to Le Louvre! First we walked a bit around a street market that was outside Jeremy’s and I got some stuff, then we caught a (free) bus to Champs Elysées and then walked through Jardins de Tuileries towards the Museum. Although there were a lot of people, it didn’t actually take us too long to access the museum. We tried to see as much as possible but well, you know, it’s the Louvre so we basically did the Grande Galerie where we saw the Renaissance and, of course, La Joconde, which is really small (77 x 53 cm) and a bit overrated I may add, I mean, it is beautiful and all but for all that buzz, you’d think there’s actually more to it. My personal favorite was “Les Noces de Cana” by Veronese (Paolo Calieri), which is right in front of La Joconde, it is really impressive and quite amazing, not only because it’s huge but because it is very pretty. Afterwards, we decided to go to the upside-down pyramid, that’s pretty cool, I really liked it. Then the museum was about to close to we left to meet Annélie’s CS host to get her stuff because he was leaving for the south of France and she was then going to stay at Jeremy’s, too, but then she called a friend of her mom’s who lived in Paris, Patricia and we met her at Rue de Rivoli. She took us to her place, initially it was just for dinner but she ended up offering us both to stay at her place with her and her husband, Francois. Jeremy had a bit too many people at his place and then his shower wasn’t quite charming so I thought it’d be a good idea that we both moved to Patricia & Francois’ and so we did. She was nice enough to drive us all the way back to Jeremy’s (on the opposite side of Paris) after dinner to pick my stuff up. I thanked Jeremy and we’d agreed we’d still meet up to hang out and stuff. I spent the rest of my stay in Paris with them and I had such a wonderful time; they’re an amazing couple and just awesome people, I must say, I loved staying with them! on Monday we did a lot of stuff. We started up with the Père Lachaise Cemetery, Le Sacre Coeur Church at Montmartre (VERY beautiful!), Pigalle (sex shops, strip clubs, etc.), Le Moulin Rouge, yes, the one on the movie, Café Les Deux Moulin--the one from Amélie--I was so freaking thrilled to be there, I’d always wanted to go and it was pretty neat to be finally be there having a cup of coffee!

Cafe Les Deux Moulin

It looks much bigger on the movie though, in person is a bit smaller, at least, that’s the impression I got, otherwise, it’s exactly like on the movie. Then we went to the Centre Georges Pompidou, which is a contemporary art museum that I truly LOVED! Its pretty big and amazing, with 6 stories and lots and lots of artwork; temporary exhibitions were real good but the best part (for me) was the permanent exhibition, also the museum store has pretty neat stuff as well as expensive lol
Afterwards, I met Charline et Remi from CS, they’re couchsurfing at my place in December so meeting seemed like a good idea, and so we did. I thought they’re a really nice couple--too bad they weren’t up for dinner with us afterwards. So, they left and just a few mins later Jeremy arrived along with Elizabeth and Aravind (an Indian CS staying at Jeremy’s), so we all headed off for dinner at a veggie restaurant called Saveurs Veget Halles since Annélie wanted to try a vegetarian dinner, just for a change, not that she is really a vegetarian. The food was just okay although I don’t think I could be a vegan myself, I can’t live without cheese or chicken and a good steak from time to time hehe. Anyways, the best part of the dinner itself was the dessert, of course haha

We had a good time and then went back home, which brings a good story to the table! Turns out Jeremy and the others went to his place as me and Annélie went to “ours”, we knew what metro station to get off at but we’re so dumb we totally forgot where we lived!!! Pretty stupid, I know, but well, it happens, you know? lol. It was past midnight already and we were outside the metro station, which was like a round about and we didn’t know what street to take to get home so, I kinda remembered the name of it so we started asking around; first we asked a girl but she was a bit more confused than we were and then a couple of guys came up to us asking what we’re looking for and I wasn’t feeling so sure about telling them, you know, 2 strange guys on the streets of Paris after midnight coming up to 2 foreign girls who don’t speak French and are lost…that didn’t seem like a very good idea to me but they did seem kinda nice after all and Annélie was already talking to them anyways so I had to go for it as well. She asked one of them for his mobile to call Patricia and he was really nice enough to agree and he actually started dialing, I told him it’d be better if Annélie or I talked to Patricia so she wouldn’t be scared from hearing a stranger on the phone in the middle of the night asking for her home address but I guess he didn’t listen and he talked to her himself, lucky for us, Patricia took it well and actually gave him the address and all. So, they took us to the corner of the street we should take and indicated us the exact address a couple of times to make sure we’d get there. We talked a bit while we were walking, the one who called is named Fred and he told me he is a photographer, which I thought was really cool being one myself, he told me he was just back in France from Asia and Africa where he’d been working. So, while Annélie seemed very entertained with one of the guys, the other one (Fred) was just staring at me with this look on his face, so I just stared back at him (which I didn’t mind since he was really hot!) and after a couple of mins of staring at each other he warned me he’d kiss me, to which I was going to reply when he was suddenly kissing me already! Afterwards, he accurately commented “that was a French kiss!” to which I could only say “indeed, it was!, pfft! I gotta say it was quite a kiss, I guess now I know why they attribute French kisses to the French haha Anyhow, Fred then told me that he had an exhibition going on at a Gallery in Stinville and that I should go and all that, he gave me the address and his number and then made me promise him I’d call him next day (yes, if you were wondering, I did call him--I always keep my word). Later on, we finally arrived home and went to bed because we had to get up early the next morning to have time to do everything we wanted to do.
The next day we woke up and had breakfast at home, then left for the Saint Michelle Fontaine, where the free walking tour would depart from. We got there just in time as the tour guide, Adrian (who’s from Mexico but grew up in NY and now lives in Paris), was just starting. We walked through, into and by Le Seine, Le Louvre, Rue de Rivoli, Le Comédie Française, Louis XIV Palace, Rue et Eglise Saint Honoré, Jardins des Tuileries, Museé d’ Orsay et Le Concorde, where we left the tour as we’d already seen what they were going to see. We took the Metro and went back to the station that smelled like pee very badly: Saint Michelle; then just walked to Notre Dame, where we lost each other, as Annélie wanted to write down everything she read and I preferred to just look around and take photos of what I thought was worth it; I waited and looked for her for a while with no luck so I wandered around the city for a while on my own and I liked it. At night, I was going home on the metro when I heard someone screaming my name, turned around; it was Annélie of course--never thought Paris could be so small, so then we went home together.
Wednesday was my last day in Paris, and I wanted to do as much as I could with the little time I had left so we got up early and left the house. We first went to Champs Elysées, Le Arc de Triomphe, Le Conciergerie, Le Saint Chappelle, and then wrapped it up with a boat tour in Les Vedettes Du Pont-Neuf along Le Seine and its zillion bridges, it was pretty cold but it was worth it, I got some great pics and got to see some amazing views from the city during the sunset. When it was done, we walked a bit around the Saint Michelle area and then found a little restaurant where we had dinner to then leave for home. We were supposed to go out to a bar called La Fleche D’or but it got late and I had to go to bed since my train for London would leave at 8 am the next morning. Thursday morning, I got up very early and got ready, Annélie went with me to the station Gare Du Nord, where we said goodbye for me to meet with (what I used to think was) my destiny.

On, to other things, I’ve just added a few more Quotes to the list and I’m sure you’ll laugh almost as much as I did; and, who knows? Maybe one of your very own and unique phrases is featured there! Just go check’em out, you know you want to!

And, in case you haven’t been around much, I have finished uploading all of the photos from Montréal and I’ve also started uploading some of the ones from Paris, now, finishing those is going to take a while because there are like a zillion of them!! But I’ll try to hurry as much as possible.

And last, but certainly not least, I’ve updated the To Love and To Hate sections as well and I am currently working on other sections such as Me, Music and Movies, so stay tuned because it’s a new year and there are tons of new things to come.

January 14, 2008

Notice: Lately I’ve been asked to write this section in English (again), since my amount of English-speaking readers is again bigger than the Spanish-speaking ones and most of them speak English anyway, so after considering it for a while and because I am (really) such a nice person...I’ve decided to consent to do so--in the end, this site is for the people so who am I to say no to you guys? So, from now on I’m gonna be writing this section in English once again and now it’ll be the Spanish-speaking people who will have to get your English skills to work...or a translator if you need one--I mean, in case you care that much about my writings lol So, here I go...

The Holiday

So yeah, I am back from my Holiday, I have actually been back for a bit more than a month now but I hadn’t had the chance to tell you all about it and as lazy as I am, maybe I never will, however, I can tell you as much as it’s possible for me to type. Well, I will be brief, VERY brief!

Chapter I: Montréal, Canada
It all started last November 12th, I left mexico around 2 pm heading off to Montréal, Canada, being that an obligated stop due to the airline I used (Air Canada). I arrived there around 8 and spent 2 hrs. at the damn airport because, for some reason, they lost my luggage, along with another guy’s. So, me and the guy (Jaime from Leon, Mexico) spent those 2 hrs. desperately looking for our suitcases with no luck. Good thing I met him because if I had been alone I would have totally panicked! Anyway, after 120 mins., about 300 rounds inside the airport and 3 secs. away from going to luggage claim…we saw them, there they were, 4 suitcases lying on the floor on the very opposite side where they should have been at the beginning. I totally hated Montréal’s airport people at that time. Anyways, Jaime and I exchanged phone numbers and then hung out together for a couple of days while we were there. Then I got out of the airport and, finally, met Amélie, my very first Couch Surfing* Host. She was with a friend, they greeted me and then led me to the car, and then we headed off her place, where I spent 2 days. Next day I got up early to leave the house with Amélie, then I went downtown since I figured there had to be some stuff to see, right? Well…wrong! At least not the part where I was at first, it was actually kinda lonely and creepy at some points so when it got really creepy I just walked back to the opposite side. It was actually very weird, downtown was too lonely for a Tuesday morning or I dunno, maybe I’m just used to crowded places coming from a big city. Anyways, I kept walking and walking in the cold. I visited the museum of Contemporary Art that was showing a Vic Muniz’s exhibition, he’s a Brazilian artist. Then, went for lunch and then found the shopping district. I have to say using Le Metro there was pretty easy as it is too much like Mexico City’s Metro, I got around it real quick. That night, Amélie was very nice and took me a bit around town to places like Mont Royal and Old Port--it was very cold that night, but we still walked by Old Port. Next day in the morning, I had to move to Julie’s, my 2nd CS host but she wasn’t gonna be there until 6 and Dominic, her bf, until noon, however, I still had to take out my stuff out of Amélie’s early since she was going to work. I met Jaime at Le Metro and then we walked around what was supposed to be sort of like the Mexican District, which was actually just a few blocks full of closed stores, and it was 10 am already, guess cold weather make people a bit lazy lol. Anyways, afterwards, we went and had lunch. Later on, around noon we decided to head off to Julie’s and we arrived there but no one was home; in the door, a little msg: “Diana, I’ll be back in 10 mins - Dominic”, so we waited for about 10 mins and he arrived. He let us in and showed me my room, I left my stuff and then he gave me a letter from Julie, which was incredibly sweet of her, in it she basically told me to make myself at home and stuff like that, then he gave me the key to the apartment! That was incredibly awesome, I could not believe such level of trust for a, let’s face it, total stranger. So, Jaime and I went out and hung out all day, went to the Holocaust Museum, a creepy park and some other places. Then, I had to be home by 6 to go out with Julie since she was taking me to a concert, she works for the City of Montréal so it was an African Music concert and it was good, they had all the old ladies dancing along, it was too funny.

Next day, Julie was, again, too nice and she made me breakfast. Then, I got out and hung out with Jaime, too. We went to Mont Royal, the avenue, which is very long and full of funky-cool-vintage stores. I saw some pretty cool stuff there, especially a record shop, they had tons of vinyl records and I got one of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Then we went downtown for lunch, ran into a university students’ manifestation on the streets and then headed back home. That night, Julie took me to a contemporary dance show featuring Crystal Pite, whom she really likes as she is a dancer herself, in fact she’d promised me she’d tap dance for me but then she got sick and wasn’t able to. So, we were watching the show and suddenly she goes like “I gotta go” and leaves, I thought she’d gone to the bathroom until 25 mins later she didn’t come back, so I went out and look for her only to find her outside, under the rain. She said she was feeling really bad and she had to go out to get some air, so we went back home. Needless to say, we called the night off. Next day was my last day in Montréal so I went to the Belgo Galleries where I got to see several exhibitions, some pretty interesting, some pretty boring. Also went to a local market--too clean to be true haha I got some stuff for my mom and sis and then went back home so Julie would give me some suggestions for things to do in Paris, since she was there a couple of years ago. Afterwards, the time to leave came, Julie had offer to give me a ride to the airport but since she got sick she wasn’t able to and I had to go by myself. I took the metro to the bus station, where a shuttle would take me to the airport. I thought shuttle meant real fast but as it turns out, it doesn’t and not only it was delayed for about an hour but it took about another hour to get to the airport; lucky for me, I was still on time to document my luggage and all and well, good thing is I didn’t have to wait for too long at the boring airport hehe

*Couch Surfing. It's an online community where you can both, host and stay with, people from all over the world. It's a really amazing community and it helps you to get to know people from lots of places and to get an insight of their culture, living and so on. It's absolutely free, fun and very intereting! Couch Surfing definitely makes the world a better pace and I think everyone should do it. For more info, visit: www.couchsurfing.com

Me @ Le Parc Lafontaine

*CouchSurfing: "seeks to internationally network people and places, create educational exchanges, raise collective consciousness, spread tolerance, and facilitate cultural understanding." Go to http://couchsurfing.com for further info.

Noviembre 10, 2007

Le Fabuleux Destine D’…Diana Verdin

Como algunos de ustedes saben, el día 12 de Noviembre estaré partiendo de mi querida Chilangolandia, destino? Varios, en realidad. Comenzando por Montreal, Canadá, donde estaré solo 4 días para después partir con rumbo a Paris (léase con acento francés, si no, no suena bonito jaja), donde planeo pasar unos 5 o 6 días para después salir a un nuevo destino, o mas bien, reunirme con mi destino: Londres!! Donde estaré por una semana hasta viajar a Toronto, donde haré una escala de unas cuantas horas, y posteriormente, abordar mi último vuelo, de regreso a Chilangolandia. A decir verdad, estoy muy emocionada, he esperado mucho tiempo para irme de vacaciones y POR FIN el momento ha llegado; pero como siempre, hay algo que lo tiene que arruinar todo. Debido a la rotunda (y carente de sentido) negación de unos días de permiso sin goce de sueldo, muy probablemente me encuentre desempleada a mi regreso, hecho que por supuesto me desagrada y me tiene un tanto intranquila, pero la verdad es que lo he meditado mucho y este viaje es una gran oportunidad y pues si los planetas se alinearon para que sucediera, quien soy yo para ir en contra de su voluntad?! Digo, al final de cuentas, chamba hay mucha y lo que se dice inútil, inútil…pues no soy, asi que estoy casi segura de que los planetas se alinearan de nuevo y mi buen karma me ayudara a encontrar de nuevo un buen empleo. El punto es, creo que he trabajado lo suficiente y definitivamente merezco unas buenas vacaciones y me alegra que por fin se haya presentado la oportunidad.

No puedo esperar para llegar a cada uno de esos lugares y recorrerlos de arriba abajo y sobre todo, fotografiarlos de arriba abajo y de un lado a otro, ya imagino las maravillas que mi lente captara! Con las cuales, mis queridos lectores, sus pupilas serán deleitadas a mi regreso, por supuesto. En fin, estoy solo a 2 días de partir y las ansias me comen. Ya les contare como estuvo todo.

Deséenme suerte!
Au revoir!

Noviembre 8, 2007

Adiós a Rocktubre

Parece que apenas comenzó y ya se nos ha ido, así es Rocktubre termino y bueno, la verdad es que no fui a tantos conciertos como hubiera deseado, pero se que hay mejores cosas adelante, además, fui al que mas me importaba que estuvo increíble asi que con eso me basta. Por supuesto hablo del Motorokr Fest! Fue el 19 de Octubre y todo comenzó como a las 4 de la tarde, cuando llegamos (Gisela, Gaby, Mario y yo) un poco tarde debido a que Gabriela se dio el lujo de hacernos perder el tiempo al salir del trabajo fumando y yendo a Starfucks por cafés. Al llegar, pasamos la mayor parte del tiempo de un escenario a otro ya que había 2, el rojo y el verde; en el rojo se presentarían las mejores bandas, por supuesto, pero el Verde no se quedo muy atrás y tuvieron a bien presentarse en el bandas tales como Bengala, a quien ya había visto en vivo pero una rock mas nunca sobra, Los Dynamite, a quienes obvio todos amamos y quienes en vivo rockean mil!! Después estuvo el IMS (Instituto Mexicano del Sonido), a quienes desde que regrese al DF nunca había podido ver en vivo y por lo mismo disfrute muchísimo, son bastante buenos y prenden cañón a la banda, y por ultimo, Volovan, a quienes solo Gaby quería ver y que al final por andar en la chela y en el moshpit se perdió.

Y pasando al escenario Rojo comenzamos con bandas un poco mas chidas, obvio, las internacionales. Primero, toco Austin TV, a quienes obvio nos perdimos por ya mencionado retraso, después, toco The Bravery, llegamos justo cuando comenzaban a tocar y la verdad estuvieron muy bien, los escuchábamos mientras comíamos…por aquello de la buena digestión jaja. Después, en ese mismo escenario vimos a Porter con su clásico show alternativo, pero no por eso malo, al contrario, luego vinieron los Dandy Warhols, a quien prácticamente nadie en la vida conocía y quienes, honestamente, me parece que arruinaron un tanto su chance de ganar fans pues en si sus rolas no son como tan comerciales y/o movidas y encima de eso, las que son “upbeat” las tocaron mas lentas de lo normal, en fin, en lo personal los disfrute mucho, tenia muchas ganas de verlos en vivo y estuvo super bueno. Ya entrada la tarde vino Molotov, la bandera (como dice Gaby) se prendió cañón, como era de esperarse, aunque debo confesar que lo único que yo quería en ese momento era que terminaran de tocar para que, así como tan pronto subiera Incubus al escenario se bajaran, no es que no me gusten, sino que me dan toda la fiaca del mundo, juro que los 70 minutos que tocaron fueron unos de los 70 minutos mas eternos de mi vida, queria subir al escenario y patearlos para que se fueran con todo y sus 83 canciones que eran igualitas una a la otra, en fin, afortunadamente, esa agonía terminó y alrededor de las 11 de la noche, mi marido, Brandon Flowers y sus bandmates salieron al escenario (por fin!). Casi puedo decir que me gusto mas que el concierto de Diciembre pasado…pero no estoy segura, de lo que si estoy muy segura es de que estuvieron mas que INCREIBLES, en serio, lo ame mas de lo que ya los amaba, tocaron mucho y muchas buenas rolas, aunque (como siempre pasa) me quedaron a deber un par de ellas, pero las que si tocaron estuvieron super bien!! Incluso tocaron el cover de Can’t Take My Eyes Off You y un par de rolas nuevas como ”Tranquilize” and ”A Shadow Gray”, que es un cover de una banda cuyo nombre no recuerdo ahora mismo, pero es una excelente canción, en serio!

En fin, la verdad lo pase increíble con el Perrow Rockerow (quien renuente a asistir en un principio, pero quien termino disfrutándolo aunque no tanto como yo), Gabitch y Mario. Aquí una fotito de aquella tarde/noche de rock! Mas de ellas en su sección favorita (The Hall of Shame, obvio)

Motorokr Fest 07

Y en otros asuntos, he aquí fotos de la celebración de mi cuarto de siglo. Por cierto, gracias a todos por venir, lo pase muy chido!

Me & some of my friends

Ah, y casi lo olvido. He actualizado un par de secciones. Así que pueden darse una vueltecita por The Friends. Y si después de eso, aun tienen tiempo y ganas de curiosear y reir, pues pasen por The Quotes! En fin, mas por venir, muy pronto!

Octubre 1, 2007

Rocktubre...Bienvenido sea!!

Hoy tengo k comenzar por contarles sobre el concierto de Bloc Party el pasado 19 de Septiembre. Tuvo lugar en el Auditorio Nacional y empezo como a eso de las 9:14PM, despues de que los teloneros (Los Liquits) tocaran por aproximadamente media hr.

La verdad siento que el sonido fue un tanto deficiente, lo cual me parece muy raro siendo el lugar k es, en fin...segun yo Bloc se escucha mas fuerte en mi casa ha! Tocaron como 1 hr. y media y, obvio, cerraron con canciones como She's Hearing Voices y otra que hoy no recuerdo. En general, creo que esperaba mas, pero no estuvo del todo mal, al final del dia Gabitz y sho lo pasamos muy chido y ella aprendio que no comprar souvenirs en un concierto es simplemente como no ir a ese concierto!

Hablando de otra cosa, como ya es tradicion, en mi depa el viernes fue viernes de enfiestacion nacional! Jaja Fue la Despedida de Fanni, la verdad estuvo muy divertida y ahora si nos la amanecimos. Ese dia Fanni paso la tarde en mi casa para cocinar antes de retirarse a las lejanas tierras Francesas. Comimos y bebimos chido, y lo mejor fue que estuvieron todos los que tenian que estar. Muy buen viaje Maria, no olvides que te quiero mucho y gracias x el regalo, me encanto!

Fanni Maria y Sho en su Farewell Party

Una semana despues de la despedida de Maria, los Telvistos me invitaron al cumple de Walter (Supervisor) en un antro en la Zonaca (la Zona Rosa de la Cd.), el Light , y como fueron muy insistentes...pues fuimos! Estuvo bien, pero la verdad la musica si estaba como medio del nabo, algunas rolas eran SO YESTERDAY, diria Hilary Duff! Jajaja En fin, fuera de eso, todo lo demas estuvo muy bien. Obvio tome muchas fotos, pero solo de los que me caen bien, porque ya saben, nunca faltan los colados!
Fotos de la llamada Walterada aki.

Lalo, Deivi Viguera y Sho @ Light

Y bueno, como Rocktubre ya comenzo, se viene lo mejor: cumpleanhos, fiestas, graduacionesm bautizos, conciertos, amigos, y obvio mucho, mucho, mucho rock!! Mas info proximamente!!

Septiembre 20, 2007

De cumples y Despedidas

El pasado Martes fue el cumple de Gabitz y antes el de Marthita, para celebrarlas, decidimos enfiestarnos con los amigos y eso…weno, eso de que “decidimos” fue mas bien Gabitz planeado una fiesta y echándome su miradita de ”anda, si? Porfa!” para hacerla en mi depa, lo cual estuvo bien por mi, digo, ya saben que yo por mis amigos, lo que sea; aparte, cómo decir que no a la fiesta, estamos de acuerdo? Además, la Gabitch es muy chida y se le quiere! En fin, la verdad que lo pasamos muy bien; buenos amigos, buena música, buenas chelas, buenos momentos y buenos recuerdos, algunos de ellos, aquí .

Aquí con los Amiguitz

Al otro día, como todos sabemos, fue la celebración del Aniversario No. 100 de nuestra Independencia. Por la tarde lo pase como en la visita de las 7 casas, primero fui a la de mi abuela, luego a la de mi tía Eliza, después, a la de la suegra de mi tia Norma, luego de regreso a la de mi tía Eliza y por ultimo, por fin estaba de regreso en casa, donde chuleamos un rato para cerrar bien el dia; después vimos el tradicional Grito de Independencia por la TV y cuando termino subimos a mi azotea a ver los fuegos artificiales y vaya que espectáculo ofrecieron, sin mencionar por supuesto, la increíble vista que tengo desde aquí. Obvio, tome muchas fotos, y debo decir que algunas son muy buenas (modestia aparte), chequenlas aquí

La vista desde mi azotea

Y bueno, para seguir con el espíritu de las fiestas, mañana tenemos otra en mi depa, esta es la fiesta de despedida de mi buena amiga Maria aka Fanni, asi es, después de un semestre de retraso e innecesario drama, por fin Maria se nos va a terminar su carrera al viejo continente, el ol’ Paris (nótese el acento franchute) para ser exactos, o sea, Paris, Francia, por supuesto. La verdad es que estoy muy contenta por ella porque se que es algo que realmente quiere desde hace mucho y me consta que ha trabajado por ello y se lo merece. Amiga, no sabes que bien me hace verte bien, verte feliz y ver que estas haciendo lo que quieres. Mucha suerte, ponte la pilas y divierte como nunca. Y, por supuesto que espero nos veamos por alla! Mucha suerte y no olvides que te quiero mil!!

Maria (Fanni) y Sho

September 18, 2007

Flashback…to the future!

Today, I was on a call guiding a customer through whatever process and all of the sudden I had a weird flash back to the future (if you can call it that anyways), a flashback in which I saw myself being an aunt and having my little nephew running around and being cute and I was just looking at him, and for the look I saw in my face, I could tell I was happy; I was happy to be an aunt and now I know I do want to be an aunt but not just any aunt, I want to be the best aunt for my little sister’s kid.

P.S. Happy Birthday to my dear rocking friend Gabitz! Wuv ya, bitch!!

Septiembre 6, 2007

El Lazo (que nos une)

Durante el año que llevamos apartadas cada ocasión que nos vemos me parece que estamos mas alejadas, y no me refiero necesariamente a la distancia física, si no al hecho de que el lazo que nos une se separa cada vez mas de punta a punta; siempre temí que tal alejamiento lo tornara delgado, tan delgado al punto de romperse con cualquier acto brusco o descuidado.

Hoy, finalmente sucedió, si, eso que tanto temía sucedió, aquel acto de descuido ocurrió y, lamentablemente, el lazo no resistió. Siempre pensé que el lazo era indestructible y que, sin importar que, resistiría el tiempo, los cambios, la vida…

Desafortunadamente, el descuido fue muy grave y hoy, parece irreparable. La decepción, la impotencia y la tristeza me invaden, trato de evitarlo pero me persiguen, me aturden, incluso me ciegan y ensordecen, y no entiendo razones; deshecho excusas como pañuelos usados, apresuro conclusiones sin en verdad comprender situaciones.

Hay días en que intento reparar el lazo, olvidar todo y continuar como si nada, sin embargo, la decepción no me lo permite, pienso en lo que pudo ser y no será mas.

Hay mucho por hacer, tanto que emprender y un tanto mas por comprender. Solo el tiempo nos ayudará y estoy segura que el lazo reparará y que será más fuerte y resistente como jamás lo fue. Finalmente, tendremos que esperar, puede que sea mucho, puede que no sea tanto, pero sea el tiempo que sea, se que será lo necesario,

Septiembre 3, 2007

Mas vale tarde que nunca…

Mas de 4 meses tiene ya que me paré por aquí la última vez, bastante más de lo que me gustaría y de lo que mis queridos lectores me han permitido. A decir verdad, no hay que lamentar el haberse perdido lo sucedido en mi vida en el transcurso de dichos meses, pues no ha sido mucho o muy trascendente. En fin, veamos…comenzare ahora mismo mi lucha contra el maldito Alemán (si, si, ya saben, ese Alz que hoy día anda por doquier).
En Abril, no paso mucho mas que el comienzo de mi doble vida call-centera. En Mayo, no recuerdo mucho, pero si estoy segura de que uno de los high-lights del mes fue el concierto de Shakira- Shakira. Invite a mi tía Norma por su cumple y la verdad es que estuvo super chido, Shakira es buenísima en vivo, se cotizo un poco y salio mas tarde de lo que debía, pero cuando lo hizo empezó a rockear (o debo decir “popear”?) el escenario, tenia el setlist guardado en mi cel, pero se perdió así que tendremos que olvidarlo, lo que importa es que si canto los hits que debía cantar, excepto por “Underneath Your Clothes”…creo, ja. También en ese mes se suponía que era el concierto de Snow Patrol, pero por razones hasta ahora desconocidas se pospuso para el 26 de Julio. En Junio no hubo conciertos, pero hubo cumpleaños: Gisela, Gaby, Rubensio, Juan Carlos, Ingrid…todos residentes de Jalateto Town. Debido a esto, mama y yo hicimos un viaje a dicho lugar, solo por un fin de semana, pero debo decir que fue un buen fin de semana, lo pase muy bien y me encanto ver a los viejos amigos provincianos, y por supuesto, a mi Perrow Rockerow. Aproveche también para traer a casa algunas de mis cosas personales sin las que la vida ya se me hacia difícil, como mi colección de CD’s, DVD’s y libros. Junio también fue el mes en el que mi “robot life” rindió los mejores frutos, así es, por fin pude comprar mi TAN ansiada cámara reflex-digital; compre la Nikon D80--excelente adquisición, debo decir. Mil funciones, 10.2 MP, buen lente, perfecta estéticamente hablando, es negra obvio, la amo! Hela aquí:

My Brand New Baby!

Julio…que paso en Julio? El cumple de mamá! Fue a fin de mes y le hice una comida en casa, una reunión muy privada, solo algunos miembros de la familia y unos amigos de mamá, además de un delicioso pastel de chocolate, más que suficiente para una buena reunión. Además, algunos dias antes fue, por fin, el tan esperado concierto de Snow Patrol en el Teatro Metropolitan de esta ciudad. Fue un buen concierto, pero por momentos me pareció mucho más meloso que rocker, pero la verdad es que la espera valió la pena, fue un buen concierto. Obvio cantaron todos sus éxitos como “Run”, “Wow” y, por supuesto, “Chasing Cars”, además de algunos no tan éxitos pero casi igual de buenos.

My mom’s Bday @ my place!

En Agosto, el mes que recién dejamos atrás, POR FIN tuve la oportunidad (y sobre todo el tiempo y la paciencia) de ver la Exposición que se presenta en (el Museo del Palacio de) Bellas Artes: “Frida Kahlo: 100 de….”. A pesar de vivir tan solo a unas cuantas cuadras de dicho lugar, no había podido visitar la expo, verán, fuimos un par de veces, pero la fila era larga, que digo larga, LARGUISIMA, así, la fila mas larga de la vida, en serio, onda le daba ala vuelta a Bellas Artes y aun mas, por supuesto, ambas veces me dio la fiaca del mundo formarme y preferí hacer alguna otra cosa; pero como dicen por ahí, “la 3ra es la vencida”, y así tuvo que serlo el primer fin de semana del mes, tenia que ir en Domingo porque, obvio, mi múltiples ocupaciones no permiten tiempo libre ningún otro día, y como ese día la entrada a la Expo es libre, pues se explicaran el porque tanta gente justo ese día. En fin, por todo lo que he escuchado, creo que nosotros tuvimos suerte al formarnos solo por aproximadamente 2 horas y media, que fue un poco más del tiempo que pasamos disfrutando la Expo en si. La cual, esta muy bien, pero en realidad no me parece que haya sido como para tanto, si, o sea, ya sabemos que Friducha es fashion, es hot, es lo de hoy, es la pura onda y todo eso, peeero…no lo se, tal vez es porque, en lo personal, su obra ya esta muy vista, la mayoría de la obra expuesta yo ya la tenia mas que vista y vuelta a ver, en realidad fueron pocas las obras que jamás había visto y en su mayoría eran fotografías, que fue una de las mejores secciones de toda Expo, desde mi particular punto de vista; y no, no es solo porque soy fotógrafa y eso, si no porque de verdad son muy buenas fotografías que nos permiten ver un poco mas allá de la vida de Frida la artista, y nos dan un poco entrada a su vida como mujer, como amiga, como activista política, etc. En fin, la verdad es que dentro de todo, me da mucho gusto que (por las razones que sean) la gente en México vaya al Museo y se empape un poco mas de arte y cosas que no tengan que ver con las trivialidades de la televisión y la vida cotidiana. Los que la vieron, mis respetos porque seguramente también se tuvieron que formar unos 8 años para poder hacerlo, y los que no, pues que pena porque si era como un “must” en la vida.

Frida: 1907-2007 Homenaje Nacional

Y hablando de trivialidades, hay mucho de eso que contar! Jaja Seguramente muchos de ustedes ya saben que los meses que se vienen estarán llenos de rock en la ciudad de México, así es, estoy que no me aguanto las ganas de que llegue Septiembre, además de por todo el rock, por varias razones mas, entre ellas: el fin de mi doble vida call-centera, el inicio de las oportunidades de crecimiento en la compañía que por un anho me ha dado varias satisfacciones profesionales, el regreso de mi hermana a Chilangolandia, la recuperación de mi vida normal y, por supuesto, la próxima visita de muchas de mis bandas favoritas, como: The Killers, Interpol, Bloc Party, Kaiser Chiefs, The Dandy Warhols, The Bravery, y bueno, a eso súmenle los rocks donde también tocara lo mejor de la escena Indie Rock del DF como: “Los Dynamite”, “Austin TV“, “IMS”, “Porter”, “Bengala”
, etc, y eso, le agregamos el plus, que no es como tan rocker, de hecho es casi todo lo contrario, pero igual me gusta mucho: Avril Lavigne! Oh si, mucha, mucha musica y muchos rocks por venir en lo que resta de este 2007.

MotorokrFest 2007

Por cierto, no lo he mencionado pero durante mi estancia es una de las peores empresas en las que he trabajado, Telvista, conocí a muchas personas, algunas super x en la vida, algunas de lo peor y algunas otras super chidas como Victor, Eliane, Luisito, Davincho (David) y ya, si, según yo son las personas que mas ha valido la pena conocer en estos últimos meses. Con varios de ellos he fiesteado, rockeado, jazzeado, cheleado y call-avoideado super a gusto! Espero seguir viéndolos una vez que ya no este en ese desagradable lugar. Aquí, un par de fotitows de esos buenos momentos.

Don Cheto totally rules!!! LMAO

Por cierto, en la escuela estamos adelantando unos cursos para aprovechar el tiempo y poder terminar antes, es decir, en vez de terminar la escuela en Noviembre como era el plan original, lo haremos en Octubre, así que solo falta un poco mas de un mes para que su servidora aquí al teclado sea una Fotógrafa Profesional! Ah, antes de irme, quiero extender mis sinceras felicitaciones a mi amiga Gaby (Barrera), quien recientemente se “licencio” y ahora es conocida como La Lic. Barrera jaja, ya en serio, muchas Felicidades amiga, estoy muy feliz por ti y por lo que viene para ti, ahora si, prepárate porque ya comenzó el resto de tu vida--te quiero mil! Y hablando de graduaciones y esas cosas de la vida, también quiero felicitar a mi Perrow Rockerow (Gisela), quien es ahora de manera oficial, Gichef!! Así es, mi Gichef ya puede cocinar cosas gourmet y super Fancy bitch profesionalmente--Sis, estoy super orgullosa de ti y no sabes que gusto me da que hayas llegado hasta donde estas, te Amow mil y espero no me defraudes!

Gichef @ her Prom Night

Ok, creo que eso es todo por hoy, pero no os preocupéis, pues esta vez volveré mas pronto de lo que creen. Por cierto, hay muchas nuevas Quotes que he recopilado estos últimos meses, hay unas muy chidas, léanlas! The Quotes

Y tambien hay muchas nuevas fotitos de varias cosas que he tomado los últimos meses: familia, bares, panorámicas desde mi depa, etc. Chequenlas aquí! The Hall Of Shame

Abril 17, 2007

Un Robot muy “Fashion-core”?

- Diana - acabo de recibir un mail d “…” (por cuestiones de seguridad, omitire el nombre de la empresa), ya el lunes empiezo, no tendré vida, que asco!”
- Gichef - Suerte!
- Diana - Sere un robot
- Gichef - Un robot muy fashion-core lmao

Hay cosas en la vida que uno hace porque quiere, otras porque le dicen, otras porque le gusta y otras porque aunque no muere por, lo tiene que hacer; es esta ultima la que aplica a mi caso particular. El hecho es que a partir de la próxima semana estaré double-shifting, o como quien dice “dobleteando”. Esto es, mantendré mi actual trabajo por las mañanas (7:00am-1:30) y comenzaré el nuevo por las tardes (2:00-9:00pm), esto obvio se traduce en que no tendré mas vida social, no días de ATO en que puedo ir a tontear por ahí en la ciudad o irme a mi depa a ver pelis o ir al cine cuando se me pegue la gana, o hacer mi super con toda la tranquilidad del mundo…o…o nada en absoluto. Mi rutina será algo así: Casa-trabajo1-trabajo2-casa-dormir de domingo a viernes y los sábados la escuela, por supuesto. Lovely eh? Esto, como pueden imaginar, me dejara tiempo para…pues nada, básicamente y planeo hacerlo durante, por lo menos, unos 5 meses. No es que muera por dobletear y eso, peeero, hay cosas en la vida, como les decía, que uno tiene que hacer aunque no muera por ello, digo, hay cosas que comprar, deudas que pagar y vacaciones que disfrutar debidamente; eso, además de los gastos de la vida daría. Así que…será agotador, tedioso, horrible, lo peor ever? Si, pero al final, estoy segura habrá valido la pena completamente, pero mientras los esperados resultados de la mala vida temporal llegan, seré un robot…un robot muy fashion-core…

Y a proposito de mi querida hermana ”chefista”, vino a visitarme hace un par de semanas ya, la verdad es que no habiamos pasado tanto tiempo juntas desde que me fui de casa; estuvo INCREIBLE, lo pasamos de lo mejor y, por supuesto, tomamos muchas, pero MUCHAS FOTOS! Pueden encontrarlas en , The Family y Random Shots; además, pueden checar también The Friends, pues hay nuevas pics de “Hat Day” en Telestress, de la ultima fiestuca y demás.

Y aprovechando que serán los últimos updates en un buen rato me puse trabajosita y también agregué varias Quotes y tambien un par de Movie Reviews, asi que pueden darse una vuelta por ahí que encontrarán con qué entretenerse un rato.

Nos vemos en las filas de la Traicion! LMAO

Una Tarde en el DF

P.D. FELIZ CUMPLE adelantado a mi querida y Piporrezca amiga Patty--Te quiero mucho regia encabritada, pasatelo incre!! xoxo

Marzo 27, 2007

Vive Latino 2007 / Viva La Fiesta: Vol. II

Por fin, el Festival de Rock Latino mas importante (por lo menos de este país) se acerca y, con este, la alineación temprana y, seguramente no la definitiva, sale a la luz; así es, como muchos de ustedes se imaginan, me refiero al ya tradicional Vive Latino. A decir verdad yo sólo he asistido una vez, fue aquella edición del 2001, si no mal recuerdo, cuando estuvo presentándose directo y sin escalas desde OC, California, LA banda: obvio, hablo de Save Ferris. De aquella ocasión tengo muy buenos recuerdos, fui con mi Gichef y la verdad es que lo pasamos INCREIBLE, es desde aquel entonces que tengo muchas ganas de volver y en verdad me parece que este año es el ideal pues estarán muchas, muchas bandas (casi 60!) y, sobre todo, muchas bandas que en lo personal me gustan bastante. Como saben, el Festival dura todo un fin de semana aunque, desafortunadamente, no continuo. En general, hay muchas bandas de donde escoger y pues ya saben que hay 2 escenarios principales y un par de alternativos o algo así, así que si me preguntan, si creo que el Vive Latino de este año valdrá la pena, además, no estoy muy segura, pero me parece que el costo del boleto será como de $500.00 (“abono”, que no se exactamente a que se refiera, pregunten al Amo de los Boletos) o por ahí va--no tan caro si consideramos todas las bandas que estarán presentándose. En fin, para los rockeros y músicos de corazón, aquí esta la alineación, que repito, no creo que sea ya la definitiva, así que estén pendientes porque conforme nos acerquemos a la fecha, iremos teniendo mas info y pues, como siempre, yo con todo el gusto del mundo se las pasare para que estén enterados. Por cierto, la preventa comenzó el pasado 15 de Marzo, así que adquirir sus boletos ya o las primeras semanas de Abril seria lo mas conveniente.

Alineación Vive Latino 2007

- austin tv
- becker 5 DE MAYO
- bengala
- calle 13
- canseco
- cerati
- colectivo nortec
- el columpio asesino
- cuarteto de nos
- la cuca
- chetes
- chikita violenta
- desorden publico
- devendra banhart
- división minúscula
- el tri
- ely guerra
- fenomeno fuzz
- finde
- flavio cianciarulo
- fobia
- furland 5 DE MAYO
- gondwana
- hanna
- instituto mexicano del sonido 5 DE MAYO
- jessy bulbo 5 DE MAYO
- jumbo 6 DE MAYO
- kill aniston 5 DE MAYO AYO
- kinky 6 DE MAYO
- la gusana ciega
- la tremenda korte
- liquits 6 DE MAYO
- los amigos invisibles
- los bunkers
- los dynamiteb
- los gatos
- los músicos de jose
- los piojos
- no somos machos
- ozomatli
- pastilla
- porter
- quiero club
- rata blanca 5 DE MAYO
- replica 5 DE MAYO
- san pascualito rey
- sargento garcia
- the satin dolls
- six million dollar weirdo
- sonidero nacional
- sr. bikini 5 DE MAYO
- steel pulse
- tanque
- the cosmetics 5 DE MAYO
- the locos
- transmetal
- volovan
- veo muertos

Y ya que estamos en esto del rock, creo que hoy, después de 8 millones de años, POR FIN se me hizo ver en vivo a Los Dynamite! Tocaron en Pasagüero y la neta estuvo super barato, así que valió totalmente la pena. Tuve la suerte de estar justo hasta el frente y en el centro, así que tenia al vocal como a medio metro de mi, no es guapo ni nada, pero rockea super chido y eso es mejor!!

Tome el video de ”Ready, Ready” para mi sis, pero no lo subí porque toma toda una eternidad, así que lo haré después, mientras tanto, pueden checar las fotitos que tome, muchas son en b/n porque iba como es mi b/w mood jeje, espero les gusten. Checa AQUI las fotos de Los Dynamite, en la sección Bands, obvio!

Los Dynamite @ Pasagüero

Cambiando de tema, varios de ustedes ya saben, pero para los que no…habrá fiesta en mi depa. El motivo? Hmm…celebrar! Aunque en realidad no necesito motivos para hacer una fiesta, pero esta, además de hacerla por el solo hecho de hacer una fiesta y pasarla chido con los cuates, es para darle la bienvenida a Marius, quien esta de regreso en DF desde la semana pasada. Esta vez, todos están invitados (menos la party crasher de Teletech, de ahí en fuera), es como dice el eslogan se Sony…”everyone’s invited” jaja, así que ahí nos vemos!!

Viva La Fiesta: Vol. II

Por cierto, antes de que se vayan, dense una vueltecita por The Movies, me tarde un poco, pero he actualizado esa sección con muy buenas y recientes reviews, chequenlas. Y también pueden pasar por The Hall Of Shame, subi unas fotitos que tome desde mi azotea…se lo que pensarán cuando las vean, pero no, no es The Chrysler Building en NY, es la Torre Latino aquí en Chilangolandia, en serio! Jaja

March 16, 2007

Y con la Primavera…La Noche de Primavera!

Para los que gustan de la música, el arte, el cine, el teatro, la danza y todas esas artes fantásticas y, no pueden pasar un fin sin salir por la noche y, además, son fans de pasearse por las calles del Centro Histórico…esto es definitivamente para ustedes. Como muchos de ustedes saben (si prestan atención a los carteles urbanos), este próximo Sábado 17 de Marzo se llevará a cabo la, ya tradicional, Noche de Primavera del Centro Histórico. Para los que no hayan escuchado de ella, la cosa es mas o menos así: durante TODA la noche del 17 para el 18 de Marzo, en el corredor del Centro de La Alameda al Zocalo hay muchísimos eventos culturales de varios tipos, estos incluyen danza, música en vivo, teatro, cine, exposiciones en museos (varios de los cuales permanecen abiertos durante la noche) y muchas cosas mas; en realidad es algo que vale muchísimo la pena ver, además, lo mejor de todo es que la mayoría de estos eventos es gratuitos! Asi que en serio no hay pretexto, es arte y entretenimiento gratuito que seria una pena desperdiciaran. Para mayor información, visiten: http://fchmexico.com

Y hablando de otra cosa…conoci a Maria Daniela, si si, la del Sonido Lasser. La fui a ver con unos amigos hace un par de semanas y gracias a mi amiga Tere S. (super oportuna ella), vimos a Maria Daniela backstage; es muy amable, y casi tan ruki como amable jajaja En serio, digo, en el escenario se ve bien y baila graciosamente y todo, pero ya en persona, se parece a una exjefa mia (Ruchita) LMAO En fin, para los que pensaron que esta SUPER guapa ahem*Robertonto*ahem…pues ya vieron que ni al caso. En conclusión, Maria Daniela super guapa? Hmm…definitivamente no, pero su musica y sus bailes…los amamos!! Weno, juzgue usted mismo.

Maria Daniela y Sho!

Ah, casi lo olvidaba, hay nuevas Quotes, no tantas como me gustaria (la gente anda muy rusty quoticamente, pero suficientes por hoy.

February 26, 2007

Peregrina Chilango mientras yo rockeo!

Dentro de tanta felicidad con el nuevo depa, hay algo que lo arruina un poco, no eso directamente, pero si el mood en general. Hace un par de semanas, mi favorite tramho’ y querido amigo Marius partió de nuestro amado DF con destino a la ciudad de Oaxaca, fue a buscar…se, si eso, fue como en busca de si mismo y de un rollo espiritual que el trae y que no muchos entenderían, sin ofender, solo que es algo que ciertamente no cualquier persona entiende, pero todo mundo juzga aun sin saber de que se trata. Fue a peregrinar con gente de todo el mundo que escogió como punto de reunión ese estado de la República Mexicana que tan increíbles playas tiene (Oaxaca); dentro de este peregrinaje el popular participante de Room Raiders (LMAO) llevará a cabo un ayuno de 21 días, que tendrá como base líquidos y jugos orgánicos, pero al fin ayuno, con esto se pretende limpiar el organismo y con ello, pues un poco también todo lo demás, como el espíritu, por así decirlo. Dicha peregrinación concluirá el 21 de Marzo, si, justo cuando se celebra el equinoccio de primavera. En fin, a pesar de que todo esto suena muy atractivo, lo malo es que, obvio, Marius tuvo que abandonar por mes y medio su trabajo, su vida citadina y cotidiana y, por supuesto, a Dayana, o sea, a mi. Así es, ahora no tendré (en el trabajo) quien me entretenga y me divierta tanto como el suele hacerlo, no tendré con quien hablar de trivialidades del showbiz, quien me cante canciones de J-Lo todo el tiempo para molestarme, ni quien le haga como Chewbaca y como Gary (SpongeBob) tan graciosamente como el, osh, lo odio por abandonarme con puros Geeks de weba (digo, salvo sus contadas excepciones), pero dentro de todo lo entiendo perfecto y ps espero que encuentre lo que sea que esta buscando y que en verdad todas sus expectativas se cumplan y regrese siendo una mejor persona internamente. Journey well, tramhobitchcuntslo’, I’ll miss ya!

Me & Marius shooting @ Reforma Av.

Mientras tanto en el DF…
La Fiesta de inauguración del depa estuvo super chida, vino quien tenia que venir y también gente que no esperaba, pero que me dio todo el gusto del mundo ver. La verdad es que lo pase super bien y neto les agradezco a todos mis amigos por venir y estar conmigo fiesteando. También muchas gracias a mi sis porque a pesar de vivir cansada por ser una esclava de uno de mis Hotspots favoritos (VIPS) vino y pudimos tontear sin descansar. Ah! A mi querida Chong quiero también agradecerle por lanzarse desde San Luis para esta ocasión. En fin, para los que se perdieron esta fiesta…pues pena su caso, al verdad, aunque no se preocupen que de esas habrá muchas! Mientras tanto, chequen las fotos de ese día para que vean como lucen sus ebrios rostros jaja The Hall Of Shame/The Friends

Y bueno, la verdad es que estoy muy emocionada porque este 2007 va a estar lleno de rocks super chidos y aunque no podré ir a todos, con los mejores me conformare. Comenzamos en Marzo 12 con Razorlight--aunque nadie aun se decide a ir conmigo y seguro Gaby como es super townie no se va a lanzar; seguimos en Marzo 14 con Snow Patrol y Abril 12 con Muse--que me parece será uno de LOS conciertos del año, para esos 2 últimos ya tenemos boletos y pues a ver que otros rocks se vienen después de estos, mientras tanto a rockear!
Por cierto, ya que estamos en eso del rock, bueno, no es precisamente rock, peeero, si es como rockeador lol El pasado Sábado mi amigo Víctor (Victoria para los amigos) me invito a fotografiar a su banda en su primer toquin oficial, a decir verdad y como ustedes sabrán, el Merol no es como lo mío, pero ps todo sea por hacerle el favor a un cuate. Y bueno, debo admitir que Sillence (not as in ‘silence’ itself, but as a disease, you can look it up) resultó ser una banda de mi agrado, no porque Victoria se mi amigo ni mucho menos, pero en serio me parece que todos son unos tipos talentosos y se ve que no solo saben lo que hacen, si no que en verdad lo disfrutan. Y aunque el video tomado no fue lo mejor debido a el mal manejo de las luces en el lugar, las fotos…pues mejor ustedes decidan que tal. Obvio, ya saben donde encontrarlas.

The Hall Of Shame/Bands/Sillence
Sillence ‘meroleando’

February 10, 2007

El Apartamento…

No, no me refiero a El Apartamento, aquel con Josh Harnett y todo. Recuerdan que la ultima vez que anduve por aquí les dije que estaba en planes de algo super chido pero que no les contaba aun para no echarlo a perder? Bueno, pues resulta que por fin mi independencia es 100% real y no semi-independencia como lo era hasta el día de ayer, así es, la vida ha sido lo suficientemente buena conmigo como para darme la oportunidad de, por fin, independizarme de todo y de todos, al fin queridos amigos y agregados culturales, tendré mi propio apartamento (bueno, rentado obvio, pero saben a lo que me refiero) y, por supuesto, estoy de lo más contenta; creo que no pudo llegar en mejor momento. Sé que es una GRAN responsabilidad, pero también sé que será increíble y que, por supuesto, haremos una super fiesta de inauguración para celebrar! Si todo sale como esta planeado, la “Diana’s New-apartment-opening Party” será el Sábado 17 de Febrero, me encantaría decir que todos están invitados, peeeero, ps el lugar no es como TAN grande y de hecho habrá una celebración con los amigos y otra con la familia; muchos de los amigos ya están avisados e incluso mas que puestos, así que ya saben, obvio es de “traje”, y a la familia ya le avisaré cuando sea su turno, no os preocupéis.
Por cierto, quiero darle MIL GRACIAS en primer lugar a mi Mami, porque ha estado conmigo en esto y sin ella no hubiera sido lo mismo--Gracias Ma’, neta te adoro y no sabes cuanto significa esto para mi!; y también quiero agradecer infinitamente a mis abuelos por todo su apoyo y asilo; además, gracias especiales a mi querida amiga Tere Sánchez por su INCREIBLE (aunque un tanto fallida jaja) contribución para El Apartamento--Amiga, sabes que al final del día la intención es lo que cuenta, y ya sabes, ‘partusa’ cada fin!! Jaja .

En fin, ahora si, a enfiestarnos cada que se pueda y, claro, una atenta y cordial invitación a todos mis amigos No-Chilangos a pasar uno, dos o los días que gusten en El Apartamento, digo, por aquello de “mi casa es su casa! Jaja Ok, a los Chilangos también, saben que siempre serán bien recibidos. Por cierto, si alguno de ustedes es lo suficientemente amable y pudiente para regalarme algún objeto (decorativo, utilitario, etc) para mi nuevo depa, pues será super bienvenido y hasta eso, no soy muy exigente, puede ser desde una TV hasta un lindo juego de vasos jaja (Absténganse del Kit Cenicienta, ese ya lo tengo completito!) Y no sean marros que la vida los recompensará después lol

My Apartment!

Y pasando a otro tema, el viernes antepasado, tuve la oportunidad de ir a un concierto; por fin después de 88 años se me hizo ver a Maria Daniela y Su Sonido Lasser en vivo! Si, por la mañana escuché en la radio que estaría tocando en un lugar llamado El Séptimo Piso junto con otras bandas, entre ellas los Ready Ready DJ’s (que son los Dynamite en su versión DJ). Le comenté a un amigo y el, obvio, optó por volarse Derecho en la escuela para pasar un buen rato escuchando música en vivo--excelente decisión, debo admitir. Llegamos al lugar cerca de los 9 PM y aunque por fuera lucía como un edificio ruki al que nadie pelaría en la vida, una vez adentro y 6 pisos en elevador después + uno en escaleras, llegamos a EL lugar donde las bandas rockearian la noche. Era una tipo azotea que, dicen, solía ser un Helipuerto, la neta estaba increíble, era como 2 canchas de tenis enormes y la vista era un super plus, digo, la verdad es que mi hometown de noche luce super chido. Aún no estoy segura si fue Roberto (mi agregado de la noche) o la estupida Ley de Murphy la que (sort of) arruinó la noche con una lluvia que durara casi de principio a fin del concierto; culpo a Roberto porque fue un tanto extraño que sin haber llovido durante semanas, al llegar a la azotea el comentara “esta padre pero solo hay una malla, si llueve nos vamos a mojar”, a lo que yo en mi pensamiento respondí “porque habría de llover justo hoy si no ha llovido en semanas?” y bueno, tan solo como media hora y casi una banda después la lluvia y La Ley de Murphy hicieron de las suyas y confabularon en contra nuestra. En un principio, decidimos ir a una parte techada donde estaba el bar que estaba justo debajo del escenario, es decir, no veíamos nada del show, que era como el punto de la noche. Un rato después, optamos por movernos hacia la parte techada que estaba como en la lateral del escenario, de ahí se veía bien y no nos mojábamos, asi que fue desde ahí que vimos todo el concierto. El show empezó con El Terror una banda del Terror…digo, de Torreón, la neta medio nefastos y el vocal ya estaba medio mala copa y era como un Brandon Flowers wannabe, asi que ya se imaginaran que weba con el tipo. Después tocó una banda como de Pochos llamada Curanderos, no estaban tan mal, o eso pensamos…hasta que tocaron el cover de “Creep” de Radiohead…en español!! Luego tocó una banda de gringuitos llamada The Afterhours, decentes a decir verdad, aunque nada del otro mundo. Y como a eso de la 1 AM unos DJ’s se postraron en el escenario y fue uno de ellos quien presentó a nuestra querida y muy talentosa (lol) Maria Daniela y S.S.L. quien, si mi Alz no me traiciona, abrió con “Abismo”, y no estoy segura de cual siguió y de cual fue el exacto orden en que toco sus rolas, pero si estoy segura de que tocó “Duri, Duri”, “Me Provoca (El Bar)”, “Chicle de Menta”, “Fiesta de Cumpleaños”, “El Tuviera No Existe” y, por supuesto, ”Miedo”, entre otras cuyo nombre desconozco. Debo decir que ver su show en vivo no fue ninguna decepción, al contrario, la amé mil, en serio jaja, la tipa es buenísima en eso del show; digo, de por si la música en si es super chida, las letras son graciosas y si a todo eso le agregamos la manera tan kagada de bailar de la tipa, bueno, nos da un show para pasar un muy buen rato. En total tocó como una hora y un rato después llegó al escenario La Plastilina Mosh, a quienes ya había visto en vivo pero que igual me siguen gustando mucho, ellos tocaron un buen rato y todo terminó casi a las 4 AM. La verdad es que estuvo super chido y era como EL concierto, digo, por aquello de que todo mundo mundo fue, durante la noche nos topamos con Rosso, Jonas y el resto de los Plastilina Mosh, incluyendo al tipo de Jumbo que toca con ellos, a las Victimas del Dr. Cerebro, su manager a quien conocí en el concierto de Tu Rock (TREV), a Ximena Sariñana, Rulo (el chubby-barbón de Reactor), y hasta a la misma Maria Daniela, quien ahora va por la vida como una rubia noventera lol. En fin, en conclusión fue una buena noche, de esas que tanto me gusta pasar en mi querido Defectuoso, mismas de las que espero haya muchas mas este año. Mientras tanto, les dejo este videin de Maria Daniela y S.S.L., con dedicatoria especial para mi amiga Gaby, quien también, y sin pena de admitirlo, es fan declarada de la misma. Amiga, es la de “Miedo”, disfrútala y a ver que día te das una vuelta por acá para verla juntas!

Enero 27, 2007

Gone with the Whitey

A pesar de que tengo el presentimiento de que el 2007 será un gran año, me temo que hoy debo comenzar con malas noticias. Muchos de ustedes ya lo saben, pero para los que no, les informo que el pasado 6 de Enero (si, día de Reyes) el pequeño y hermoso Whitey, también conocido como “mi iPod”, fue arrebatado de mi lado y de mi vida para siempre. Así es, la vida es lo suficientemente irónica para que en el día que muchos niños reciben juguetes, a mi me quitan el mío. Desafortunadamente, aquel sábado me dirigía a la escuela cuando a un par de tipos imbeciles se les ocurrió que quitarme mi iPod seria tan fácil como quitarle un dulce a un niño, y si que lo fue; por supuesto no opuse resistencia alguna, hubiera sido algo estupido en realidad, digo, alguna vez recuerdo haber dicho (bromeando en una conversación) “el iPod!” cuando alguien dijo “el iPod o la vida!”, pero ps bueno, como dije, por supuesto era broma, claro que JAMAS me hubiera imaginado que yo seria una de esas personas a las que les roban el iPod, digo, nunca en la vida me habían robado ni siquiera $5 pesos, vaya, entonces, obvio vivía con cierto aire de despreocupación y livianeidad por la vida…hasta ese día, por supuesto.

La verdad es que no quiero entrar en detalles porque no fue un episodio muy agradable, pero si quiero decirles que estoy super agradecida porque en realidad soy de lo mas afortunada, o sea, me robaron a Whitey, si, pero no fue con lujo de violencia, con groserías, golpes, ni mucho menos; no se si sea correcto o si quiera aplicable decirlo, pero me tocaron unos rateros “muy decentes”, dentro de lo que cabe, obvio, o sea, pudo haber sido MUCHO peor, pero no, la verdad es que mi fortuna en ese sentido es muy grande y solo me quitaron el iPod y nada mas, me dejaron mi celular, mi colegiatura que llevaba en la mochila ese día, mis tarjetas, todo; se nota que eran dos chavitos idiotas que no tenían nada mejor que hacer y ps la neta la vieron fácil. Así que, no mas Whitey, mi articulo favorito ya no esta en mi vida y aunque no lo crean, me es MUY difícil vivir sin el, bueno, quienes me conozcan bien, sabrán que lo es. Ahora solo me queda coraje, aunque ya no tanto como antes, lo que no soporto es que me hayan dejado con el freak, ya saben, ya no puedo andar tranquila por la calle, a todos les veo cara de rateros, a penas veo a alguien medio sospechoso y apresuro el paso, odio vivir así, es lo peor, en serio. Espero poder superarlo pronto porque me molesta, me tiene intranquila y me impide salir con la livianeidad con la que solía hacerlo y ya se imaginaran como es eso con lo que me gusta salir y andar de aquí para allá. En fin, si alguien es muy amable, me quiere mucho y le gustaría hacerme feliz, puede comenzar a hacer las donaciones para el sustituto de Whitey…osh, ya se que todos son unos codos del mal y que no lo harán, pero esta bien, sepan que sufro y vivan con ello!

Y pasando a otros asuntos mejores, hay fotitos nuevas, muchas, muchas, muchas!! Jajaja De Navidad, de Año Nuevo y de la ultima sesión de fotos que tuve: Modas y Modelos, estuvo super chida y la verdad es que los resultaron fueron bastante decentes, pero bueno, que puedo decir yo? Mejor véanlas y juzguen ustedes mismos. Obvio ya saben que todas están en The Hall Of Shame (The Family y Photoshoots). Como estamos comenzando el año, tengo varias Quotes super chidas, y por lo que veo, este año habrá muchas de esas.

Por cierto, estoy en proceso de algo super chido, pero no quiero decir nada hasta que sea un hecho, así que en cuanto lo sea, ya estaré por aquí contándoles de que se trata, mientras tanto, diviértanse y cuídense ustedes y a sus iPods--aun si son shuffle.

Marius modelling--I'm his Tarantino and he is my Uma LMAO!

Diciembre 31, 2006/Enero 01, 2007

Bienvenidos al 2007!

Wow! En serio que me pregunto a dónde se fue el 2006, o mejor dicho, a que hora se fue; a lo que me refiero por supuesto, es a que se fue increíblemente rápido, en serio, parece que apenas era verano del 2006 cuando decidí regresar al DF y de repente, ya es Año Nuevo, ya se me fue un semestre en la escuela, ya llevo 6 meses en el trabajo, y obvio, ya más de medio año viviendo nuevamente en mi querido DFectuoso; lo cual es super chido porque la verdad se me fue super ligero todo el tiempo, sin broncas mayores, con buena gente, buena vibra, buena chamba, buenas fiestas, buenos conciertos…en fin, muy buenas experiencias en general--amé el segundo semestre del 2006, en verdad lo amé! El primero no estuvo TAN mal pero, honestamente, tampoco estuvo TAN bien, aunque bueno, ya que hablo de honestidad, si estuvo peor que mejor, ya saben? Supongo que si. El punto es que todo mejoró y que todo cambio fue para bien, esperemos que todo continúe de igual manera para el 2007 y ojala que se vaya tanto si no más rápido que el 2006, digo, por aquello de que lo que viene después del 2007 va a estar más chido, no? Y pues bueno, yo quiero pensar que el ’07 va a estar ”con ganas” (como dirían los regios lol) porque el 7 es un buen número, o eso me parece, así que buena vibra para todos y que les vaya super chido.

Ahora, regresando un poquito al ’06, me gustarla tomar unos minutos y dedicar unas cuantas líneas para algunas personas…ah, y recuerden que el orden de los factores NO altera el producto, ok? Así que sin dramas Pinalezcos, por favor. Primero que nada, quiero agradecer profundamente a mi tía Norma, porque sin su apoyo, mi regreso no hubiera sido ni siquiera una posibilidad, ya que gracias a su increíble oferta, pude si quiera considerar el regresar para así tener la oportunidad de, por fin después de 3 años, hacer lo que quería, vaya, qué digo lo que quería, por lo que moría! En serio, Tiuchis: MIL GRACIAS por todo tu apoyo, no sólo en un principio, si no desde que regresé; gracias por siempre estar ahí, no tienes idea de cuanto significa para mi y cuan agradecida te estaré forever and ever, neto! Tú sabes que rockeas cañón y que eres LA Tía!! Por supuesto y obvio, que quiero también agradecer entrañablemente a mi mamá, simplemente porque es gracias a ella que, hoy por hoy, soy la persona que soy…medio cu-cu, si, pero también soy una mujer fuerte, independiente (suooorof anyways lol), tenaz y con las ganas y la determinación de luchar por lo que quiero. Mamita: tú sabes que, a final de cuentas, sin ti no estaría donde estoy hoy, todo lo que soy te lo debo a ti y en verdad espero que estés tan orgullosa de mí, como yo lo estoy de ti. Gracias por haber estado ahí y por todo tu apoyo, pero sobre todo, MIL GRACIAS por no cortarme las alas cuando más las necesitaba, significa todo para mi. Y por último, pero no por eso menos importante, quiero agradecer de todo corazón a mi querida Abuela, por que ella es definitivamente otra de las piezas clave que ha hecho posible mi regreso, y no solo posible, si no que lo ha hecho aún mejor de lo que yo esperaba. Abuelita: MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS por ofrecerme su casa, su amor y sus cuidados, significan más para mí de lo que algún día podría llegar a expresarle con simples palabras. Espero, algún día, poder retribuirle de alguna manera y hacerle saber que usted es, también, parte de todo esto. Y bueno, sé que esto les parecerá de lo más cu-cu, por no decir fucked up, pero también quiero agradecerle verdaderamente a Gisela, mi hermana, porque probablemente si no nos hubiéramos peleado TAN desagradablemente como nos peleamos en aquella ocasión, no hubiera tenido las agallas suficientes para tomar la decisión de regresar, y lo digo super en serio. Hermana: no manches, sabes que a pesar de todo (y de todos) eres mi adoración y uno de los motivos por los que estoy aquí (o sea, no por la pelea), me refiero a que eres una de las personas por las que me pongo las pilas, ya sabes? onda y así, no? lol No, ya neto, sabes que eres y siempre serás mi Perrow Rockerow y que con nadie rockeo mejor que contigo, el próximo año espero verte más seguido para que me hagas reír hasta que me duela el estomago y te quiera patear de la desesperación jajaja.

Y ps bueno, ya dramas Pinalezcos a un lado, no quiero dejar de agradecer a el resto de mi familia que, salvo sus contadas excepciones, se han portado super chido conmigo desde que regresé, y por supuesto, a mis amigos, tanto a los viejos y perdurables, como a los nuevos y, esperemos, también perdurables. MIL GRACIAS a todos, por fiestear y trastear conmigo, aquí en DF y en El Pueblo; gracias a los Jalatetos por su apoyo y despedida y a los Chilangos por su apoyo y bienvenida, son LO MEJOR! Y pues qué, más fiesta y más rock para el 2007, no?

Ahora, me gustaría hacer una pequeña recapitulación de LO MEJOR y LO PEOR del 2006, si me lo permiten…y si, pues también, porque para eso tengo mi site personal Ja!

- El regreso al DF
- La Escuela de Foto y todo lo que he aprendido ahí
- El concierto de The Killers
- Tu Rock Es Votar y derivados
- Mi laptop (si, soy una geek del terror, y qué?!)
-Mi semi-independencia
- LA pelea con Gichef
- La gente que conocí y se portó INCREIBLE conmigo
- Darme cuenta de que si me pongo las pilas, puedo lograr lo que quiero
- Los conciertos y los drinks gratis!
- La oportunidad de votar por convicción por primera vez
- Grey’s Anatomy, Weeds y Desperate Housewives
- Que no ganó el Peje
- TREV Jalapa
- Los 3 años mas joven que luzco desde mi regreso jaja neto

- El freakin’ Peje y sus fans del mal
- LA pelea con Gichef
- Las 2 veces que me enfermé horrible y estuve a 3 de colgar los converse (ok, exageración…un poco)
- Perderme a Bloc Party por culpa de Jimena
- La depresión de vivir en Jalapa
- Dejar de mi mamá y a mi hermana
- Los días posteriores al 2 de Julio
- Snakes On A Plane y Superman
- Los Jalatetos meanies, odiadores, fastidiadores y abusadores de Chilangos
- La gente doble moral-de weba

En fin, eso es todo por hoy y lo último del 2006 que leerán de mi, ahora debo irme pues mi querida amiga (la botella de) Absolut Azul y su fiel compañero, el Jugo de Uva, me esperan ya que juntos, vamos por una INCREIBLE resaca para el día de mañana—oh si, resaca en lunes, primer día del año, de la semana y, por supuesto, trabajo!

Antes de irme, sólo les aviso que hay Fotitos nuevas en Family, Me, Landscapes (nueva sección), y también hay nuevas y muy chidas Quotes para que terminen/comiencen el año riendo. Ok, ahora si, espero se lo pasen super chido, de hecho, INCREIBLE, con sus familias, amigos, amantes, perros…con quien quieran, pero diviértanse mucho y a fiestear mientras se pueda! Love you one-thou, o sea, los quiero MIL!!

P.D. Gracias por sus visitas a este rinconcito punk-rock-pinketo!

December 18, 2006

El Mejor del 2006

El pasado Miércoles 13 de Diciembre, mas de 10,000 personas tuvimos la increíble oportunidad de presenciar, en el ya clásico Palacio de los Deportes, el FANTASTICO concierto que Brandon Flowers <<>>> tuvieron a bien dar, como parte de su Sam’s Town Tour 2006. La verdad es que lo mejor de todo fue que finalmente pude ir, siendo que aun un día antes a las 10 PM no tenía ni siquiera boleto. Pero gracias a ese siempre socorrido ”tengo una amiga que tiene un amigo, que tiene u amigo, que…”, bueno, ya saben. Fue así que gracias a un tip de mi fiel y rocker amiga, Saha, conseguí mi preciado y sumamente cotizado boleto para ver a la banda del Sr. Flowers (mejor conocido en México como mi esposo-rocker-hottie-baby); no era en pista como lo tenia planeado desde un inicio, peeero, créanme, en situaciones como esa, casi cualquier sección es buena! Por cierto, seguro se preguntaran por que demonios no compre mi boleo en cuanto salio si, se supone, soy “tan fan”, no? Bueno, pues me disponía a hacer uso por primera vez de la, tan odiada por unos y tan amada por otros, Preventa Banamex, pero supuestamente Jimena y Huicho comprarían boletos también, por lo que pensé en esperarlos, “un día no me afectará”, pensé…ilusa yo! caray, por supuesto que afecto y por esperar a ese par de desagradables, 4 días después ya no había boletos en pista. En fin, les diría el resto pero la verdad me da mucha fiaca y lo que importa en realidad es que si fui y toda la angustia valió absolutamente la pena.

Los teloneros de la noche serian, nuevamente, Bengala, digo nuevamente porque fueron ellos mismos quienes abrieron para Franz Ferdinand, solo que en aquella ocasión, si recuerdan, Gis y yo llegamos tarde y nos lo perdimos. Aunque yo ya sabia a lo que iba pues hace un par de semanas fui a verlos en su Gira ”3x5+1” con Porter, Austin TV y Zizu Yantra, pero esa…como diría la Jalateta Nana Goya: “es otra historia”. En fin, como ya los había visto y me había gustado lo que había visto, pues iba yo mas contenta aun, pues porque si uno ama de por si los conciertos, los que son como 2x1 están mil más chidos.

En fin, super puntuales los Bengala salieron a escena a las 8:30 PM y tocaron durante media hora. Posterior al opening act, vinieron 50 minutos de espera que, a pesar de las expectativas, no parecieron eternos. Las 9:50 PM marcaba mi cel cuando las luces del Palacio se apagaron por completo tan solo para, segundos después, encender las luces del escenario que permitirían visualizar a una de mis Top 3 Bands, o sea, The Killers, obvio. Brandon Hottie-Baby portaba uno de sus clásicos outfits, aunque no uno de mis favoritos a decir verdad: pantalón negro de vestir, camisa blanca y chaleco negro; traía además esa barbita que usa con su nuevo look y que, a pesar de que me gustan los hombres con barba, pienso que definitivamente no le va muy bien que digamos, pero bueno, bueno…es Brandon y el aun con una bolsa se basura luciría super sexy! Honestamente, no me fije mucho en que los demás usaban pues no son mis hottie-babies lol Lo que si les puedo decir de ellos es que como banda son INCREIBLES, en serio tocan suuuuper chido y conjuntamente con Brandon logran en el escenario cosas estupendas, estupendas al grado de provocar chills, ya saben? Les juro que 3 veces me dieron los chills mientras me desgarraba la garganta cantando a todo volumen y siendo muy, muy feliz.

En esta ocasión, tuve la precaución de guardar el Setlist para todos aquellos que son fans, y pues para los que no también. En fin, una de las noches más rockers que pasé este año transcurrió más o menos así:

- Sam’s Town
- When You Were Young
(una de las mas populares y coreadas de la noche)
- Somebody Told Me (sin mucho que decir, INCREIBLE!)
- Smile Like You Mean It (de las mejores, tenian que tocarla)
- Bones
- Read My Mind
- Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine
- Uncle Johnny
- Bling
(extraordinario ver tantos encendedores y celulares ondeando en el aire para esta rolita melosona, uno de los grandes momentos de la noche)
- Andy, You’re A Star
- Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
- Mr. Brightside
(Que puedo decir? Ya es todo un clasico y creo que no hubo una sola persona que no la coreara, PKM!!)

- On top (totally one of the highlights of the night and, of course one of my faves, digo…que manera de regresar para el Encore!!)
- This River Is Wild
- Reasons Unknown
- All These Things That I’ve Done
(totalmente obvio que cerrarian con esta, excelente eleccion)

Segundo Mini Encore:
- My List

Y fue asi como durante 1 hora y 40 minutos The Killers mantuvo extasiado a un hiper-atascado Palacio de los Deportes. Desde mi humilde, pero super digno de tomarse en cuenta, punto de vista...uno de los mejores conciertos de este 2006 lleno de rocks buenísimos, si no es que EL mejor (por lo menos de los que yo fui). He aquí The Killers en accion!

The Killers Live, Sam's Tour 2006

Y bueno, pasando a otros asuntos…quiero dar la bienvenida al mas reciente miembro de la iPod Sisterhood: Chikis, el Shuffle de Gichef, quien dice este nombre es solo temporal, pero si resulta como Gaby con Gloton…bueno, sera Chikis forever--que es lo mas seguro. Y perdon que insista, pero…shuffle?! Seriously?! Seriously?! LMAO No es cierto hermana, ok, si es cierto pero bueno, mejor eso que un walkman supongo…o no? Aquí el nuevo miembro (de la Sisterhood, no sean mal pensados!)

Chikis--The New Member!

Y pues como ya es costumbre y ya que estamos en eso de las fotos, si, hay fotos nuevas, incluso hay una nueva sección para esa gente siempre sedienta y ansiosa por ver nuevas fotos en este site, se llama Photoshoots, y obvio, como su nombre lo dice, incluye fotos de algunas de las sesiones fotográficas que he realizado, espero les guste. Además de eso, hay nuevas fotos en The Family y en Miscellaneous que incluyen comida familiar, visita a Ameca Meca y demás. Ya saben donde encontrar todo eso, y si no, den click Aqui.

Por cierto, estamos en planes de hacer el super comeback de una de las secciones favoritas (por lo menos en el sentido personal): The iPods!! Así que si tienen sugerencias, ideas y así, díganme, textéenme, échenme un mail, postéenlo en el The Guestbook o mándenmelo por paloma mensajera, como quieran, pero estaría chido que lo hicieran.

Y ps como Brandon es muy guapo, ponemos una fotito de el!
Brandon Hottie-Baby

Bueno, me encantaría quedarme a charlar con ustedes, pero debo ir a ver la 3ª temporada de Desperate Housewives que se pone cada día mejor! Y recuerden…Smile Like You Mean It.

Con amor, Mrs. Brandon Flowers

November 24, 2006

Fucked up, he showed up…

Note: I’m doing this in English because I just cant do it any other way.

After I don’t know how many years of not seeing any of him and not knowing much of his whereabouts, all fucked up he showed up, I was a bit in a shock and had not much to say, all sort of things crossed my mind: old memories, good and bad moments shared, what has he been through and what goes on through his mind. Only a few minutes I saw him, didn’t really get to talk to him, his eyes were kind of like lost on space, his face wasn’t shaved and his movements were everything but sharp. I felt like I didn’t know him anymore, which is absolutely true and, somehow, that makes me uncomfortable and full of uncertainty. I wish there was something I could do or say, or maybe a way to help him out get out of that place where he is, that place in the dark where there doesn’t seem to be a way out. Actually, there is a way out, more than just one even, he just doesn’t want to get out, and for some reason he prefers to stay there, lying all hopeless and depressing, ready to reject any kind of help he may get.

If you knew him from before and you had seen him today…I’m sure it would have hurt you and shocked you as much as it did to me, he seems no more like the one you once knew and loved, he is a complete stranger, for moments, a stranger you’re sort of scared to get close to, if you know what I mean. Guess you don’t, guess you would have had to be there to see it and feel it by yourself.

I’d been told he looked okay, big was my surprise when I saw him and I couldn’t even see through his eyes, I mean, I could see through them, I just wasn’t able to find anyone there, anything…but emptiness. He did try to talk to me, but no much came out of his mouth, he was probably afraid not to make sense at all if he said more and he most likely would have, so all he said was something like “hey cos, how are you?”, preceded by a “mamma mia!” and a kiss on the chick, now that was him at his best, considering the state of mind he was in at the time, of course.

Now I feel sort of sad, depressed, mad, and powerless and confused, I feel all sort of things inside, all at the same time and it all frustrates me. As for him, he is so not himself, he had to be picked up and dragged back to be locked up, yet once more…because once again, all fucked up he showed up.

Noviembre 16, 2006

Cualquier parecido con la realidad…

Un día, por casualidades de la vida supongo, recibí un mensaje de alguien que desconozco, pero el titulo del mensaje llamó mi atención pues llevaba el nombre de la compañía en cual trabajo y, como buena persona curiosa, me dispuse a leerlo. Lo escrito ahí me pareció gracioso pero, sobre todo, MUY parecido a la realidad, de hecho, podría jurar que es real, lo cual lo hace aun más gracioso de lo que debiera. Ahora que lo lean entenderán de lo que hablo, sobre todo si son mis compañeros de trabajo, y si no lo son, pues léanlo para que se den una idea de las cosas con las que tengo que lidiar todos los días, y créanme…esto no es nada!!


Help Desk: "Prodigy, Buenos Días, departamento de soporte técnico".
Usuario: "A donde hablo?"
Help Desk: (...ahh, pendejo, Pues a donde le acabo de decir??) "A Soporte Técnico, en que puedo servirle?"
Usuario: "Ah, mire, tengo un problema"
Help Desk: (... Si, de hecho no creo que llame para saludarme...) "Dígame, Que pasa?"
Usuario: "No puedo entrar a la Red!"
Help Desk: (Qué raro..!) "Cual es el error que recibe?"
Usuario: "Pues mira, aparece un mensaje que dice: 'U-S-E-R-N-A-M-E-N-O-T-F-O-U-N-D', y no se porqué..."
Help Desk: "Bien, Cual es su 'Username'?"
Usuario: "Que es un YUSERNEIM?"
Help Desk: (Carajo, se supone que saben ingles) "El nombre de Usuario que usa para conectarse a la red"
Usuario: "Ah, pues no se..."
Help Desk: (... No maaam....!) "Mire, cada vez que enciende la computadora aparece una ventanita donde hay tres renglones, el primero dice 'Username',el segundo 'Password' y el tercero 'Domain'... ¿Que dice el primer renglón?"
Usuario: "No dice nada...bueno, si decía, pero lo borré"
Help Desk: (Como decía mi abuelito, en manos de los pendejos, ni la pólvora arde) "Bien, Cuál es su nombre?"
Usuario: "Por qué?"
Help Desk: (Porque quiero conocerlo mejor, pendejo.) "Porque si me dice su nombre puedo buscar en la base de datos su 'Username'..." Usuario: "En serio?"
Help Desk: (Enciendo el primer cigarro del día, porque parece que voy a tener una muy larga plática con este pendejo) "Si, se lo juro"
Usuario: "Okey, me llamo Dionisio Pérez"
Help Desk: (Put.... madre, solo demostró dos cosas, con razón no sabe ni que es un username) "OK" un momento por favor"
Usuario: "Que hace?
Help Desk: (Como si realmente me fuera a entender si le digo lo que estoy haciendo) "Buscando su nombre en la base de datos"
Usuario: "Ah......Cómo?"
Help Desk: (Cómo?? Cómo?? Como chingan!!, pero ahí vamos...) Pues mire, estoy haciendo un Query en la base de datos"
Usuario: "Que es un cueri?"
Help Desk: (Esa ni siquiera se la voy a contestar...) "..." Usuario: "Bueno??, Esta ahí?"
Help Desk: (Tomo otra bocanada de mi cigarro y cuento hasta 3,1416. Ya estoy mejor) "Si, permítame un momento por favor"
Usuario: "Esta bien. Lo que pasa es que estoy preocupado porque hace mas de tres meses que no he leído mi i meil"
Help Desk: (Y después de 3 meses se preocupa? ...Puta, este pendejo si tiene pedos) "No se preocupe, en un momento lo resolvemos" Usuario: "Okis"
Help Desk: (Okis?? Dijo Okis?? Este wey es puto!! ) "Ya está, su Username es 'PEREZD' (debí imaginármelo antes)"
Usuario: "Okis, Qué hago con eso?"
Help Desk: (Tatúeselo en las nalgas para que la próxima vez que me llame con un problema como éste, solo tenga que decirle que ponga un espejo)"Recuerda lo que le mencione de la ventanita que aparece cuando arranca la computadora?"
Usuario: "No"
Help Desk: (Obvio, eso me saco por hacer preguntas estúpidas, este pobre imbécil como va recordar) "Pues mire, cuando arranca la computadora..."
Usuario: "Ah, si!, Ya recuerdo..."
Help Desk: (Milagro !!) "Bien, pues escríbalo en el primer renglón con mayúsculas y en el renglón de abajo escriba su password"
Usuario: "Cual pasguor?"
Help Desk: (Pasguor ????? Qué rápido se terminan los cigarros cuando hablo con mis Usuarios) PASSWORD!, es la clave que usa para coectarse a la red"
Usuario: "Ah, bueno, pues mi nombre es Dionisio Pérez"
Help Desk: (Pues no voy a felicitarlo por eso, su papá quiso quedar bien con un compadre ¿no?) "Aja..."
Usuario: " ..Okis"
Help Desk: (Okis, qué chingados......pinche puto!) "..."
Usuario: "Bueno?? Bueno ?? Esta ahí?"
Help Desk: "Si, aquí estoy para ayudarle no se preocupe" (pinche joto)
Usuario: "Cual es mi pasguor?"
Help Desk: (Y como putas madres se supone que yo debo saberlo??) Pues no lo sé, esa clave solo la debe saber usted"
Usuario: "Ah si?"
Help Desk: (Nooo, Pero que pendejada estoy diciendo! Por que no va al periódico y lo publica a ocho columnas??)"Si"
Usuario: "Déjeme ver... No será 'dionisio'?"
Help Desk: (Â@#"%&$•"!)/=()? ZZZZZZZZZZZ. hijo de la chingada apúrate Que me ya me ..........pobre pendejo y además joto.) "... "
Usuario: "Déjeme intentar..."
Help Desk: (.!"#$$#%#$%&&%/()=()= mejor hubiera sido repartidor de pizzas..)"..."
Usuario: "Si, ése es!! De hecho aquí lo tengo apuntado en un POSTIT. Y aquí dice también 'yuserneim', 'pasguor' y 'domein'. Bueno, pues qué bueno que tenía aquí este papelito. Hasta luego!"
Help Desk: (Hijo de tu reputísima madre agrrrrrrrr, tenia ahí los datos y estuvimos perdiendo el tiempo entre que... ya, ni enojarse es bueno) "Hasta luego, que tenga buen día y recuerde estamos para servirle"
Usuario: "Ah si, Gracias, igualmente"
Help Desk: (O sea que este cabrón me dio las gracias por lo del 'Buen Dia' y no por resolverle el problema... en fin) "bye".

RING RING, SUENA EL TELEFONO Help Desk: ( va de nuevo otro pendejo o peor aun será una pendeja? ) "Soporte Técnico, Buenas Tardes".
Usuario: "A donde hablo?" .....................
Help Desk: (me carga la chingada .........va de nuez !!!!!)

Y bueno, no los conozco personalmente (para mi gran fortuna), pero estoy casi segura de que es asi como lucen nuestros brillantes clientes:

Don Cheto totally rules!!! LMAO

Por cierto, la última vez les dije que encontrarían nuevas Quotes y Movie Reviews, pero la verdad es que olvidé ponerlas--si, al Alemán ataca de nuevo. En fin, tarde pero seguro, ahora si están las nuevas Quotes así como las Reviews de 3 pelis.

P.D. Muchas gracias a todos los que amablemente asistieron a mi expo el pasado Domingo, y para los que se enojaron porque no me vieron ahí…pues CUCU con ustedes, la invitación era para ver LA EXPO, no a mi!! Y los que fueron, no me vieron y en vez de enojarse votaron por mi foto (la obvia), también muchas gracias. Ah, y la próxima…nos vemos en el Tate Modern de Londres lol

Don Cheto totally rules!!! LMAO

Noviembre 7, 2006

Los Si Si Si’s

Eran alrededor de las 5 de la tarde y llovía sobre la ciudad, Río Churubusco se había convertido de nueva cuenta precisa y literalmente en eso, en un río que rodeaba el Palacio de los Deportes; pero el tráfico y la lluvia no fueron suficientes para detener a los miles de fanáticos de una de las mejores bandas de Punk Alternativo de los últimos tiempos, por supuesto hablo de los Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Eran apenas unos minutos después de las 7pm cuando la pista del Palacio comenzaba a llenarse de chavitos punk, unos más fresa-punks que otra cosa, otros más punk-barrio que el mismo Barrio Bravo y el resto, punk-rockers de corazón, grupo en el que me parece clasifico mejor que en cualquiera de los antes mencionados, de ello no hay duda. Eran ya casi las 9pm cuando me encontraba ya, junto con algunos amigos, en medio de una muchedumbre ansiosa por ver a la banda protagonista de la noche, pero antes como es ya tradición, nos tuvimos que fumar al opening act: Subdivisión, quienes se llevaron su moderada y ya tradicional abucheada y un unísono “queremos a los Yeah Yeah Yeahs!!”, pues no son muy populares que digamos entre los punk-rockers y aunque lo fueran, simplemente no era su noche. Tocaron unas cuantas canciones, su mini hit “Blue Boy” incluido, el cual algunos coreamos solo por no dejar, al cabo de unos 30 minutos se retiraron del escenario para dar paso a…no, los YYY todavía no, sino a media hora de empujones horribles causados por mortales insolentes que no saben que aun a los conciertos de rock debe uno llevar su educación y buenos modales, porque admitámoslo, por mas rocker que uno sea, no hay que ser patanes o bitches en el caso de las niñas.

En fin, empapada de sudor y ansias por ver a una de mis bandas favoritas y cercada de mortales aun mas sudorosos que yo, me disponía a aguantar ahí ahogada el mayor tiempo posible pues en cualquier momento Karen O, Nick Zinner y Brian Chase saldrían al escenario a hacer de las suyas poniendo a cimbrar el lugar con sus potentes voz, guitarra y batería, respectivamente; ”Que demonios!...”, pensé, “…es una de mis bandas favoritas y no vienen todos los días, hoy pretendo estar justo en medio de la multitud y aguantar ahí hasta mas no poder, si, creo que hoy vale la pena que me aplasten, no me importa!”, y fue así como, casi asfixiándome y a 3 segundos del desmayo, estuve durante las primeras canciones del concierto. La asfixia era tal que ni siquiera me es posible recordar con que canción irrumpieron Karen O y compañía en el escenario, en verdad, la asfixia y el alz, definitivamente no van de la mano. Aunque mi corazón rockero y mis punketos ánimos me decían que debía quedarme ahí a brincar, gritar y perder el control, mi concienzudo yo luchaba por salir de entre la multitud de mortales sudantes a como diera lugar; pedí permiso para salir, lo cual fue un tanto iluso de mi parte, pues una vez los YYY en el escenario todo mundo gritaba, cantaba e ignoraba lo que pasa a su alrededor, así que mis intentos por salir de ahí educadamente valieron para 2 cosas…al final recurrí al Plan B: empujar y quitar de mi camino a cuanto ente punketo sudoroso fuera necesario, y así lo hice hasta que algunos minutos después me encontraba en la orilla de la pista donde por fin podía respirar y sentir una ligera brisa en mi rostro.

Para no perderme mucho de lo que sucedía en el escenario me apresuré a la parte derecha mas cercana a este y fue desde ahí que disfruté el resto de la noche, desde donde pude cantar, gritar, tomar fotos y lo más importante, respirar! En cuanto al setlist, no lo recuerdo bien, lo que si recuerdo es que no tocaron una canción que en mi opinión debían tocar: “Black Tongue”; pero si tocaron todos los demas hits y otros no tan hits, pero igual de buenos musicalmente hablando, como ”Honeybear”, “Turn Into”, “Y Control”, “Rich”, “Phenomena”, “Modern Romance” y por supuesto ”Pin”, “Maps”, “Date With The Night”, “Gold Lion”, “Cheated Hearts” y muchas otras. En verdad el mejor concierto del año…hasta ahora (aún falta The Killers). He aquí Karen O derrochando weirdness, coolness y rockandroll en el escenario.

Karen O rocking out!

Pasando a otros asuntos, muchas GRACIAS a los Jasso-Cárdenas por la celebración, tardía pero segura, de mi cumpleaños hace un par de semanas--lo pasé super chido, siempre es bueno compartir unos tequilas con la familia y el cake, super chido también! Aquí mi foto de pshyco-birthday-girl y más pics de ese día en The Hall Of Shame

Dice mi mamá que no sólo de fotografías vive el fotógrafo, con lo que no concuerdo mucho en realidad, pero digamos que tiene razón porque hace referencia al hecho de que debo actualizar otras secciones de esta página además de el Hall Of Shame, lo cual he hecho el día de hoy. He agregado un par de nuevas The Quotes y algunas breves reseñas en The Movies, así que hoy tienen un poco mas que leer. Y bueno, sólo para no faltar a la tradición, visiten el Hall Of Shame, donde encontraran fotos de Fer disfrazada de Catrina en Halloween, Dani: La nueva sobrina, mi visita a Tepoztlan, una sesión de fotos de la escuela y el Halloween con gente Teletech, el concierto de los YYY, entre otras que por ahora no recuerdo. Ah, y si no han tenido la decencia de firmar el The Guestbook, pueden hacerlo ahora.

Oh, y antes de que lo olvide, la envié por mail pero por aquello de las dudas, esta es la invitación de Mi Primer Exposición Fotográfica Ever, a la que en verdad espero les sea posible acompañarme pues, como se podrán imaginar, será un día muy importante para mi pues es tan solo la primera de varias exposiciones que tendré como fotógrafa profesional…espero verlos por ahí!

Invitacion Expo

Octubre 18, 2006


El sábado pasado (Octubre 14) fue mi cumpleaños (o como diría el francesito: “mi completo año”) y con él, la realidad; si, como que me cayó el 20 de muchas cosas y, a decir verdad, estoy muy satisfecha con quien soy hoy por hoy, pues me parece que soy una persona estable que tiene la fortuna de estar donde quiere, haciendo lo que quiere y con quien quiere--lo que ya es mucho decir en estos tiempos. La verdad es que me encuentro muy contenta y trabajando duro por mi meta, la cual está cada día mas cerca. En estos ya 4 meses que llevo de regreso en mi querido DF, no he hecho más que disfrutar todo, la gente de la que me alejé, las cosas que tanto extrañé y la ciudad que siempre añoré. Estoy muy agradecida con todos y con todo lo que tengo, aunque definitivamente no hay día que no extrañe a mi mujeres favoritas, pero se bien que al final todo habrá valido la pena. En fin, solo quiero agradecerle a todos los que se acordaron de mi ese día y, sobre todo, a los que estuvieron conmigo, los quiero a todos! Por cierto, sé que es muy extraño (sobre todo para ser yo), pero con tanta distracción aquel día, olvidé sacar mi cámara y sólo hay fotos de la compu de Esau y de la cam del Francesito, así que no creo tenerlas pronto.

Mi cumple en casa de Mau

Pasando a otros asuntos, como les había prometido, ya soy tía!! Y no es porque sea mi sobrina, pero la verdad Dani está super linda, en serio, está que te la comes, y aparte es Libra como su tía favorita--vaya niñita afortunada. Según yo, aun no se parece a nadie porque esta muy peque, pero todo mundo (como es típico) ya dice que se parece a su mamá, no, que al papá…patrañas, si somos honestos, no se parece a nadie, es muy chiquita para eso y punto. Y si no me creen…pues aquí les dejo su primera foto oficial (ahora si en persona) para que la vean y ustedes juzguen. Apoco no nos vemos super cute juntas? lol

My niece, Dani and me--ain't she a cutie pie?!

Hace mucho que no lo hacia, pero hoy he agregado algunas Quotes que he venido acumulando en las ultimas semanas, la verdad es que hay unas increíblemente graciosas y que no deben perderse. Gracias a todos los que hacen posible esta ya popular y entrañada sección, sin sus tonterías no seria lo mismo.

En cuanto a fotos, hay unas nuevas de la Familia, de una práctica de foto que tuve en la escuela, de Gis y yo en el concierto de Franz, y…creo que, no recuerdo, pero ya saben que lo pueden confirmar en The Hall Of Shame.

Por cierto, para los que gustan de museos, tengo un par de recomendaciones que hacerles y que, seguramente, serán de su agrado. La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de visitar El Colegio de San Ildefonso, ese lugar en el que me siento como en casa y que tantas buenas memorias resguarda en sus antiguas paredes y magníficos patios. Fui, en primera instancia, atraída por la exposición recién inaugurada de Mario Testino (fotógrafo de modas), cuya obra encuentro un tanto carente de…cómo explicarlo?...feeling? profundidad? Bah, no lo sé exactamente, pero si estoy segura de que la mayoría de su obra, aunque impresionante por su gran formato, no es capaz de transmitir mucho, que en mi opinión es algo muy importante en un fotógrafo, es decir, qué sería de un fotógrafo sin la habilidad de decir algo, de poder contar una historia a través de sus fotos, de transmitir la mas mínima emoción, causada por el tema que fuere…que sería? Aunque bueno, como les comenté al principio, si tiene unas cuantas fotos que son muy buenas y si valen la pena ver. Y si no les interesa tanto la fotografía, ahí mismo pueden visitar la expo de Leonardo Da Vinci que está increíble y que definitivamente no se pueden perder, es más que nada sobre su trabajo musical, pero resulta muy interesante ver instrumentos tan complicados que ni si quiera en la actualidad alguien se hubiera podido imaginar. Además, tiene una sala lúdica donde, por supuesto, es como en El Papalote, digo, por aquello de Toca, Juega y Aprende. Hay videos, pueden crear música con computadoras, en fin, en serio que vale la pena la visita y si son de aquellos que ponen de pretexto el varo, les recomiendo que hagan su visita en Martes, pues este día el Museo ofrece entrada gratuita a todo publico. Y bueno, ya que hablamos del Colegio…aprovecho para comentarles que en su página Oficial en Internet (cole’s url) tienen una Galería Virtual, la cual pueden visitar y encontrar una foto de su servidora, aquella titulada Homeless, lo cual me fascina y hasta me pone de buenas jaja. Por si son muy flojos para visitar el sitio, he aquí un screenshot de lo que les comento.

My new baby! Love it!!

Octubre 9, 2006
Todo superado…

Ok, la verdad es que hace mucho que superé aquello que paso la última vez que intentaba ponerlos al día con lo que ocurre con su servidora y gran amiga, o sea, yo.
No había venido porque la escuela me ha tenido muy ocupada y luego me enferme y la verdad es que ya estaba cansada de gastar mi dinero en Internet publico, así que decidí mejor esperar a tener mi laptop y así poder robarme…quiero decir, tomar la señal de algún vecino o ir a un hot spot o algo así--que de hecho es lo que estoy haciendo ahora mismo. (Agradecimiento especial a EL Sanborn’s por alojarme y proveerme de Internet.) La verdad es que la eterna espera de casi 3 meses por la que tuve que pasar para tener mi lap han valido completamente la pena--mi nuevo juguetito esta re-lindo! Aquí, una foto para que lo vean con sus propios ojos lol
My new baby! Love it!!

En fin, recuerdo que aquella desafortunada ocasión les había comentado sobre la visita de Gis, el concierto de Franz, mi boleto de los Yeahs, mi visita a Jalapa y bueno, una serie de cosas que por ahora me es imposible recordar con claridad--sí, el Alz Heimer también nos ataca a los jóvenes.

Hoy, comenzaré con la visita de Gis; esta se debió al concierto de Franz--al cual fuimos como parte de la celebración de su cumple 21, así es, mi lil sis ya es legal en todo el mundo, se que sonaré a abuelita, pero…que rápido pasa el tiempo! Bueno, les decía que fuimos al concierto de Franz, el cual estuvo increíble, en serio, son mucho mejor en vivo de lo que yo pensaba, prenden cañón y son buenísimos; hubo muchas rolas que fueron especialmente buenas en vivo, pero definitivamente LA mejor fue Jacqueline, en serio que rola!! Aparte los Franz traían una energía y vibra súper chidas, eso sin mencionar lo increíblemente hot que es el bajista, cuyo nombre no recuerdo en este instante. Los que están leyendo y fueron al concierto, sabrán de lo que hablo. Al día siguiente, me enteré que si hubo opening act: Bengala, nos los perdimos por andar tonteando afuera antes del concierto y pues mal plan porque tenia rato que quería escucharlos en vivo, pero como decía un celebre personaje de mi prepa (Jose Gerardo Cagadillo)…”cuando no se puede, no se puede!” y pues esta vez no se pudo, aunque supongo habrá otra. Al acabar del concierto salimos a comprar los típicos souvenirs y así acabo una velada mas de Las Carnalitas TREV lol Al siguiente día Gis tuvo que partir de regreso al pueblo y todo regresó a la normalidad. Pero ese par de días valieron totalmente la pena y los pasamos increíble. Gracias por todo, sis--regresa pronto. Wuv ya so much!!

Franz Ferdinand @ Auditorio Nacional--Sep 11, 2006

Ok, ahora tengo que decirles que estoy muy feliz y ansiosa porque ya en un par de semanas mas vendrán los YYY (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), por fin, después de 2 años de larga espera regresan a nuestro país y esta vez sé que será mucho mejor porque tienen 2 discos y, obvio, el show será mas largo y seguro mil mas chido. Ya muero por ver a Karen O y compañía destrozar el escenario del Palacio con tan increíble energía y extravagancias. Este, es mi lindo boletito, si tú tienes uno igual…nos vemos el 25 de Octubre!!
My awesome YYY's ticket!

Sobre mi visita a Jalateto-town…bueno, en realidad no hay mucho que decir; solo fue un fin de semana y estuvo bien. Vi a unos cuantos amigos, lo que me dio mucho gusto en verdad. Saluditos a los Jala-friends: Rubensio, Gaby (btw, gracias x los alcoholes prometidos!), Ingrid y Granny--aunque por dramas que no vienen al caso no se nos hizo vernos.
Lo mejor de todo, fue el tiempo que pase con mi mami, fuimos de shopping y pudimos platicar mucho y pasarla bien, ya extrañaba eso. Mamita: aunque no lo creas, te extraño todos y cada uno de los días que no estamos juntas!

Ahora, quiero aprovechar este espacio para felicitar a 2 de mis mejores amigos, Libra ambos, por supuesto: Tere y Huicho. Amigos, espero que hayan tenido un muy Feliz Cumple y que como estos, tengan muchos mas. Wuv ya both!

En cuanto a mi, todo va muy bien; el trabajo va bien hasta ahora, amo mi horario y tener mis fines de semana libres--es lo mejor. Y la escuela, increíble, acabo de terminar laboratorio avanzado y ya la próxima semana comienzo con alumbrados profesionales; el tiempo ha pasado muy rápido y, obvio, cada vez aprendo mucho más, me encanta y estoy definitivamente convencida de que la fotografía es lo mío. Por cierto, este me parece un buen momento para comentarles acerca de la próxima exposición (fotográfica, obvio) que se montara en la George Eastman (mi escuela); la cual, será mi primera exposición en la vida--tan solo la primera de muchas, espero. Esta se llevará a cabo el 12 de Noviembre en el lugar antes mencionado, si quieren la dirección, háganmelo saber; me dará muchísimo gusto ver a varios de ustedes ahí, sin mencionar lo importante que será para mi el poder compartir esa especial ocasión con la gente que quiero.

Ah, casi se me olvidaba! Ya tiene casi un mes, pero aun así quiero mencionarlo. Estoy muy, pero MUY contenta porque por fin se fueron los malditos pejenakistas que tanto aire puro nos quitaban y que tanto estorbaban en algunas de las avenidas principales de nuestra querida y ya de por sí ajetreada ciudad. Estoy segura de que aun no superan su dichoso voto x voto, casilla x casilla, pero lo que importa aquí es que han liberado nuestra ciudad y ahora los que circulamos por esas vías cotidianamente estamos muy agradecidos. Aunque como dice mi abuela: siempre hay un frijol en el arroz…ahora resulta que los de la APPO (Asamblea de P*nches P*ndejos Oaxaqueños??) van a venir a plantarse y a pedir cosas que ni siquiera tendrían porqué estar pidiendo aquí, todo con el afán de fregar al prójimo, en serio, cuando no es una, es otra! Ya, no? Provincianos a su provincia y YA DEJENOS EN PAZ!

Bueno, he escrito suficiente por hoy y debo irme, pero regresare muy pronto pues aun hay mucho que contar. Ok, una ultima cosa...entre hoy y manhana sera tia!! Asi es, mi querida sobrinita que, presumiblemente, se llamara Daniela Alarcon nacera muy pronto--estoy como emocionada! Jeje Pronto podran ver las primeras fotos posteadas por aqui, mientras tanto les dejo su primera foto oficial, aunque no luce tan bien lol

La 1a foto oficial de Daniela--mi sobrina!

September 20, 2006
Pretty fucking upset!

Uff, 84 millones de años escribiendo para que cuando le diera save, esta fregadera del mal se trabara y me echara toda mi inspiración a perder, neto no lo puedo creer, no saben que coraje--aunque supongo que se lo imaginan. En fin, la neta estoy MUY enojada como pa' escribir de nuevo así que ya bye y ojalá se mueran todas estas compus asquerosas y estupidas--si, estoy enojada y qué!!

Ya sólo les diré que hay muchas fotitos en el Hall of Shame y nuevas Quotes, están chidas, por lo menos pueden checar eso, ya luego, cuando esté de mejor humor escribiré de nuevo todo lo acababa de hacer. Bleh, freakin' asswhore comp!!!

September 02, 2006
Casi un mes!

Osh, ya casi se me fue un mes entero sin escribirles y no me parece tan paike (si, "paike", mi amigo Mario y yo hemos decidido traer de regreso esta palabra ochentera y ponerla de moda nuevamente--si, pasamos demasiado tiempo diciendo tonterìas!) porque ahora tengo como 8 millones d cosas que contarles y no sè ni por donde comenzar, supongo que lo haré como me vengan las cosas a la mente o algo así. Ok, creo que lo último de lo que les hablé fue de la visita de mi querida madre; después de eso me enfermé horrible, estaba a 3 de morir...ok, tal vez no tanto, PERO, la neta si estaba bastante mal, hasta me dieron pase de salida en el trabajo--weee! Gracias a los cuidados de mi abuelita me recuperé relativamente pronto. Presicamente el día que peor me sentía fue el día que en Teletech (mi trabajo) se les ocurrió hacer nuestra pizza party de graduación, si, por fin después de 5 semanas terminamos el trainning y debíamos comenzar con the real thing!! La pizza party estuvo bien, hubiera estado màs paike si no hubiera tenido cara de perro a medio morir (como verán en las fotos); Mario, Fanni, Alberto, Pablo y otros se metieron un atascón de pizza que no vean, creo que después de esos ninguno comió nada durante las siguientes 24 horas--neto! En fin, dentro de todo, estuvo bien, ahora pueden proceder a ver las fotitos de la Pizza Party {Hall of Shame/friends}--por favor, disculpen la cara!

Ahora, hmmm...ese fin de semana creo que fuimos a jugar cartas a casa de Mau, ese dìa también me mojé caaaañón--luego por eso me enfermo, y digan lo que digan, me rehúso a cargar un paraguas!--, pero la noche estuvo bien, incluyó temblor y toda la onda, aunque en realidad no lo sentimos mucho, pero se veía que las lámparas se movían de un lado a otro; la velada terminó temprano porque unos tenían que trabajar al día siguiente y yo tenía que ir a la escuela, así que a las 2 am ya estaba en cama. Obvio, también hay fotos de la Noche de Cartas {Hall of Shame/friends}.

Al siguiente día, me trajeron de aquí para allá, en la mañana fui a la escuela y estuvo increíble porque fue la primera vez que revelé, está increíble eso, en verdad, me gusta mucho! En fin, después de la escuela tuve que (casi) correr a casa por mi primo Daniel pues teníamos boletos para ver a Allison {Hall of Shame/Bands/Allison}, esta bandita nueva formada por 3 chavitos que, a decir verdad, no me parecen muy talentosos que digamos, peeeero, a Danny le gustan y él me invitó así que ps fuimos--al final no estuvo tan mal, aunque tampoco tan bien, pero después pudimos pasar un rato a Tower a comprar unas cositas--creo que lo pasé mejor ahí que en el concierto jeje.

Después de lo de Allison, tuvimos que regresar rápido a casa pues yo debía acicalarme (diría Gaby lol) para la fiesta de la noche, era una fiesta a la que de plano no podía faltar aunque quisiera...el cumple de Marceluchis! Debo confesar que por momentos, sólo por momentos, me dio un poco de flojera después del día tan ajetreado que tuve, pero cada que pensaba en no ir veía la cara de Marcela diciéndome: "por què no fuiste? ya ves? que mala onda, Dianis! Ya sabía que no ibas a venir...bla bla bla" y la verdad eso no me pareció nada paike, por lo que me bañe para regresar al mundo real, envolví su regalo y me dirigí a la fiesta; lo cual después de todo estuvo muy bien, la verdad es lo que lo pasé mucho mejor de lo que creí que podría pasarlo, conocí a gente super cool y hasta a gente que ya conocía por internet--kgadísimo el asunto, en serio, no pensé que cosas así en verdad pasaran, pero pasan y es hasta medio cool jaja. La fiesta, como buena fiesta de Marcela, tuvo hasta piñata...si, piñata, y no cualquier piñata eh, era de Chucky--obvio! jaja Lo mejor era su contenido: máscaras de luchadores, calzones, chipotes chillones y cositas de esas que a Marce le encantan. Ese día si estuvo tan bueno que llegué a casa hasta el siguiente día, con permiso de mi abuela, por supuesto ja. Pics del Cumple de Marce aquí {Hall of Shame/friends}!

La siguiente semana, una banda (que si tienen TV conocen) llamada Ellis Paprika tocó en el Centro Cultural de España, pude conseguir 4 entradas--gratis, por supuesto. Fui con Tere, Esaú y un amigo de ambos. La banda me gusta, pero sólo lo normal, aunque ese día me gustó más porque son muy buenos en vivo, el asunto era como acusticón, pero bien, la vocalista trae como super buena actitud y tiene muy buena voz. Nadie muy hot en la banda. Ese día me tocó estar hasta el frente del pequeño (y algo improvisado) escenario, como a un metro de la banda, lo cual era perfecto pues podía tomar fotos a diestra y siniestra. Cuando tocaron una canción que se llama "Sunny Day" pasó algo muy kgado con la vocal, comencé a cantar y ella se dio cuenta de que yo era como la única persona que sabía la canción en el lugar y me señaló y todavía me invitó a seguir cantando, no hace falta decir que todos dirigieron sus miradas hacias mi, creo que hasta me sonrojé jaja, lo peor fue que ella seguía haciéndome señas con su mano hasta que de plano tuve que decirle "no, back off! lol En serio se lo dije, pero obvio con una sutil sonrisa pa' que no lo tomara a mal jaja. La neta es que ese día lo pasé bien. Antes de ellos, tocó una banda que creo se llama This Ember Season...o algo así, también son buenos, la chava canta un poco como Shakira, pero bien...son medio folk, tocaron un cover de Johhny Cash muy bueno! Ojalá haya más conciertos de esos! Mientras tanto, aquí {Hall of Shame/Bands/Ellis Paprika o /This Ember Season, respectivamente}, pueden las pics de este.

Bien, creo que eso es todo por hoy...en realidad falta mucho que contar, pero eso es a grandes rasgos lo que ha sucedido en el último mes. Espero regresar pronto!

Ellis Paprika @ Centro Cultural de España

August 07, 2006
No estaba muerta...

Antes que nada, una disculpa a todos ustedes, queridos y fieles lectores por no haber actualizado antes, lo que pasa es que de repente se me fue el tiempo muy rápido y como que...pues si, se fue rápido el tiempo y no pude venir antes, pero aquí estoy ahora y eso es lo que importa. Ahora, veamos, ¿qué he hecho en el último mes?...hmmm, pues muchas cosas, la verdad es que si he estado algo ocupada. Para empezar con el trabajo, que por cierto hoy cumplo un mes ahi! Y la verdad me gusta, si, si me gusta; he conocido a gente muy chida y muy graciosa, y ps en general el ambiente está bien. Lo único que afecta mi vida laboral (se puede decir} hoy en día, son los malditos pejenakistas que estorban todo mi camino de casa al trabajo y me obligan a caminar de día y de noche, pero en fin, esperemos que el ejército les aviente bombas pronto y sus pedacitos vuelen hacia sus respectivos pueblos y/o lugares d origen. Ahora, también la escuela me ha mantenido bastante ocupada, me dejan mucha tarea, cosa que me gusta, no me malentiendan, es sólo que si me quita algo de tiempo, por no decir muchas de mis mañanas; pero sé que han valido la pena pues a mi maestro le han parecido bien hechas y hasta dice que tengo muy buen ojo para la arquitectura y muy buena visión en general--which, obviously means a lot to me!

Ahora, fuera de eso, he ido a ver algunas expos, la que más me gustó fue la del Deutsch Bank en San Ildefonso--es de fotografía--, está bastante chida y hay unas fotos increíbles en b/n--si están aquí en DF y pueden, neto láncence porque vale la pena! También he visto una que otra pelicula...ok, varias peliculas! jaja Ya les contaré en The Movies un día de estos, porque tengo algunas buenas recomendaciones que hacerles. Ah, también durante mi ausencia online se llevó a cabo lo que Bracco (un workmate) denominó como La Primera Peda del Trabajo LMAO que para ser la primera no estuvo nada mal, pero tampoco estuvo TAN "peda" jaja, o sea, ni tomamos tanto y sólo eran chelas, pero en general estuvo divertido, llegué a casa como a las 4:30 am acompañada por Vector después de haber sido detenidos por una patrulla por meternos en sentido contrario en pleno viaducto, pffft! Nos bajaron un buen varo--malditos! En fin, al parecer esta semana será la segunda y a ver cómo nos va.

Fanni, Rafael, Me +  Bracco @ Bracco's

Este fin vino mi mamá de visita, en general estuvo bien; fuimos al museo, a comer comida Argentina, a ver Cabaret y al cine. Con toda y la ridícula pelea que tuvimos, creo que la pasamos bien. Lo mejor fue Cabaret, Chantal Andere está ridículamente bien, baila y canta sorpresivamente bien y Bruno Bichir, bueno, qué puedo decir, está maravilloso, se llevó la obra por completo--graciosísimo el tipo! Se supone que no se podían tomar pics, pero obvio yo si tomé jaja. Ya saben donde encontrarlas.

Cabaret presenting @ Teatro Insurgentes

Hablando de pics, hay muchas nuevas, entre ellas de Los Músicos de José {Hall of Shame/Bands/Los Musicos de Jose}, de la reunión del trabajo {Hall of Shame/The Friends}--para que vayan conociendo a mis workmates (falta Mario que tb es buen cuate, pero ese día no fue), algunas de la Familia {Hall of Shame/The Family} y, por supuesto, de Cabaret. Recuerden que todas están en The Hall of Shame.

Por cierto, gracias a los que se preocuparon por mi porque saben que los Pejenakistas bloquean mi camino tanto al trabajo como a la escuela. La verdad es que si es malo, pero no tanto, es decir, sólo debo caminar unas 3 calles, pero a medio día con el sol ps no es tan padre y en la noche con la lluvia ps como que tampoco y aparte es un tanto molesto pasar por ahí y que haya tanto nako, ignorante, acarreado, mugroso, sin convicciones y que aparte crea que está como en un Summer Camp en vez de apoyando a una dizque Resistencia Civil, pffft! Sé que esto va para largo, pero pienso sacarle provecho e ir a tomar fotos aprovechando que Reforma está car-free por un rato, porque eso no se ve tan seguido--afortunadamente! En fin, ojalá les echen al ejército o hagan algo pronto porque la ciudad no puede seguir así por mucho tiempo.

Weno, es todo por ahora, me despido pero espero regresar pronto con más pics, news y demás. Saludos a todos!!

Notice: Lately I’ve been asked to write this section in Spanish, since my amount of Spanish-speaking readers has increased, so after considering it for a while and because I am such a nice person...I’ve decided to consent to do so, so from now on I’m gonna be writing this section in Spanish and now it’ll be the English-speaking people who will have to get a translator--I mean, in case you care that much about my writings lol So, here I go...

Julio 07, 2006
El 3 de Julio que nunca llegó
Después de meses de intensas campañas, disputas, dimes y diretes entre los candidatos a la presidencia de nuestro país y una intensa (y lo digo literalmente) jornada electoral, todos los Mexicanos esperábamos ansiosamente que llegara el 3 de Julio, pues-supuestamente-sería el día en que escucharíamos por vez primera quién sería el Elegido, el Bueno, el Mero, Mero, el que nos gobernaría los siguientes 6 años, vaya.

Desafortunadamente para México y sus más de 100 millones de habitantes, ese día nunca llegó, es decir, obvio llegó el 3 de Julio, si, pero no el 3 de Julio que todos esperábamos, pues de acuerdo con el IFE la votación estuvo TAN cerrada, que era prácticamente imposible determinar a esas alturas quién habría de ser el próximo Presidente de México; el asunto estaba obviamente entre Calderón y López Obrador. A Madrazo en realidad ni siquiera vale la pena mencionarlo, pues aunque obtuvo un tercer lugar, definitivamente está fuera de la jugada; de Campa pues ni hablar, y lo digo porque en verdad no hay mucho que decir; y Mercado...sólo nos queda esperar que por lo menos el registro de su partido logre conservar.

En fin, era Domingo y yo, por extraño que parezca, estaba levantada desde las 7 AM; por supuesto más que lista para ir a ejercer mi voto por primera vez (en el 2000 era menor de edad); mi casilla era especial y no porque tuviera algo en particular, si no porque estoy registrada en el padrón Jalateto (cosa que por supuesto cambiaré en cuanto me sea posible). Cuando llegué, vi mucha gente formada, aunque debo confesar que nunca pensé que tanta hasta que comencé a buscar el final de la fila y caminé y seguí caminando hasta darle la vuelta a la cuadra, y ahí, justo a la mitad de esta me detuve y comenzó lo que sería una espera de más de 5 horas, si ¡¡5 horas!!--¡Eso es querer votar, caray! ¿O no?...La espera terminó y por fin voté, a esas horas ya no estaba segura de qué me emocionaba más, si el hecho de votar o de que la eterna espera había terminado, pffft! El punto es, que salí de ahí contenta. Ese mismo Domingo todos estábamos orgullosos de la increíble participación ciudadana en los comicios, bueno, hasta los gringos nos felicitaron por lo bien que estaba resultando el proceso--como si eso debiera importarle a los Mexicanos...me refiero a la felicitación obvio. Desde las 8 de la noche se suponía que los medios anunciarían a un posible ganador, lo que como todos sabemos, no pasó; cosa que comenzó a enrarecer un tanto el ambiente...por lo menos en el Sanborn’s donde yo me encontraba viendo las noticias.

Además de el nombre del ganador, lo que estaba en duda era la tan llamada Joven Democracia de México; así es, ya era Martes y los resultados no salían a la luz, por lo que más de uno comenzó a cuestionarse sobre los acontecimientos y que tan real era esta democracia a la que tanto (y tantos) habíamos apelado en últimas fechas. Todo, para que ayer jueves por la tarde se dieran finalmente los resultados, los medios comenzaron a alertar a la sociedad: ULTIMA HORA, ULTIMA HORA, EL CONTEO DE CASILLAS PARA LAS ELECCIONES PRESIDENCIALES HA CONCLUIDO Y LOS RESULTADOS SON LOS SIGUIENTES: FELIPE CALDERON 35.88%, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR 35.51%..., lo demás no lo recuerdo con claridad, pero no importa porque hoy sabemos que es Felipe Calderón (PAN) quien gobernará nuestro país durante el siguiente sexenio. Así como también sabemos lo que debe estar sufriendo el pobre del Peje, de veras es como para sentirse mal por el pobre, creía que con el conteo voto por voto la tenía ganada, pero no y ahora, por supuesto, quiere impugnar los resultados del conteo, en serio pobre...y pobres también de los PejeFans porque seguro estarán diciendo “se la robaron”, “no es justo”, “era suya”, “malditos tramposos”, “¡IFE vendido!”--¡ya los estoy escuchando, por Dios! Los comentarios en las calles de la ciudad seguro serán interesantes el día de hoy--más de lo normal, porque los Defeños no me dejaran mentir, luego uno escucha cada cosa! Bueno, suficiente de política, pero tenía que mencionar el tema pues es algo que nos concierne a todos como habitantes de este país. Ahora sólo nos resta esperar y ver qué rumbo toma nuestro tercermundista y muy querido México.

Después de votar, mostrando mi creden y mi TREV tee, obvio!

Ahora, pasemos a algo más agradable mis estimados Moko Faces. Mi estancia en el DF (ya de 3 semanas) ha sido más que fantástica, he de confesar que incluso ha superado mis expectativas, tal vez no debería decirlo, pero no pensé que mi hometown me fuera a recibir de la manera en que lo ha hecho. Sobra decir que estoy más que feliz y satisfecha con la decisión que tomé, por la forma en que han sucedido las cosas, creo que hice lo correcto y creo que el timing no pudo haber sido mejor! Ahora bien, no crean que lo digo sólo por aquello de la fiesta y el rock, no...o sea, si influye mucho, peeero, no lo es todo. El día de ayer firmé un contrato de trabajo, así es, de nuevo he dejado de ser parte de la PEI (Población Económicamente Inactiva). Debo decir que es un buen empleo para los tiempos tan difíciles que se están viviendo en la actualidad, recibiré lo que se puede llamar un sueldo decente, prestaciones de ley y demás, sin mencionar, que está tan cerca de casa que es para restregarlo considerando las distancias que la gente normalmente debe recorrer para ir de su casa a su lugar de trabajo y viceversa; casi lo olvido, además de todo eso, no interferirá con mis estudios de Fotografía--que es la principal razón por la que estoy aquí. Aparte de todo, lo encontré rápido considerando que las primeras 2 semanas no me dediqué a buscar empleo, si no (como muchos de ustedes saben) a trabajar en Tu Rock Es Votar. Por un momento pensé que había sido cuestión de suerte-muchos podrían pensarlo así-¿yo?...yo creo que si te propones algo y trabajas lo suficiente por ello, lo consigues eventualmente.

Ahora si, pasemos de lleno al asunto de la fiesta y el rock!! Jaja La verdad es que gracias a Tu Rock (TREV) he conocido a mucha gente increíble; Armando (Pdte. de TREV) entre ellos, de verdad que este tipo es literalmente imposible que no te caiga bien, en serio, es PKM hasta decir basta y todavía más, desde el primer día que llegué me trató super bien (por mail también era super amable, pero obvio no es lo mismo), además, tiene un excelente gusto musical y organiza unas fiestas onda Berlinezcas-según Tere-, o sea, super wow, de esas a las que todo mundo quiere ir alguna vez, con celebridades incluidas y toda la onda--eso sin mencionar que ¡¡el alcohol es gratis!! Y así como a Armando, he conocido a mucha gente “buen-vibrosa, unos medio cu-cu, pero super chidos. Y de los rocks...¿qué puedo decir? ¡Estoy en La Capital De Los Rocks! Comenzamos el próximo 8 de Agosto con Bloc Party en el Salón 21--excelente banda de Brit-Rock, una de mis favoritas a decir verdad, iré con mi socia y estoy segura que lo pasaremos buenísimo. Seguimos con The Strokes el 2 de Septiembre--me gustan, pero aún no estoy segura si iré, aunque me gustaría. Terminamos (hasta ahora) el 11 de Septiembre con Franz Ferdinand en el Auditorio--llevaré a Gis por su cumple y estoy segura que rockearan, la vez anterior nos los perdimos, pero regresaran por nuestra reivindicación! Jajaja Y bueno, de los rocks locales, pues mañana hay uno de Los Músicos de José en el (ya famoso) Pasagüero--excelente banda de funk-combinación...algo más que no sé explicar bien, pero me gusta. Los escuché por primera vez hace ya un buen rato y siempre he querido verlos en vivo, parece que por fin mañana se me hará!

Por último, agregué nuevas Quotes y algunas pics en los albums d The Family.

P.D. 1 Perdón si escribí demasiado, ¡es su culpa por hacerme cambiar de idioma!

P.D. 2 Seguro encontrarán muchos pochismos, y tendrán que aguantarse porque así hablo yo en español, ok? Fawkers! lol jk

These are our tix to Franz Ferdinand next Sept. 11! Can't wait!

June 30, 2006
Hello fellow readers! I'm back, 'so soon!' you're probably thinking, well yes, coz I've got a few more pics to share with you, and a little video, too.

Last night there was an Open House party @ the TREV headquarters, there was free buzz, nice people, snacks, some rockstars and even moviestars, friends, great music and a lot of good time, of course! I went with Tere and Mau (friends from back in junior high), we hadn't partied up together in quite a while and it was a lot of fun. We were hanging out with some of my mates @ TREV and with Lino Nava (the guitarist from this Mexican band called La Lupita)--he's a lot of fun, thou may be a teeny bitsy annoying after a while lol Nothing really bad thou, also Cecilia Suárez (Mexican actress) was hanging there, she's nice too, she greeted us as if we met lol

We went back home kinda early coz it's a Thurday night and people have jobs to go to and I, well...I live with my grandparents so I had to be home kinda early--don't wanna break the rules so soon! haha Anyways, you'll find the photos from last night here. Under the TREV DF/Open House folder. Enjoy!!

BTW, I don't think I had the chance before but I wanna thank my auntie Norma for all her support and for taking me in her place, because although I'm not there anymore, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her in the first place, so yeah...much thanks dear auntie, you know I wuv ya tons and don't worry, coz I'm still coming over to vist!!

Now, I don't know if I'll be back before Sunday but just in case I don't, I wanna say something: GO VOTE, DON'T WASTE THIS CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR COUNTRY AND TO DO SOMETHING TO MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES, I mean it!! It doesn't matter who you vote for, all that matters is that you're convinced who you're doing it for. So yeah, locate the urns where you have to vote and go do it!! Don't forget...Si no votas...¡CÁLLATE! And talking about that, I'v got a nice little couple of videos for you, personally, I find them pretty funny, so check'em out!

Video #1

Video #2

Sorry it's upside down, hope you don't hurt your neck lol

June 27, 2006
Gichef's Bday!!

Whoa! Too many bdays in this month, there must be something about September eh? If you know what I mean lol jk Anyways, I wanna take this chance to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the people I know who has a bday this month: Gichef (of course!), Karina, Ruben, Gaby, Juan Carlos, Gerardo and I'm not sure if I'm forgetting anyone else, but if I am, sorry and happy bday to you, too. I hope you all have a great one and have tons of fun thou it, of course, won't be the same as I am not there to celebrate with you! Still, all the best for you and hope you all got tons of pressies!!

On to another issue...I wanna tell you all about Saturday! It was quite an awesome day, it's my first day at school and it was pretty cool. I got to practice with advance students since the rest of my class was late--suckers! lol My teacher is really nice and he taught me how to use my camera for the concert later on that day, the school is cosy and the people seem to be nice, we'll see how it goes within the next few weeks.

Alright, after school I head it straight to the Sports Palace, arrived there around 2:30 or so, met up with Penelope (Press Department @ TREV) and then I helped her to register all the members of the press until around 6 or so. Then we went in where all the action was going on. I had a "little" problem thou...the bracelet I had was pink, but as much as I love that color (and you know how much!) it wasn't the one I wanted coz that was just for press and I wanted the All Access one, of course. So, I told Armando (President of TREV) I didn't have one; he did all he could and, with Luis' help, after a little while, I got my bracelet and now I could move all around the place however the hell I wanted! Which was pretty awesome, obviously, I could hang backstage, at the dressing rooms, with the crowd, at the press conference room...well, pretty much everywhere in the venue--it felt pretty natural for me to be there.

I got to take TONS of pics, which was the happier part for me, as you can imagine. I took pics of La Lupita, Volovan, Plastilina Mosh, Perros Celestes, The Client, the TREV Team and well, tons of other people I met there. It was a PRETTY TIRING day but it was all worth it, I was pretty happy I have to say. It was all over at midnight or so and afterwards, we head off to this place called El Pasagûero where the after party took place. There, besides the people from TREV, a band called The John Band was presenting their first album. They're not real good, they're more like just okay. The whole thing ended (for me anyways) around 4 am and then, Penelope was kind enough to offer me her place to crush since it was a bit too late to go back home.

I'm not telling you a lot of the details and things that happened but that's because I don't have much time, but stil, I wanted to come and share this with you. So...to check the pics from that incredible day, go to the Hall of Shame. They're in the folder called TREV DF. They're realy not THAT great, but those are just the ones from the digi cam as I don't have a scanner to show you the ones from the reflex one--bummer!

BTW, before I forget...due to popular request, I moved to grandma's now! lol Naw, I moved coz of several reasons so now I live in downtown and everything is closer now--fun eh? Now we can go party up 'till we drop! lol

Part of the TREV Team on stage @ the Sports Palace

June 24, 2006
Hey there!
Just a quick drop to say. It's been one week since I came back home and maybe it's a bit soon to say, but so far so good. I'm really enjoying it and no, the city ain't as bad as people say--it's just narrow-minded-townies lol

Anyways, today is the BIG day since it's my first day at school, which was very good to be the first one lol And later on I'm going to the Sports Palace since it's the Closure show for the TREV Tour where many bands will play and, most important, where I will be the official TREV photographer!! How fawkin' great is that? I am really having a blast and I hope you all are too. When I get the pics I'll try to upload'em as soon as I can so you all get to check'em out!!

Well, I'm at a public internet access now and like Muse (the band) would say...my time is running out..., so I'd better leave now. I still gotta have breakfast and then go straight to the show.

P.S. Enjoy today's match (Mexico VS Argentina) and be optimistic, but also please, be realistic!! lol Laters! Miss you mom + sis!! xoxo

Oh, btw...check my latest adquisition, it's my new baby hehe Neat eh? I'm loving it!

My new precious baby!

June 16, 2006
Departure/Arrival Day--D Day

Alright. It's 1:19 am and I think this is goobyes...well, to Jalapa and the people I care about and live here. Ha I don't even know where to start. I really don't think it had hit me--up until the day before yesterday, I was walking down the street (running some errans) and suddenly it hit me, I started realizing what I was leaving here, especially the people...tears almost ran down my face (keyword: almost). Anyways, this past couple of weeks have been pretty good to me, I've had a really good time and I've also realized I've made new friends and I've been hanging out with really nice people. At work, my boss pretty much begged me to stay and offered a promotion, a raise and a photography scholarship (which I dunno how he was planning on finding)...at first he didn't even make me hesitate a second, but then I talked to some friends and my mom and I had to put a thought on the issue--I felt tormented for some moments, but then...it was all back into place and even thou the whole offer thingy sounded kinda appealing I realized my decision was made and that it was what I really want to do so, I decided to stick to the original plan of leaving. People at the office (besides my boss) were really nice to me the past couple of weeks, they asked me to stay about a hundred times--even thou they knew perfectly that wouldn't work. The good thing about it all is that if, for some wicked reason, I come back I know I'll have a place there.

My last day in town wasn't quite what I expected and I honestly feel like I wasted it, but there's nothing I can do about it and I'm too tired to whine so I'm just gonna say there are some things that I would of rathered do instead of the ones I did and there's some people I would of rathered hung out with instead of the ones I did it with--except for the part of my sister, of course, I loved hanging with her again.

Oh yes, we're talking again, thou we didn't quite talk...I just called to her to ask her if I could pick her up at school, she said yes I went and the rest is history. It seems like things are okay between us now and I'm glad coz I really didn't wanna leave leaving things that way with her. Ok, so now...I guess I'm gonna take the chance to send some shotouts to some people out there:

Warning: If you don't wanna get bored, just read the lines after your name.

Mom: There's a million things I could say to you and yet, not many words come to me now, I guess I just wanna tell you how grateful I am to have you as my mom because I honestly don't think I could have asked for a better one. I wanna thank you not only for always being there for me and for taking care of me and all of that, but also for allowing me to do this and for supporting me coz you know how important this is to me and how much it means to me that you're right by my side, but most importantly, for trusting me, now that means the world to me, mom. I don't think I can ever thank you enough for bringing me into the person I am now and for always respecting me, my ideas and my way. Thank you, thank you, thank you--I LOVE YOU TONS and don't forget that I'll always be your little girl. I'm gonna miss you more than you know!!

Gis: Oh My God! I really didn't think I'd leave home "this soon", in fact, thanks to you I never thought I would! lol Luckly for you (and me), it came sooner than expected. I can't believe we're not gonna hang out anymore and that we're not gonna take care of each other anymore or make fun of people, or muck my mom for being unintentionally funny, or go to the "rocks" (or organize them), or...so many things we used to do, and I can't believe I'm gonna miss all that freakin' good food you're gonna be making--even if I met that "cocky" guy from the Travel & Living channel, you'd still be my favorite Cheff!! Sis, don't you ever forget you are my Perrow Rockerow and I'll always be there for you even if I'm China, ok? So, please don't you ever stop coming to me, for anything and everything, even if you think it's stupid, I wanna know!! Anyways, I wuv you so fawkin' much and I hope we never have one of those stupid fights again. Be good to mom, take good care of her and keep on making her laugh like we always do!

Ayme: Reini, t juro k eres una adorada! Mil gracias x ser siempre tan linda conmigo y por tantos momentos d diversión; en serio k a pesar d tus 6 mil millones d personalidades me pareces una excelente persona y me da mucho gusto haberte no sólo conocido, si no tratado y hangeado contigo, eres d lo más cool y aparte super graciosa--cualidad difícil d encontrar en un Jalateto. Cuídate mucho y acuérdate k nos vemos en un mes x allá...o neto piénsale eso d ser roomies en mi ciudad--a ver si es cierto k d eso pides tu limosna! jajaja Saludos a Penjamo y suerte con los asuntos Peterezcos!

Gaby: Doñis, todo lo k tendría k decirte sé k ya lo sabes y d sobra, pues t lo he demostrado en estos 3 años, así k sólo te agradeceré el haber estado ahí todo este tiempo y el haberme escuchado siempre k lo necesité; dentro de las muchas tonterías k sueles decir, hay una cosa en la k tienes razón: Gaby = Friend, neto! T voy a extrañar mucho y aunke sé k nunca seremos roomies (lo sé x las estadísticas y, como podrás imaginarte dadas las circunstancias, soy una mujer de estadísticas), me kedaré con la idea x un rato sólo xk es divertido y ps xk weno...you just never know! lol En fin, cuida al resto d la iPod Sisterhood (k NO incluye iPods robados ni piratas!) y nos vemos pronto. Wuv ya, lousy friend!

Ingrid: Reina, a ti tb tengo mucho k agradecerte, d vdd...MIL gracias x escucharme, x awantarme con todo y mi histrionismo y narcisismo, x defenderme, x haberme dado una oportunidad sin conocerme, pero sobre todo x kererme y entenderme perfecto. Las reuniones en La Kasita fueron lo mejor--ojalá pronto hagamos unas en Mi Kasita y k sten = d PKM! (Si, tendré Torres exclusivo para ti!) TKM! Que todo salga bien con César y ojalá k haya boda pronto, o por lo menos Full reconciliación jaja.

Pinky: Me da gusto k después d todo seamos buenos amigos y k aún estés ahí para mi, así como sabes k yo stoy para ti--significa mucho para mi. Gracias x todas las porras y x preocuparte x mi, en serio no sabes cuanto lo agradezco. TKM!

Mr. Prensa: Mil gracias x decirme no lo k kiero escuchar, si no lo k debo escuchar, eres un amigo INCREÍBLE y no tienes idea d cuanto significa tu amistad para mi. Me dio muchísimo gusto hangear contigo estas semanas y aunke tal vez no lo creas, aprendí mucho de ti, en serio GRACIAS x todo!! TKM!

Karina: Aunke no se nos hizo despedirnos como el protocolo lo indicaba, agradezco tus palabras y tu amistad. Siempre has sido una d mis personas favoritas en este pueblo--con todo y k ya eres toda una Srita. Laura! jaja Sólo espero k nunca, nunca llegues a ser tan mean como la lesbiana desagradable d tu madre akella la política dl mal--weno, d hecho, sé k no lo serás, siempre has sido mucho mejor persona k ella y me pareces también muy sensata como para volverte como ella. En fin, gracias x ser mi amiga y FELIZ CUMPLE!! (No creas k se me había olvidado!) TKM!

Mini-me: No sabes k gracioso es el haber encontrado a alguien TAN igualita a mi hace algunos ayeres, t juro k nunca me había pasado, pero la vdd sta bn cool y me alegra k hayas sido tú, xk independientemente d k seas mi Mini-me, eres una niña super cool y mucho más lista d lo k crees, además d graciosa (obvio) y weno, a veces también medio babas! jaja En fin, estuvo increíble conocerte y ya sabes k siempre k necesites algo, sólo necesitas decírmelo, ok? No olvides k TKM y, x amor a tus padres, pórtate bien!!

Granny: La vdd es k ya es algo tarde y no kisiera aplicar La Pinal, puesto que además de todo, sabes perfectamente cómo me siento con respecto a ti y a nuestra amistad; sé k eres super sensible y no t kiero hacer llorar, así k sólo diré k t kiero muchow y k eres mi Granny favorita, en serio. Gracias x ser tan sweet conmigo y tan Pocha como para hacerme sentir menos Pocha lol T voy a extrañar y no olvides k ¡Viva Yolanda Pérez! jajaja

Rubencio: Moko Face, creo k nos hemos despedido ya muchas veces, pero no kisiera irme sin recordarte lo agradecida k stoy contigo x ser como eres, y tienes razón...lo que yo gané en este tiempo vale mucho más k un chaleco (aunque reitero...un chaleco o el cd x el k moría no hubieran estado de más! jaja). Voy a extrañar horrores nuestras conversaciones matutinas...y vespertinas, ok, también las nocturnas! jaja Espero k aunke ya no esté tan cerca, no olvides mis sabias palabras xk lo k menos kiero, es k una Jalateta t rompa el corazón--recuerda k tú vales mucho y mereces respeto! Y es en serio Moko, y cuidadito tb con tus viajes en bus eh!! Cuidate mucho y no olvides k TKM!

Alright, I'm sorry if I left anyone out but there's a lot on my mind right now and well, you can only imagine.

On a last note, I added some photos from the past few weeks, you know you can find them @ the Hall of Shame. Some are under Friends and there are also some under Bands, there you'll find the pics we took from the Motel show we went to a couple of weeks ago.

Oh, I almost forget...there are also a few new Quotes.

El hottie de Motel--rawr!

Much rocker love,
Miss Independant

P.S. Thank you SO very much to all of my friends in Mexico City for the awesome response to my comeback, I can't wait to get there and see you all and hang out with out--we're gonna have a blast! Special Thanks to: Marcela, Huicho, Tere, Jimena, Christian, Yancko, Zetina, Erika, Paolation, etc!! See you soon!!

May 30, 2006

I’m right next to my office window and it’s rainning so I felt inspired by the beautiful view to write to you about something that’s important to me. I meant to write you sooner but I had to do something first and now that I have, I can talk to you all about it.

The thing is, as I had told you last time, I haven’t been feeling at my very best here in town (Jalapa) which is why I’ve been trying to look for a way out and also a way to struggle with all my fears and insecurities to, finally, be able to move out on my own, or like some people would put it...leave the nest.

Anyways, I believe the time has come now, and things have been kind of falling into place in order for me to do what I’ve wanted to do for awhile now. I finally came up with a plan that, if it’s not quite certain, is at least reliable and will get me thru while I can figure how things can work out for the best.

So, straight to the point...I am going back to Mexico City. FYI: The main goal of all of this is to study photography, I’m going to look for a job, I’ll be living with my aunt Norma for a couple of months while I am able to settle down and well, the rest will, hopefully, come along on its own and on the right time.

Now, Am I scared?...So very much! Am I excited? Like you don’t know! Am I coming back? Hopefully not...coz that’d mean I failed (though maybe not necessarily). Am I ready to fail? Not just yet, I’m SO willing to make this work and keep failure off my radar. Do I know what I’m getting myself into? I’m pretty aware of what can go wrong and how to try to avoid it, so again, I’ll do anything and everything in my power not to fail, not only for myself, but for the ones I care about. Am I eager? Too fawkin’ much! And last, but not least...Am I happy? Absolutely YES!!

Alright, I wanted to let you know about this important decision before the end of the month coz the departure day is fast approaching, I’ll be leaving June 16--yes, that’s like 2 weeks from now, but hey, if I don’t do this now, I’d probably never do it, so I wanna do it while I’m all up for it.

Now, on the site-related issues, do not worry fellow readers, I did not forget about them; I added some new Quotes and updated The Music and The Movies sections as well. Please enjoy and be happy for me!!

Jalapa in one of its finest days--weather-wise

May 9, 2006

Hello fellow readers, I'm sorry I abandoned you for a little while but I was not in the mood to come over and make an update--too many things going through my head lately. I have been looking (or trying to look) for a way out as I don't feel comfortable in this town anymore, not that I've always felt comfortable here, but now it's really getting worse, some days it gets to the point where I just can't stand it and want to get out of here running as fast as I can, well, more like fast-walking coz remember this: people running look bad. However, there's a couple of things holding me back, but I'll keep on trying to figure out a way to get away from this little personal hell this town has become for me. I yearn for the day I can go back to my previous life with all my friends and family, who truly care about me. Now, I'm not saying all of this for you to come and pamper me and stuff like that, I am just trying to let you know how I feel these days.

On to different issues, I've been told a few sections needed to be updated for a while now so I got to work on it, as I like to keep YOU, my readers, happy. For your reading pleasure, I've updated the following sections: The Music, The Movies, To Love, To Hate and The Quotes. I also added a few family pics since my silly cousin, Jessy, told me I had only one pic of my grandmother but when I went to check I realized...she's blind or maybe forgot how grandma looks coz I have more than one!! Still, I added a few more so she STFU lol.

BTW, greetings to you cousin of hell, coz I know you check up on me often, which I really appreciate--wish I could check up on you as well, wait...actually I do, but I'll definitely try to do it more often now and don't you EVER forget, no matter what...I'll be there for you, alright? Love you and miss you tons, Slothy!!

Alright, you guys, there's new stuff so I'll leave you to it.

A nice pic by Ami Barwell

April 17, 2006

So, holidays are officialy over--for most people anyways, everything's back to normal; however, we shall not feel sad for we have another holiday coming up very soon (we Mexicans, I mean). That's right, Labor Day which is this upcoming May 1st, so get ready to have another day off! Woohooo! hehe

Anyways, now let's go straight to bussines. Today, I am going to honor a section on my friend Gaby's personal site; said section is called "Cosas 100% escaneables", which is like Things 100% worth scanning or something like that.

During this holidays, after leaving town for a while and getting a sucky sunburn on my face (which is now pealing off--TMI, I know!) I came back and felt like cleaning my room, and not just clean it but clean it-clean it, you know what I mean? Like, when you start getting rid of a lot of things you find useless at that moment and stuff like that, that kind of cleaning is the one I did. Anywho, it all started (no, not just outta boredom) because a friend wanted me to scan a pic, so I had to go thru my things and all that. When going thru my stuff, I bumped into a couple of things that I thought were 100% worth scanning, 2 are from my dearest homo-nazi friend, Gaby--I saw'em and went like "awww!" lol And the other things are from my girls--M2M (from way back when they're together--2002)...needless to say the "awww!-thing" kept on coming! lol

Well, less typing, more showing (pics, of course). You can find'em all on the Miscellaneous section of the Hall of Shame.

Here's one of the things I found, it's a drawing Marion did @ one of our Traditional Surprise Parties (or so Marion called them):

Marion's Drawing for me + the EYD Fanclub

I also added some family pics, including this one hehe My little sis dressed in her Cheff uniform--don't care if she kicks me, she looks cute! lol

Gichef in character!! lol

April 12, 2006

I couldn't really wait to show you the surprise iPod I told you about so here it is, it's the Diego Santoy iPod! Personally, I liked it a lot but well, maybe it's just me, so you'd better go judge for yourself!

Oh, I also have a little video for you, it's pretty funny and you may actually identify with it lmao Check it out and laugh away!

April 9, 2006
Manuel's Bday--Happy Bday to my fave kid ever!

Today, don't really have much to say...cept I'm working on a new cotumized iPod, which I hope you'll like--personally, I think it's going to be one of my favorites hehe Can't tell you whose iPod is it coz I want it to be a surprise!

What I can show you today, are some new quotes...not many coz I dunno why but people ain't that quotable lately...or I'm too lazy to write down their quotes when they are being quotable lol Anyways, you'll find a few good ones today.

I also uploaded a couple of new Shellby pics Millo sent me, coz according to him..."there weren't enough Shellby pics!" lol Anywho, you know where to find'em.

So...holidays are coming, actually, they're here already. It's Easter and most kids are on vacation now--it'd be a pain in the ass to have kids these days, wouldn't it? haha Be a kid however, wouldn't suck since we'd have a lot of time off to do absolutely NOTHING but have a good time and be annoying--good old days! lol For grown ups thou, holidays are different, you don't usually get that many days off, but only a couple--that's if you're lucky enough. Me? I hope I'm lucky enough to get at least from Thursday-Sunday off; then I could go to my hometown coz I haven't been there at all this year (2006) and I miss it SO much, I just didn't wanna stay @ Grandma's lol But now, my friend Marcela was kind enough to offer me her place to crash--well, actually she's always offered me so, I just never took the offer, but who knows, now may be a good time to do it--one thing I do know is, it'd be hella fun! Well, I'll get back to you on that soon, laters!

P.S. Here's a funny video for you all--I know you love these ones! haha

April 5, 2006

So, to get everyone off my back, I already uploaded the pics from last Saturday. There are live shots, random shots and, of course, the official shots--those ones turned out nice!

Well, now that we're here I wanna take this opportunity to thank everyone who showed up @ the TREV Jalapa thingy; to be our (Gis and mine) first rock show it all came out really well...well, cept for a couple of details/persons...but despite some mean attitudes towards both of us, things went really great and we couldn't of had a better time!

I wanna say special thanks to all the bands that played (Melanie, Shellby, PVP, More Better, Musiquero, etc...), to all the people who came over, to all the people who helped, especially the staff (Gaby, Joss, Rubensio...), to the sponsors, to all the guys @ TREV in Mexico City who have been to this day incredibly nice and supportive towards me/us, to Carlos + Rodo (the guys @ the venue) and, last but not least, to Gichef, who I would of done nothing without--wuv ya Perrow Rockerow!!

Anyways, this was so much fun but I really don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon...unless someone nice lets me borrow their sound gear haha

Ok, so now it is all over, I REALLY, really hope that, those of you who can, actually go to the polls on July 2 and vote for whoever you think it's the best choice, all I ask you is to really think about it and try to think about what's best for the country and yourself and then, trust that you're making the best desicion. But please, whatever you do, do not waste your vote either by checking all the options, writing all over the sheet or...whatever you may think of, seriously, that'd be a really stupid thing to do, so just don't!

Ok, I think that's it for now but I'll be back soon with quotes, new costumized iPods of the week and more so stay tuned!! Laters!
Oh, BTW, you'll find the pics @ the Hall of Shame.

P.S. Note to those who stole the huge poster that was on stage: F*CK YOU, YOU F*CKING CUNTS--that's NOT the way to go (Pardon my French, it just pissed me off a bit too much)!!

Diana, Millou + Gichef--yeah, yeah...you're allowed to save the pic! lol

March 26, 2006

Hey! As you all know we're only one week away from D Day...that'd be TREV Jalapa Day!! Time went by faster than I expected, but it all has been good; we (Gichef + I) have most of the things taken care of and we just need to get the last few details done but after that...we're set and ready to rock! Everyone keeps on asking me how many people I'm expecting to come and, to be quite honest, I have no idea--I just hope enough. I know I can't change the world's mind by myself in one "night of rock" or anything, but if I contribute to change at least one mind with this, I'll be more than pleased and thankful--thou I really hope it's more than one lol And I really hope, the youth listen up and pay attention because this is a really important issue and, like I said before, united we CAN make the difference!!

Voting isn't only our obligation, it's our right--so let's use that right but please, let's be conscious about it and use it right! Mexico deserves it's youth worrie about it and do something to make it a better country for everyone. So, I hope to see you all there next week and even more of you at the polls on July 2, meantime, I leave you a video so you think about it.

Ok, and continuing with all this TREV thing, Gichef and I did a radio interview today with Rafa Flores @ Punto FM (98.5) (our sponsor Radio Station) around noon; we, obviously, talked about TREV and TREV Jalapa, what the Association is about and stuff, as well as all the details of the concert, this, hoping to reach even more people and get them to join the cause--hopefully many listeners will come over. On Monday (meaning, tomorrow) we'll do another interview @ Rafa Flores' show, on Punto FM (98.5) again, of course @ 10 PM (Mexico time). So please, make sure to tune in and let all your friends, family and people in general know so they tune in, too. Don't forget, Monday 27 @ 10 PM, Rafa Flores' show, only on Punto FM (98.5). Click the image for the link to their website so you can listen to it online:

Entrevista a TREV Jalapa en Vivo, Punto FM (98.5)--Marzo 27, 10 PM

You're totally welcome to call in and say hi!! lol

March 22, 2006

I had a couple of things that I couldn't really wait longer to show you, the first one, is my old friend Iv?n a.k.a. Pooh, rememeber him? Yup, the one who was arrested for drug-dealing, the one and only! haha Anyways, he has now been clean for 5 months already, that according to him, of course...thou he really seems to be clean...not to mention too weird to be true. Decentness simply does not agree with him--no offense, Pooh, ya know how much we wuv ya (me and Gichef)! Anyways, here's a comparative set of pics so you judge for yourself the difference. Personally, I'd go for doped Pooh lol BTW, he said he wants to tell you all his side of the story, so he'll write it and I'll publish it here so he gets his second chance.

Pooh en Porro Pooh Reformado

On, to another note...my friend Gaby (who's the Queen of leisure) took some of her leisure time and decided to dedicated to yours trully and she made her very first costumized iPod along with its playlist...which resulted as the Diana iPod Playlist!! It was SO freakin' funny I found myself crackin' up so badly I almost fell off my chair, really. So, if you wanna check it out, you know you can do it @ the always-so-popular The iPods section!! Thanks for that, iPod sis!

March 21, 2006

Okay, last time I said I added quotes but I really didn't coz I left the update right in the middle coz I had to leave--sowy about that. But, now I did put up some new quotes, a few more than usual to make up for my unfinished-update. So, you know where to find them.

That day I also wanted to show you some pics from Natalia y La Forquetina's concert last March 7th, @ the Banderilla Fair; they're kinda cool and the concert was even better. We got there thinking we were late but we were actually right on time and we ended up almost in the first row. I got one vid, too...but that one will come later on--when I'm not too lazy to upload it. Anyways, meantime you can go check the pics @ the Hall of Shame.

Natalia y La Forquerina @ Banderilla

And last, but not least...I wanna thank the guys from TREV back in my hometown who have been really nice and supportive and even featured our TREV Jalapa show on their news section--keep on rocking, guys!

Anyways, here's the link in case you wanna see for yourself:

TREV.com ft. TREV Jalapa

Well, I believe that's it for today!! Have a nice Spring beggining and enjoy your holiday!!

March 11, 2006

So, as I told you before, I am organizing this event in favor of a Civil Association called Tu Rock Es Votar (TREV), which is like the Mexican version of the US' Rock The Vote; said Association seeks to make Mexican youth aware of how important it is to vote and also tries to encourage them to do so, since it's such a big deal and elections are coming up pretty soon as we all know (July 2).

And well, they do all of this thru their speakers which are famous people: singers, bands, TV hosts and personalities, etc. They also organize concerts and such events to get to the young people and that's pretty cool so I decided I'd do my very first and own TREV show here in town and so far I must say it's been pretty good, things have turned out way better than I thought. In only a week I had the bands, the place, the time and date and, very important: the sponsors!! Today I printed out the posters and postcards so now the promotion can start off!! Here's the poster, if you think it looks cool here...you should see the real thing!

TREV Jalapa--Abril 1, 2006

March 2, 2006

Hey, it's kinda late here but I had to come and post this little link a cool guy gave me--it's pretty funny so you should check it out.

Emo Orange

BTW, I am organizing this event for TREV in Jalapa and so far it's going pretty well, far better than I expected actually, but I'll tell you more later on, when I have time and my eyes more opened lol Meantime, check that Emo vid--you'll like it! hehe

February 26, 2006

Hey there! Today, I have for you some photos from this local band called Overdrive, they're not new but I hadn't had the chance to upload'em before, so now you can check them out @ the usual spot (The Hall Of Shame/Bands).

On, to a completely different note...I believe it was last week that people celebrated the "National Girlfriends Day", I know so coz a good old friend of mine, Paula Meadows, sent me a really cool email about that, said email had a list of a few things why it is good to be a woman, which I thought it was pretty cool and funny, so, in case you didn't get this email...here's the list:

It is good to be a woman:
1. We got off the Titanic first.
2. We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.
3 Taxis stop for us.
4. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.
5. No fashion faux pas we make, could ever rival the Speedo.
6. We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves.
7. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.
8 We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end.
9. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.
10. We have the ability to dress ourselves.
11. We can talk to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.
12. We will never regret piercing our ears.
13. There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.
14. We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening!

This funny pic came attached:

Cool Granny

And last, but not least, I updated the Quotes section for those who are as quite fond of it as I am myself. Enjoy and stay around coz I have something pretty cool to tell you all, I am just working on some stuff but as soon as I have something solid, I'll let you know what it's all about.

February 15, 2006

So, I was just remembering how behind I am with the costumized iPods thingy, so I got to work on it and I bring to you...not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4, that's right, 4 new iPods--hoping that kinda makes up for the past weeks hehe And don't you worry coz, litle by little, but you'll keep on getting them.

I also added a bunch of new quotes, I've been lucky enough to collect quite a few lately--it's a hard work but someone's gotta do it, right? lol Plus, if I don't make fun of people...who will?? haha

On, to another note...I just wanna say that the "Official iPod Sisterhood" has officially (lol) begun. So far, we only have 3 members: Monica a.k.a. Granny Magic Hands, Gaby a.k.a. Do?is and myself a.k.a. Dayana; and we've had a couple of meetings already--fun ones, I tell you. And, we're now planning on doing a podcast...we're not quite sure about the way to go just yet, but you're gonna laugh your ass off, I can tell you that much. So, tay tuned and be ready to be our Podcatcher!! Meantime, we're gonna have some fun with Beyonce (Granny's iPod), Eater--current name (Gaby's iPod) and the gorgeous and awesome, Whitey (my iPod!)...and maybe even struggle a bit with them, especially with Beyonce, since it's such a rebel!! LMAO

Here's the first Official pic of the iPods on The iPod Sisterhood.

The iPod Sisterhood

February 6, 2006
Fernanda's (my lil' girl) birthday--hope you have an awesome one, kid! (yeah, as if she could read this lol)

February 4, 2006

Today, I am going to be a good citizen and talk to you about how important it is for us all to vote (which I'm sure most of you already know, but still), especially us young people, because we, my friends, are the majority!! Which basically means, the "power" is in our hands and we can actually make the difference by just stop being apathic and starting to really care about the future of our country and our own. Well, I am really not much of a speaker so I'm going to let TREV do all the work. TREV stands for Tu Rock Es Votar, which is kinda like the Mexican version of that huge campaign they did in the US called Rock The Vote.

TREV is a civil association that's very interested in getting all the Mexican youth to vote and making us realize how much it matters and how much we can do; they do all of this in the cool way, like, they get celebrities (musicians, actors and such) to be speakers of the campaign, they hold concerts to support the cause and well, a lot of things like that and if you're interested in participating in a more active way, you can always email them and let them know you'd like to help and/or how you would like to do so.

Here's the TREV banner, click on it to go to their website and remember...?Tu Rock Es Votar!

Oh, BTW, I added a few new quotes and I got a few more coming up shortly.

January 13, 2006

So, I finally updated the Music section, which I hadn't updated in about 2 months; I also put all of my pics together into one album (since now I got more space on the first one), so now you can check all of them in the same place. BTW, I added the photos from the Cow Parade thing, you'll get to see a lotta cows, each one different from the next one--hope you enjoy coz, damn, I walked too much to take all those pics! lol

On another note...Marit Larsen (former M2M member--the now-ex-blonde one) has finally made her official comeback to the world of music. She just released her first single off of her debut solo album called "Under The Surface", the single's called "Don't Save Me" and it is a lot more happy-clappy than we all expected, but still good, quite good actually; it shows a much more mature and grown-up Marit. Her talent bursts outta her lyrics and her voice is actually pretty nice to show us all that not only Marion (other M2M former half) can sing. The kinda music she is making isn't really close to what I listen to these days but it is the kinda music that grows on you, meaning, you may not like it at the very beggining, BUT, you will eventually get the hang of it and you'll end up playing it more often than you thought you would. So far, the critic has been very good to Marit and have rated the album almost as excellent! That is a pretty good sign and, us fans, all we have to do now is wait for the album release this upcoming March 6th.

And last, but not least, I wanna show you this kick ass photos by Ami Barwell, I'd already told you about her but this time you seriously gotta check out her Live Portfolio, she just put it up on her website and I...well, I was just blown away, I cannot get enough of her work, it's absolutely fabulous, not to mention she not only gets to see the best bands (Franz Ferdinand, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The White Stripes, Kasabian, Editors, etc...) live but she actually gets to shoot them--I'm SO effin jealous!! Anyways, if you actually take the time to check out the pics I'm sure you'll like them, go here and see for yourself:

Ami Barwell - Live Portfolio

This is a pic of the Jasso Family and that one, moving his head like Gordolfo Gelatina is my uncle Rodolfo hehe I told you I'd do this, uncle, hope you like it! lol BTW, if you actually sing it while looking at it, it's so much better!

Rodolfo Gelatina lmao!

I dunno why it came out kinda blury, the stupid program did it and I'm too lazy to fix it so, whatever.

January 5, 2006

I'm a woman of facts and as I promised, I put up some of the pics from Mexico City, most of them are of my family--so you guys stop bugging hehe You can now take all the pics you want (I didn't upload all of them, of course, so if you want some others...just email me, ok?). I added some quotes as well, I think I have more I just can't quite remember them right now so maybe next time.

I still owe you the "Cow Parade" pics but it shouldn't take long, and neither should the iPods so stay tuned.

P.S.The 3 Wise Men are coming tomorrow--yay! Hope they get me something! haha

January 4, 2006

OMG, I left a month go by without coming over to update and I didn't even get the chance to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year--thou that, I still can do, so...HAPPY 2006 everyone!! I truly hope this one's far better than 2005 coz it kinda sucked, didn't it?

Anyways, I'm stil very happy with my iPod thou I can't get my own vids to work totally right but oh well...I'd do with the rest of the cool features by now. So, as most of you know, I went to Mexico City for Christmas and the first few days were great--up until my grandma and one of my aunts went crazy and histeric on me, they managed to put me in a really bad mood--like, even today I am mad at them both. Anyways, enough of awkward family talk, let's move on to...to what? Oh yeah, I also got to see some of my friends and Marcela was definitely one of my friends I was more happy to see coz we hadn't seen each other in like forever so it was fun and she's just great--still very funny and protective, and somewhat corny too lol Oh, I went to a couple of museums as well, of course since we don't really have many of those in this crappy town. In all and all, the trip was good, I spent a lot of time with my lil 3-year-old cousin, Fernanda--she's such a cutie pie, I'd totally buy her or one like her LMAO You'll get to see some pics of her withing this week--when I'm not too lazy to put all my pics up. BTW, you'll also get to see some pics of these outdoor exhibit called "Cow Parade" we went to check out--it's like, costumized cows all over the city--there are a few very cool ones!!

Well, I should keep going now but I'm going to leave you a couple of links that you should definitely check out--bet you'll love'em both, especially the second one!! Here ya go:

The Ring funny stuff

Jingle Bells--backwards version

Enjoy and talk to you later!!

December 9, 2005

So, December already eh? This year went so fawkin' unbelievable fast, didn't it? Another year goes by and we...we just get older but, hopefully, we're all like good wine, you know...the older, the better haha

I really can't believe it's almosrt Christmas already and I can't believe either that I love this season, at least the beggining of it, coz most of the times I end up hating Christmas lol BUT...I've got the feeling I'm not the only one who does, I mean, I'm pretty damn sure there are a few Grinches out there reading this and probably thinking "oh gawd, fawk xmas!" just because they feel like the Christmas spirit is taking over already, yes, you know what I mean, the whole freakin' Christmas mood is out there waiting for you to get contagious of it and everything. Me?...it already did, it actually caught me and my family so we went out to get a really pretty Christmas Tree, which we decorated for a whole aftenoon--looks pretty cool I must say, I really like it and it's a natural pine so it smells so darn good.

My Christmas Tree!

By the way, since I didn't put up an iPod last week, I put 2 up this week, to make up for it. Hope you like them both, and please remember I accept any suggestions for the upcoming iPods.

November 18, 2005

A few days ago I came up with this idea that was actually inspired by this magazine called R&R (Rock & Roll), they sometimes have this kinda "celebrity coztumized iPods" made and they write a playlist with songs they think the celebrity would play on their iPod. They've just done it like a couple of times but I thought it was pretty cool and that it'd be a fun section to have around, so...from now on, you're gonna get a new "Celebrity-coztumized-iPod" every week. So, enjoy!

You can obviously check them on The iPods section! Hope you like it.

November 14, 2005

A couple of weeks ago, @ the Smoothies & Burritos Bar, along with Renton Lecter and other bands, a band called DNK played, well, like 5 or so more bands played as well, but I didn't take pics of all of them (that day I decided I'm only gonna take pics of bands whos music I like!), just Renton, DNK & Overdrive I think...so today I just uploaded the DNK pics which turned out nicer than I thought--especially the ones of that hottie named Mike who plays the guitar, he's the one who kinda has a Franz Ferdinand thing going on hehe Anyways, I liked the pics and, as usual, it was fun taking them. You can check them out @ the usual spot--that being the Hall of Shame!

BTW, tomorrow or the day after, I'll be updating the Quotes section for all of you who miss it so bad--personally, I do and I've collected a few good ones lately so they'll be up soon!

November 13, 2005

I already added the new Renton pics so you can check them out! They're obviously on the Hall Of Shame. I really gotta say those guys are good, they have a 3-song demo and the 3 of them are neat, my fave thou is the one called "Apasionada" (which would be something like "pasionate"). You can check their songs on their MySpace page, where you can also contact them for further info, check their upcoming show dates or whatever!

November 7, 2005

Yet again, you might have thought I had abandoned you, right? Well, you know I wouldn't do such thing, I've always overcame lazyness lmao

So, I'm sure you wanna hear about the MCR concert and all that. Well, truth is they're not that good live, Gerard's voice isn't quite the same as in the record, you may think "duh, obviosuly!", well, there are bands/singers who actually sound very much like in their albums or even better, but this is not the case. Plus, they created far too much expectation to be honest, I mean, come on, it's not like they're Interpol, or The Killers or *insert current hot band name here*, and waiting for them around 6 hours isn't exactly my idea of a great concert, especially if they're nor my fave band. The place was really cool thou, it was @ the Hippodrome of the Americas, the place is HUGE, like the size of Jalapa aproximately...at least the half of it anyways. The show was in the Carpa Neum?tica, which is also pretty big and my guess is it has occupancy for at least 3,000 people with enough space to breathe. I don't have pics of the thing coz even thou I was able (as usual) to sneak in my camera, I could not take it out coz they might take it away and I certainly didn't want that. I took a few pics of the stage at the beggining but then I was afraid they'd see me so I better kept it save in my bag.

BTW. Gerard Way (who on earth has Way as a lastname, I mean, seriously, who??) is really NOT THAT HOT in person, he's standing like 3-4 m away from me and let me tell you, he's definitely not what I'd call a hot guy. He looks pretty hot on the newest vid but he's got long hair again so he doesn't look that good anymore. So, to sum it all up, the show itself was just okay, definitely didn't make the top 5. I got a pretty cool PINK tee and a couple of pins and wanted to get more but Gisela told me to stop and then I realized I'm such a souvenir-pshyco, I wanted to get posters and stickers and everything they had there lol

And to finish this whole MCR experience I wanna give special THANKS to my good friend Norberto for the tix to the show--you kick ass, always have, always will!!
And also, special HATE to Veronica who works @ Warner and was s'posed to give me the tix and made me go thru that much to get them just because she's always hated me--you suck!

On to a whole different issue, I've been meaning to show you this pic of my friend Ivan a.k.a. Pooh, he got arrested for drug-dealing--now, don't give me those looks, he got arrested coz he's such an ass, seriously, I mean, he was with other 3 guys and they all ran away but he's the only one stupid enough to be caught by the cops and been drawn to jail. He got outta there fast, of course, I mean, having a couple of such influent parents...it's obvious he wouldn't last there long. The funniest thing of this all is the pic that was on the paper, OMG, I was laughing my ass so fuckin' hard when I first saw it I couldn't believe it. Diego (Mine and Pooh's common friend) asked me to scan the pic for him since he doesn't get that paper where he lives now and since I scanned it I thought I might as well share it with you all so you get a laugh yourself--please, don't be scared, he's a nice kid after all! LMAO

Take a look @ arrested Pooh!

BTW, there are some new pics up from Renton Lecter's (local band) show last October 29, and some more avatars made by as well. I'll tell you about the local concerts I've been to these past weeks later on coz I've written enough for today!

October 18, 2005

So, I have cool news, people. I am going to go see My Chemical Romance tomorrow! I kinda knew this already but I wasn't so sure so I didn't wanna brag about it and then...bam! Nothing! But now I'm sure so I can brag about it all I want lol The band's playing a show @ the Carpa Neum?tica in the Hipodromo de las Am?ricas, in Mexico City and my friend Norberto was nice enough to get me a couple of tix for me and Gichef, so we're going to rock in my hometown for a lil while...more like a day to be exact. We're leaving tonight @ midnight and we're coming back tomorrow night...I guess. We're both really excited but I think I am more excited than Gichef coz I love going to MC and she...not so much.
Anyways, Special Thanks to Norberto for still being such a cool guy--always has, always will!!

I hope they allow cameras in or I'll have to sneak mine in again if they don't haha If I get some MCR pics, I'll show'em to you when I get back and I'll tell you how it went. Plus, I'm gonna show you a real funny pic I already have but I'm too lazy to post right now, so stay tuned! Later!!

October 14, 2005
Not getting older, just wiser!

As most of you may know, today's my bday and as some of you may know...I hate my bday! The reason? None of your bussiness. Anyways, as I'm getting older I thought this would be a good time to kinda "reflect" on what this year have been for me. It hasn't been the nicest year of all, starting off with the fact that I'm not in my hometown, which I miss so much and I'm not with my family and friends whom I miss like crazy every-freakin'-day!

This year, I tried to reach out for one of my goals which is to study photography at the local Uni--didn't make it; however, that's so not gonna stop me from getting there, I know what I want and I know I'll get it sooner or later. I guess you can take this as a downtime, but I'll get back on my feet real soon--hopefully.

One of the best things that's happened while living here is how close my sister and I have become, we've always been close but we used to fight a lot about anything and everything, just like every little girl; now we still fight, but it isn't that often and they're just regular fights (most of them anyways), but the thing is, I've found in her one of my best friends and (I'm such a pussy for saying this, but...) she's the best sister I could of ever asked for!!

On the other hand, the relationship with my mom has somewhat grown apart; sad, I know, but it's just that...I dunno, maybe her diffucult age (40's) and my insolence can't seem to get along and now it's me and her who fight like 8 year-olds and I hate it. This year, she got me a bday card and a lil "Good For" on it; it was a "Good for anything you want so I can't go wrong"--sounds pretty cool, I know, however, it's a bit sad coz it means she no longer knows me like she used to. For previous bdays she used to sneak in with my sister into her room and wrap my presents (which she perfectly know I'd love) there so I wouldn't find out and they could both surprise me very early in the morning on my bday and it was great because even though I get cranky when they wake me up too early, I loved that and sometimes I wish things could go back to what they were. I'm a grown-up now, I know, so what? We all need our mom's, always have, always will and you all gotta agree with me on this one! Anyhow, I'm trying to work on our relationship but it is kinda hard so it might take a while, but I know my mom and I'm sure we'll get back on track.

Alright, enough whipping for now, I just wanna send a huge hug to all my family and friends who come by to check up on me--I miss you and love you all very much!!

Okay, there, a little Diana's soul-baring talk--hope you enjoyed coz you know you don't get much of these from me.

P.S. Presents are welcomed @ my place anytime now. And for the local friends--see you tonight!

October 11, 2005

So, lazyness striked out again and I stopped coming for a few days, not that you're missing much thou. However, I did wanna wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to 2 of my oldest and best friends: Huicho & Teresa. I've known them both for like half my life, well, actually Teresa and I met when we were 11 so it's been more than half our lives. I'm glad to say even thou we live far from each other, we're still good friends and we keep in touch very often. They both kick some ass, not to mention they're both Libra's, of course! hahaha Anyways, Huicho had a bday on the 29 (September) and Tere had it on the 3, I did wish'em both a Happy Bday but I wanted to do it here, so...Happy Birthday, you guys!

So, I went to see Aneurisma again last weekend, they played @ the Plaza Lerdo in downtown--the worst venue ever! And they have such bad luck, that when it was time for them to go on stage, it started raining so hard, of course--pffft! But it wasn't that bad, I'm even starting to like their sound and all, turns out they even have some pretty good tunes! haha I took pics (of course!) but I haven't had much time to work on them, maybe this week thou. In the meantime, you can check out the website I've made for them:

Aneurisma's Site

September 26, 2005

So, last Saturday's show was kinda fun. Turns out my friend asked us to be @ the door selling the tickets and marking ppl's hand so they could go in and out as they wanted. At first, it was boring, then it got better and it was fun, but then...I got sick of people and all I wanted was to get in and check out the bands that were playing. In the meantime, I kept myself entertained looking @ some hot guys over there and talking my sis and my friend Gaby. Luckily, the place was packed so they stopped allowing people to enter anymore and we, of course, didn't have to keep on selling tix and we could go inside and watch the show.

So we went inside and there was this band, which name I can't remember but they're playing kinda ska or something like that, they were just okay...after they're done, it was Aneurisma's (my friend's band) turn. They went up on stage and started tunning up a bit and as soon as they're done, they started up their show. They played for about half an hour or so...I don't think I'd listened to them live so this was my first time. No, wait, I had listened to them but it was just a rehearsal. Anyways, they have a few really weird songs but they also have good ones, I especially liked this one song called "Waterloo". I must say the drummer guy is really good even thou he's the youngest of all *thumbs up @ him*.

As it obvious, I took some pics of them while playing, I put up a few of them @ the Hall of Shame in case you wanna check'em out. Hope you like'em, and if you don't...well, too bad coz I do! lol jk Any comments about the pics or anything else, there's the Guestbook--use it!

Afterwards, we went to take a lil walk over downtown since I'd been wanted to take some night shots of it for a while now and I took the chance to do so. I am really glad to say that the town I live in is a very safe town, I mean, honestly, I'd never be walking in the middle of the night in Mexico City's downtown--not without a tough guy by my side to protect me thou lmao Anyhow, the towns looks pretty neat at night, much better than during the day...but then again, it's maybe the townies that ruin it all! I also took some pics there and I think they're pretty decent for Jalapa hahaha. Well, I'm off now. Later!

September 22, 2005
Aunt's Lupe Bday--have a great one, aunt!!

Well, as I promised, here's the Avril video, well, it's actually just one song "Sk8r Boi", one of the best from the whole concert!! I warn you, it might take a while, of course...the faster is your connection, the faster it'll download--duh! Anyways, if you call yourself an Avril fan, you definitely gotta download it. The image is not the closer to the stage, BUT, the sound is pretty decent. Anyways, just check it yourself!

Sk8r Boi Live, Mexico City

Note: Please, do not share all over there, this is just for friends, alright?

Tiny Not-So-Amargator-Anymore @ her Press Conf., Mexico City

Here's a pic of the Tiny-Not-So-Amargator-Anymore @ her Press Conference in Mexico City.

And for those of you who are not Avril Fans, don't worry, I got something for you, too! It's a pretty funny video, it is as short as it is funny!

Check it out here!

September 14, 2005
Daniel's Birthday!

Happy Bday to my cousin who made me walk like mad yesterday to look for a damn guitar string!! Have fun, cos!

Ok, now on to the Avril story. As some of you know, I went to Avril's concert in Mexico City (my hometown) yesterday and well, here's a little something about the show. Generally speaking, it was a pretty good concert, one of my faves, actually. Avril had so much energy as I had never seen before in any of her shows; I went to see her back in 2002 and she was a bit different, she is now more mature (of course), more confident on stage and you can tell now she enjoys it and she knows hot to have her fun, which is pretty awesome coz it makes it more enjoyable for the audience. The sound was good, although her voice was a bit strange, she was singing a bit too loud, I remember her voice being lower before, but it was still good. The venue (Sports Palace) was totally packed, you don't see that place to it's fullest very often but Avril managed to pull it off and not only that but also managed to have the whole audience singing along to every single song--which was pretty awesome! I think there's only one song people didn't sing (Always Get What I Want), but outta that one...we all sang along to every word!

There were a couple of things I didn't like thou, such as the fact that she held one of her electric guitars and started "playing", I quote it because she wasn't really playing, she was just pretending!! Pfffft!! She did play the acoustic guitar thou. Another bad thing is that the show only lasted 1:10 hrs; last time it lasted 1 hr and she had only one album, so now she has 2 I assumed she'd sing for 2 hrs but I guess I was wrong.

She sang around 16 songs or so, and included a couple of covers, one by Blink 182 (All the Small Things) and the other one by Blur (Song # 2). I managed to take my camera inside (we weren't s'posed to) but couldn't take any pics or they'd take my cam away, BUT, I managed to record 2 songs with it hehe I recorded "Sk8r Boi" (one of my faves) and "Complicated" (the classic one lol). I will later put the video up here.
Anyway, before leaving for home, I bought a kick-ass black-avril-jacket a few stickers, a cup (which I accidentaly broke only half an hour later lol) and that's it. The whole thing was fun and I enjoyed myself very much so!!! Avril rocks!!

Here's the setlist in case you were wondering about it:
- Sk8r Boi
- Unwanted
- Happy Ending
- Always Get What I Want
- Mobile
- I'm With You
- Fall To Pieces
- Don't Tell Me
- Together
- Forgotten
- Nobody's Home
- Who Knows
- Losing Grip
-Take Me Away
- He Wasn't
- All The Small Things
- Song #2
- Complicated.

On the Song #2 she played drums, and she also played piano on Together and Forgotten if I'm not mistaken. So, to sum it all up...would I go see Avril's show again? Absolutely!!

BTW, much thanks to my friend Huicho for cutting off class to hang out with me--really appreciate it!! Oh, and also thanks to Erika for holding my Avril ticket for so long! hehe

P.S. The chances to go see Interpol have definitely grown these days and if everything goes well, Huicho will be getting me a ticket tomorrow--AWESOME!!

September 10, 2005
Ivan's Birthday!

Happy Bday to my cousin Ivan wherever he is *xoxo*.

I got good news today, Interpol is playing in Mexico City again, which is absolutely AWESOME, besides of course, being a sign--yes, it is a sign telling me that this time I must go! The Gods of the Alternative music have arranged this to happen for me, I know it! lmao They're playing again this upcoming September 22 and I'm trying to convince Marcela to come along even thou she already saw'em live last Monday. I know she's a great friend and will come with me or else...she knows I'll get all cranky! lol Marceluchis, if you're reading this, PLEASE come with me, remember I'm one of your fave friends ever haha Would you?? Pretty pleasee! Ahem, okay, enough begging for today.

On to a complete different issue, I recently found my new role model, she's a Music Photographer (of course), her name's Ami Barwell and I must say her work is absolutely AWESOME, not to mention her website, which is also pretty original and fun! You should check it out, I bet you'll like and enjoy her work almost as much as I do. Ami Barwell's Website

Also added some other links of other photographers who's work I really like. You can find the links on...ummm, the Links section--duh!!

I was going to tell you about something else but I can't remember what it was--pffft, my alzheimer! Anyways, I guess I'll tell ya when it comes back to me. Later!

September 7, 2005

Today, I am addressing especially and specifically to the people who like fur. Why? Well, my friend Diego sent me a link to this video where they mistreat animals and beat them up to death with the only purpose or taking off their fur and turn it into fur coats and whatnot. The images you'll witness in the video are extremely brutal and somewhat gross--I could only bare watching half of it! Anyways, hope none of you like fur, seriously, what people do with those animals is just wrong and that's coming from someone who doesn't have any sympathy for animals.

Watch how fur is obtained here

Next time, I'll come back with something much less gross and much more fun--promise!!

September 3, 2005

I'm back and I'm sorry for the lack of updates but this time it wasn't my fault nor my lazzyness that didn't let me come but the phone company; yes, as many of you know, due to the awful storms striking everywhere lately, my phoneline was broken for about 2 weeks, that's 2 weeks without Internet at home--which is like a lifetime!! lol

Anyways, now I'm back and I'm gonna keep on updating regularly. I have some very cool stuff to show you all!

Rock on by Diana

I toally liked this photo and thought I'd add the rock on thing.

August 22, 2005

I was surfing the net and I bumped into these 2 kill bill-related links, which I found very funny so I wanted to show you all hehe If you saw Kill Bill and liked it, you'll like this:

Kill Bill...Gates

Kill Bill DVD (no, is not a link to buy the DVD!)

BTW, Victory Season (formed by Brian, ex-Save Ferris member and his wife, Steph) is releasing their first EP this upcoming September 12!! You can buy it at their Official Website or just listen to some tracks on their Myspace account!!

Whatever you decide, please make sure to check'em out--they're pretty awesome and nice people, too!

August 20, 2005
Marcela's Birthday!

Before anything, I wanna say HAPPY BDAY to my dearest friend Marcela, who today turns...umm, okay, okay, I won't say how many years coz who knows, she might get offended! lol Although, now that I didn't wanna mention your age people might think you're old, Marce! haha jk And even if you're old, it's okay coz you're still one of the most awesome people I've ever met and I wuv ya tons. I'm sowy I couldn't be there with you to celebrate but I will see you soon, so be aware lol Have an awesome one!!

Moving on, I bring for you...

"The Blood-Splattered Pizza Guy"

This whole thing started because I know this guy who I went to dinner with the other day (he's just a workmate thou) and we went to a pizza place and during the convo, somehow weird things such as allergies came up and he said he's allergic to various things (actually, to many to name them all!). Among those things, was pizza--yes, yes, I know what you're thinking: "WTF with this guy?!, same thing went thru my head when I heard it.

Thing is, not only he is allergic to pizza, BUT, he actually bleeds (yes, you are reading right, bleeds!!) when he eats it. However, is not just any pizza that makes him bleed, but the pizza from Domino's and Pizza Hut. That was so awesome I thought he was joking, but he wasn't--pretty weird stuff eh?

So, now I joke about it every chance I get, of course, and I even told him when I make a movie I'm gonna have it divided in chapters (very Tarantino-like) and I'm gonna have a special little chapter dedicated to him and it'll be called "The Blood-Splattered Pizza Guy"--in honor to the chapter called "The Blood-Splattered Bride" featuring on Kill Bill. Wouldn't it just be totally awesome and absolutely funny??? Best part is, he (his name's Alex) wants to play himself on it!! LMAO He says that way I won't have to spend so much money in production and special FX since he'll be doing all the bleeding naturally.

August 17, 2005

First of all, I wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my fave cousin ever, my Slothy cousin, THE cousin: Jessica!! She turns 17 today and I feel really bad coz I can't be there to celebrate with her--bummer! Anyways, Slothy, hope you have an AWESOME bday and lotsa fun, also hope to see ya soon, we have a lot of catching up to do! Wuv ya tons!!

On, to other issues...Rammstein is coming to Mexico City this upcoming October 6 @ the Sports Palace, I'm not so much of a fan but hey, it's a trip to my hometown and you know what it means, right? Plus, concerts are always fun, ya know, moshpits, souvenirs, bunch of assholes (as usual), noise and of course, lotsa fun!! So, I might be going so if you are too, let me know, ok?

Hmmmm, I was gonna tell you something else that I just can't recall right now, so I guess I'll tell you later on.

August 13, 2005

So, Gichef found this image of Willy Wonka the guy from Good Charlotte made and since she's so obsessed with it (even thou she says she's not--yeah, right!), I thought I'd make her a lil something and then since I have nothing better to do, I thought I'd show you lol So, here you go!

Willy Wonka by Diana

P.S. Singing along makes it even funnier and more fun, too! haha

August 11, 2005

So, again almost a month has gone by with me hardly coming to check up on you guys, well I'm sorry I was just distracted and I had almost forgot about this place...until Gabriela reminded me of it again and well now...Here I Aaaaaaaaaaaaam (lol got that?) Anyways, there's not much to say really. Work is just fine--even fun at times! Dunno if I had already told you but I got a ticket to see Avril in her upcoming show at Mexico City's Sports Palace, it's gonna be awesome!! I saw her live once and I totally loved it and now it's a bigger show and she's got a new album so, hopefully, it'll be even better!!

Oh, guess what? We got a new comp--it's so much fun! haha I get to do all the usual silly things I do, only faster hahaha

What else was I gonna say? ... Oh yeah, my sis starts school next Monday--Gastronomy, how exciting is that? For us at least, she'll get to do what she likes and I'll get good food lmao Can't wait to see her wearing that funny uniform--hope you're not reading this sloth!!
Alright, that's it for now. Later!

July 16, 2005

I know it's been quiet around the site for quite a while (almost a month!) but not much was happening, well, not much is happening now either haha but I decided to drop by and let you know I'm still around. We've been in this house for a bit more than a month now and it's been nice, I like my room a lot!

On another issues...I got a new job (pfffft, yet another one!). I'm s'posed to coordinate the accountance of 2 enterprises, which is kinda weird since numbers aren't exactly my thing, but well, I guess we'll see.

In the meantime, I'm getting ready for my trip to Mexico City in late August, I'll go see Marion since she'll be there for a week or so--hopefully, it'll be fun!

Last week, I went to this local concert where a few local bands and one from Mexico City played. They all played different kinds of music, but it was rock and ska mainly--both which I really like. To be honest, they local bands were okay but one band that came from my hometown (called Musiquero) was the best; I mean, you could actually tell the difference between them and the rest of the bands, these guys had...experience, and also played a whole lot better--especially the bassist. The show was cool and we (me + Gichef) met the guys from Musiquero, they turned out to be pretty cool and since we're all Chilangos (from Mexico City) there was this vibe between us all and it was cool. The manager was pretty nice, too--prolly the nicest of all. Anyway, it was a fun evening filled with music and hot, hot heat!! If you'd like to check Musiquero's music, you can go to
Musiquero's My Space Page and you can check some pics from that day at the usual spot (Hall Of Fame)!

June 18, 2005

So, I'm now settled in my new house (soon-to-be-home) and I gotta say the moving was pretty fuckin' EXHAUSTING but all worth it in the end. I totally love my new room, I decorated it just the way I wanted--now there are only a couple of details yet to be done. You can check pics of it on the Hall Of Shame section.

Currently not much is happening with me, but I'm hoping I'll have some news by next week.

On the, now usual, Marion note; her first single Break You will be out this Monday 20th on radio and TV so make sure to catch her!!

May 30, 2005

A lot of things are going on now, I'll start by telling you about my practice exam. It was all weird and even kinda awkward in the first part (morning); but in the end it all went okay. They did a little interview previous to the real one to take place later in the afternoon. However, having that interview wasn't a good thing, not because of the interview itself but because it meant that you didn't take the lab test (a test where they make you prove you know how to use a photo lab), so I guess you can call that starting off with the wrong foot.

Anyways, it was around 5 PM when I arrived to the Arts Faculty for the real interview. People started going in one by one, of course, and it took'em around 20 minutes for the whole interview and briefcase-showing and whatnot, which wasn't really long but when you're waiting, minutes can turn into long hours and 20 mins may seem like a lifetime!! It was 30 minutes past 6 PM, I finally got in and it turns out there were 5 professors to do the interview, not 4, like with the other guys. At first I didn't know what to expect because of some comments I'd heard from the people who was interviewed before me but in the end it all turned out really well. All the professors showed genuine interest in my work and that made me feel good. By the end of the interview they're all laughing...with me and not at me, which was the best thing! Haha I really don't know what's going to happen because I'm very aware the chances to actually get in are REALLY slim, but I know I gave it a try and just that is enough for me...for now. We'll see what happens and I'll keep you posted.

On another note, I'm moving to another house (still with mom and sis). It's cool coz I'll get to decorate my new room and changes are always good, what's awful and I really hate is the actual move, I hate moving and packing and unpacking and all that stuff--Ugh!! I believe the moving will be next weekend.

And last but not least, there's a Marion note (obviously) lol As you may have heard, her album will be out (in Asia and that side of the world) until June 6, but, we can listen to her whole album (except bonus tracks) right now thanks to MTV Asia! To be honest, there are some songs that aren't that good, but still, most of the album is pretty good! Here's the link so you can check it out:

Listen to Marion's Album "Here I Am"

May 24, 2005

So, my theoretical exam for the Photography major was on Saturday and it was oddly too easy to be true--weird eh? Well, I hope it's a good thing. The practice one is tomorrow and I'm kinda anxious about it, not nervous, just anxious--I guess we'll see how I do. Due to different situations (all outta my hands) my briefcase is not done yet, BUT, at least I already have everything I need; now all I do have to do is put it all together and that shouldn't take long so it'll be finished by today and tomorrow...tomorrow's D Day! Wish me luck, people!

Oh, also tomorrow's Marion's birthday (the big 2-1--that's 21 in case you don't get it lol) so in case I can't make any updates around here, make sure to send her a bday greeting, alright?

May 18, 2005

Well, I am now back home from Mexico City and I gotta say I had good time. I did a little bit of everything: from sightseeing to almost getting kicked outta the White Stripes' concert! lol This was such a fun-relaxing week and it helped me to forget about the sucky things going on before I left so I'm much better now.

I also visited my friends at Warner Music--as usual, that's fun and entertaining. Thanks to Norberto I got to listen to Marion's whole new album and I tell ya, it rocks!! It has this Avril sound to it but with a much better voice. I also made my obligated visits to Starbucks and Mix Up--wish we had a couple of those here in town! Me and my family went to this little town called Tepotzotlan, which is outside the city and is very beautiful and all traditional, we ate and spent most of the day there. I shopped for some CD's, a book, a DVD, accesories and just stuff.

Now, on Saturday me and my friend Huicho went to the White Stripes' concert at the Sports Palace. At 8 PM a band called Green Horse opened for them and played for about 45 minutes, they're not bad, but they're not great either, they're kinda like Jet actually. A few minutes after 9 PM Jack and Meg White came on stage and started rocking. To be honest, I can't remember which song they opened with lol but I do remember they played some of their big hits such as "Hotel Yorba", "I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself", "Fell In Love With A Girl", "The Hardest Button To Button" and, of course, "Seven Nation Army", which they did for the encore. That's gotta be one of the best songs I've heard live ever--wish I had it on video. I could of have it on video since I managed to introduce my camera to the venue (which isn't allowed--unlike the US/Canada) but as I was taking some pics during the show I got busted by a security guy and he came right up to me and was like "would you mind joining me?" and I had to take my camera to the place where they keep the bags and stuff that can't be introduced, otherwise, they would of kicked me outta the place right away! haha It was fun thou, and the good thing is, I still got the few pics I took before they took the camera away! mwhaha Afterwards, when the show was over I had to go out and buy a souvenir--it's tradition. I got a pretty cool (red) jacket, the rest of the stuff wasn't so cool so that's all I got...oh, that and some stickers for my guitar and my sister's. To sum it all up: it was a good concert and I had a great time!

P.S. Special thanks to my aunt Norma (THE aunt) who let me crash at her place--it was fun!

May 9, 2005

Since I happen to have some free time in my hands, I decided I'll pay a visit to my hometown. I'm planning on being there for a week and take advantage to do as many things as possible and also to see as many friends as possible, too. So you guys down there: be ready!

Among the things I'll be doing there will be attend to The White Stripes' concert next Satudarday at the Sports Palace, I'm going with my friend Huicho (my concerts' buddy)--it should be fun! I'll tell you all about it when I come back.

On another note...tomorrow's Mothers' Day so I wanna say Happy Mothers'd Day to all the mom's I know, especially of course, to mine, who btw is THE mom!! Love ya tons, mom--you rock!

May 7, 2005

Bad news people: I got fired from my job. Why? Because life's unfair and the coordinator who was my boss is a complete bitch, and believe me when I say BITCH! She fired me for, like, no reason, however, I can't take legal action because the company makes you sign a resign form when you sign a contract, so there--it's all fucked up, I know, but that's how it is, what are you gonna do?

But hey, let's see the bright side here, I get to go to my hometown and spend some time there--that's pretty cool!

April 25, 2005

So, this week should be exciting since Marion Raven (ex-M2M) is supposed to be releasing her first single off her debut solo album Here I am, called "Break You". As many of you know, I was/am a M2M fan so, obviously, I'm looking forward to check Marion's new stuff out and to have her back in Mexico doing some promo work--that should be fun!!

If you haven't heard either M2M or Marion...what are you waiting for? It's pop music, but it's pop music really well done, I mean it! BTW, my friend Silvy and I have a website for Marion so you might wanna check it out. Here's the link:

Marion Raven Friends

March, 2005

At the time, I combine my work at A&P with some chilling and relaxing! Haha No, truth is, I just started to work on my briefcase to present it on the exam to apply to the career of photography (which will be in a couple of months). It's supposed to be a black & white briefcase and I gotta say I'm really inspired and there are tons of things I have in mind that I wanna capture--hopefully, it'll turn out nicely. There are actually some of the pics I've taken up in the Hall of Shame section already, in case you wanna check them out and, if you do, your feedback on them would be much appreciated!

November, 2004

Currently, I have a job as an English Teacher and I just finished studying advertising. I wanted to go back to Mexico City and study photography starting the next year, but the recent trip I took to my hometown made me change my mind and realized I don?t wanna go back there, at least not in this point of my life; instead, I?ve decided I?ll stay here in Jalapa a little longer and I?m still planning on studying photography, of course, but now I wanna do that here at the UV *the state University*, hopefully, that?s what I?ll be doing. Meantime, I get to chill and relax and do what I like such as watching movies at home, going to the movies, listening to music, do some designing stuff and going out with friends.



© 2004 - 2009 Diana Verdin